A Little Bit of Boy Talk.

Summer Love.

"Were you guys talking about me?" Ji Min said as she watched the two teenage guys pushing Jihoo on the swing.

They were hanging out at the park after finishing their ice cream.

The boys stared at her and gaped.

"You were, weren't you?" Ji Min said.

"N-no we're weren't," Myungsoo defended.

"Then why are you stuttering?" Ji Min teased. "Gosh, you sound so guilty. The way you looked at me when I asked you showed it all."

"And gosh, you sound so cocky," Sungyeol retorted.

Ji Min grinned.

"I like your friend," she said to Myungsoo, pointing at Sungyeol.

Sungyeol glanced at Myungsoo and wiggled his brows. Myungsoo only scoffed at Sungyeol.

"Don't get too cocky now," Ji Min added. "I don't like you like that."

"Oh, then who do you like?" Sungyeol teased.

"Myungsoo," she said casually.

Myungsoo's and Sungyeol's eyes widened and the both of them froze at the honesty.

"Wow," was all Sungyeol could say. Meanwhile, Myungsoo was still shocked. A girl beat him into confessing.

"Don't think about it as a confession. It wasn't," Ji Min said.

"Just what exactly does she mean?" Sungyeol whispered to Myungsoo who only shrugged in response.

"Jihoo ah, come here!" Ji Min said while the two boys were busy thinking about what Ji Min had meant.

"Snap out of it, already!" Ji Min said as she approached the guys. She snapped her fingers in front of their dazed faces at carried Jihoo instead, who didn't go to her. "Let's go back. It's getting cold."

The four of them returned Myungsoo's home and were then told to wait in the living room for dinner.

"Ji Min, what did you mean by 'you like' 'Myungsoo'?" Sungyeol asked, quoting on the words. His curiosity was eating him. He was like that, whenever he was curious, he had to know.

"I like Myungsoo better than you. But I don't mean it that way either," Ji Min said.

"Okayyy," Sungyeol said, not really convinced with the answer even if it was the truth. "Well then, do you like someone else? Do you have a boyfriend or something?"

"I don't have a boyfriend," Ji Min answered, not bothering to look up at Sungyeol from playing with Jihoo. "I do like someone at crush level."

"Who?" both Sungyeol and Myungsoo asked.

"Jang Geun Seok..." Ji Min replied quickly.

There was a moment of silence until Sungyeol quickly jumped up from the couch.

"Ya! That's a celebrity!" he exclaimed. He realized they were played.

Ji Min giggled, letting the laughter out from keeping it. She had been keeping it since she answered.

"I know," she said. "I can't believe you almost fell for that."

"I almost did," Sungyeol answered. "Almost. Honestly, Ji Min ah, you like someone don't you? Why don't you share it?"

"I barely know you, why the hell would I tell you?" Ji Min said.

Sungyeol harumphed and let the subject drop. Myungsoo was about to say something when his mom interrupted, announcing that dinner was ready.

Dinner was quite a noisy event. Sungyeol and Myungsoo talked a lot and shared a lot of stuff they did at school. Ji Min listened and from time to time would add a remark.

After dinner, Sungyeol and Myungsoo went to Myungsoo's room to help Sungyeol with his stuff. Ji Min showered after she gave Jihoo to Mrs Kim to be put to sleep. When Ji Min finished showering, Sungyeol was already waiting outside the bathroom with a towel.

"I'm curious," Sungyeol began as Ji Min exited the bathroom and Sungyeol stood by the doorway. "What do girls do in the bathroom that would take them so long to finish?"

"I dressed up in there, for your information," Ji Min replied. "I only took 30 minutes."

"Well, 30 minutes is a lot," Sungyeol said. "Back at our school, 30 minutes is a waste of time. All it takes for us to shower is 10 minutes, although they do give us 15 minutes to do that."

"You don't have to tell me," Ji Min said. "Myungsoo already told me those parts."

"Oh, then did he tell you that he likes you?" Sungyeol said quickly. When he realized what he had just said, he quickly covered his mouth.

"What?" Ji Min asked, clearly hearing it, but wanted a confirmation.

"N-nothing," Sungyeol said guiltily and shuffled inside the bathroom and closed the door.

"Weird," Ji Min mumbled and retreated to her room. "Maybe being isolated in a school with boys puts you on crack."

She immediately pushed the conversation out of her thoughts and continued to dry her hair so that she could sleep soundly.

When her hair was dry enough, she laid down on her bed and closed her eyes, expecting sleep to come. When she was surely almost asleep, Jihoo cried, which was not a good sign.

"Oh dear," she said as she stood up.

She hurriedly rushed to Jihoo's room and found him sitting up from his crib.

"Are you sure you're 3 years old? Oh god," Ji Min groaned and went to silence Jihoo. "What's the problem, baby?"

"Nightmare," the 3 year old answered.

"Oh dear," Ji Min mumbled worriedly. She never likes it when Jihoo gets a nightmare.

Not because it ruins her sleep, but because the child wouldn't be able to sleep.

"Shh, don't worry, noona is here. She won't leave you," Ji Min said. 

She got the comfortable single chair from the corner of Jihoo's room and laid it next to the crib. She sat down on it and gazed at Jihoo who as staring at her wide eyed, his thumb on his mouth.

"Do you want to sleep in noona's arms?" Ji Min asked and Jihoo nodded.

She scooped Jihoo from the crib and into her arms. She comfortably leaned on the chair and patted Jihoo's back.

"Would you like noona to sing for you?" Ji Min asked again.

Jihoo nodded and Ji Min started to hum and sing some parts of a lullaby, slowly putting the little boy to sleep.


"L, she's just going to hum Jihoo to sleep, let's go..." Sungyeol whispered to Myungsoo, careful not to give themselves away.

Myungsoo and Sungyeol were watching Ji Min, from the slight crack of the door of Jihoo's room, hum and cradle Jihoo to sleep. They saw Ji Min ask Jihoo what his problem was until the recetn scene in front of them.

Myungsoo was still reluctant to go and was glued to where he was standing.

"Come on," Sungyeol urged in a low voice.

Seeing that Myungsoo wouldn't be leaving any moment, Sungyeol grabbed Myungsoo's collar and dragged him to his room, choking Myungsoo in the process.

When they were inside Myungsoo's room, Sungyeol let go.

"Yah, what was that for? You almost choked me to death!" Myungsoo said, gripping the skin of his neck which was stinging.

"You looked like you weren't going to move any time soon," Sungyeol answered and sat on Myungsoo's bed. "You really, really like her don't you?"


"You do. You really do. She's got you," Sungyeol said and pretended to shoot an arrow on Myungsoo's chest.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Myungsoo sat on the other side of his bed.

"Okay, are you going to confess or not? Because, really, if you won't, I will," Sungyeol said.

Myungsoo turned his head to Sungyeol's direction and glared at him. Before Myungsoo could say anything, Sungyeol raised his hands in defense.

"No!" Sungyeol said. "I didn't mean it like that! I'm not going to confess to her. I'm going to confess your feelings to her."

"You wouldn't," Myungsoo said.

"Actually, I already did," Sungyeol said, and Myungsoo gasped at his reply. "Actually, I don't know. Almost. I think. I almost told her."

"What exactly did you tell her?" Myungsoo said as he hovered towards a cowering Sungyeol.

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean it! I slipped!" Sungyeol defended. "She didn't seem to hear me! Don't worry!"

"Aaaaargh!" Myungsoo growled at Sungyeol who hid his face with a pillow.

"If I get rejected, I'll kill you," Myungsoo threatened and threw a pillow at Sungyeol before laying comfortably on his bed.

Sungyeol laid down too, with a good distance away from Myungsoo.

"Don't worry, she won't. She's too nice to be someone to reject you," Sungyeol said. "And if she does, don't worry, it won't be heartbreaking. Although it's going to hurt your pride. It's not like you love her yet..."

"Hmm..." was all Myungsoo could reply.

"A broken heart is worse than a broken ego. Or something like that," Sungyeol said. "You caught a good one though. Make sure you don't let her go if she ever decides to settle with you. From the way she acts and stuff, she's one of a kind. The way she takes care of your brother. And the way she treats us."

"I know," Myungsoo replied.

"I'm going to tell you this honestly, L. I'm starting to like Ji Min even if I just knew her today. But don't worry, I don't like her the way you do. All I could see in her is a little sister."

"Right," Myungsoo mumbled.

"I'm serious! Anyway, I can't believe she came from Seoul Girls'. I mean, Seoul Girls'! She must've been rich! I mean, of course. The first time I saw her, from her looks and the way she would act, even doing the slightest chore, there's a hint of, you know, classy-ness, in her. But she's far from what I've heard about the girls there though."

"Why? What'd they say about the girls there?"

"They say, the girls are really rich. My cousin, well, he used to go to Oedae, but he graduated already. During his sophomore year, of course, there's the Sophomore party, they were paired with the girls from Seoul Girls'. At first, they seem to be really conservative and such, that some of the guys of his batch got their girlfriends there. But then, the longer you get to know them, the clingy they become. And then they're really mean to people who aren't in the same class as them," Sungyeol said.

"Yeah, I think I heard that from Sunggyu hyung," Myungsoo said.

"Oh, I heard that from him too. He dated one from Seoul Girls' when he was a sophomore. He broke up with the girl a month later because he said she kept on sending him letters that were really irritating. And during the weekend break that they could get outside, the girl wouldn't let him hang out with his friends," Sungyeol said and chuckled.

"Yeah, good thing he's a senior now. And was he dating this girl from a public school?"

"Yeah, they've been dating after his sophomore year, he told me."

"I guess public school girls are better," Myungsoo said.

"I guess so. Nobody really ended up with a girl from Seoul Girls'. You know what I mean?" Sungyeol asked and sat up looking at Myungsoo who shook his head.

"I mean, have you ever heard a guy from Oedae getting married to a girl from Seoul Girls'? No?" Sungyeol said and Myungsoo shook his head again. "Yeah. Girls from Seoul Girls' are too high class."

"I guess so..."

"Hey, what's Ji Min's last name again?" Sungyeol asked.

"Jung? Why?" 

"Nothing. I just thought it was familiar. I mean, there are a lot of Jung Ji Mins in Korea anyway," Sungyeol said, suddenly recalling something but couldn't fully remember it, shaking his head.

Just then, a thought suddenly came into Sungyeol's mind.

"Wait! Aaaah, where's your computer?" Sungyeol asked.

"There's a laptop on the desk drawer," Myungsoo answered. "Mom and dad bought it. They thought I could take it with me at Oedae. What are you going to do with it?"

Sungyeol opened the drawers of Myungsoo's study desk until he found the laptop and turned it on.

"Internet," Sungyeol said. "Ji Min's name is so familiar that I really want to know more about her."

"Then why don't you ask her?" Myungsoo suggested.

"I'm afraid she won't answer me with the answers I want," Sungyeol said as the laptop screen revealed the plain wallpaper and the applications on it. "And besides she's probably asleep."

He hastily clicked on the internet browser and went to a search engine site. Myungsoo went to his ever so curious friend and hovered, looking at the screen too.

'Jung Ji Min + Seoul Girls' High School' Sungyeol typed.

There were a few search results, but the first one was the most relevant, and the article had caught their eye.

"OH. MY. GOD." Myungsoo and Sungyeol both uttered as they saw the article.

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Chapter 30: Omonaaaa! This is freaaakingg amazing author nim! Likeee it so cuttteee and funny and fluffyy and sweettt! Danngg author nim u made me feel all the emotions on this storyy!!! Even they broke up three years ago fate lead them again together! I looooovvveddd itt!!!❤️Lovee the ending tho,they made "IT" already on the beaten couch..x) hahaha.. Just great job author nim!!!! Daebakk! I would love to read this all over again..:)))
Chapter 30: Good story (^-^)
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 30: This story was soooo cute!!!! I loved it!!!!! o(^▽^)o
Chapter 11: they had their first kiss!
Chapter 9: what the heck is the cashier on?!?!?!
"Would you like a free ?" *jaw drop*
i think thats one of the funnies things i've ever read before
Chapter 7: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! she kissed him!!!!!!!!!!! they're dating!!!!!!!!
lol. it was funny how they both confessed to each other.
ItsElaine11 #7
Ohmygahd the beat up couch part. xD
Danieea #8
Done reading ! I'm in love with myungsoo in this story !! This story is so sweeet and cute. I love ji min's character hihi, the talkative, same like me ^__^
I read this before! :D
kay. ^^
and LOL-ed at thsi part:
"Mm. I wonder what she'll say when she grows up and finds out she was conceived on a beat up couch," XD