
Summer Love.

The whole afternoon, Myungsoo slept in. On the couch. His room wasn't readied yet. But he didn't mind. Back at their school, sometimes, it would be much worse. They'd sleep on the hallways with nothing but their pillows and/or blankets. He was woken up by dinner time.

Dinner was the same as lunch. Awkward. And Myungsoo silently admitted that he was the source of the awkward tension. His parents were freely chatting and Ji Min would casually join in the conversation, stating her views and opinions about the certain topic. Myungsoo would also be forced in the conversation, but he would only answer shortly which instantly kills the conversation.

After dinner, Myungsoo had a short boy talk with his dad. 

"So, any girls there?" his dad mused.

"Dad!" Myungsoo whined and chuckled. "That's really funny, dad. In case you don't know yet, I go to an all boys school and I was a freshman, and freshmen weren't allowed out of the school."

"So, that means no girls," his father concluded.

"Obviously, dad," Myungsoo said and chuckled. "So, how's our favorite football team?"

His father raised a brow.

"Dad, you know there isn't a single television at school. I mean, we're allowed newspapers so we wouldn't be ignorant about what's going on in Korea or the rest of the world, but the faculty would take out the sports and entertainment section. Not unless it's the front page of the story," Myungsoo stated.

"Poor you," his father said. "But don't worry, three more years and you'll be out of there."

"I know," Myungsoo said. "I'm gonna go and sleep now, dad. Good night!"

His father replied with 'good night' and headed to the kitchen to help his wife with the dishes or anything else that needs to be done. Myungsoo, on the other hand, headed towards his room.

When he was in front of his room, he was quite surprised to find the door and lights open. When he entered, he immediately found out why.

He cleared his throat and Ji Min jumped in surprise as she was caught looking at the picture frames on Myungsoo's study table.

"What are you doing in my room?" he asked rather rudely and glared at Ji Min.

"Oh, I, uhh, I was, uhh," Ji Min tried to find her words. She was intimidated by Myungsoo's glare that she lost her words.

"You were?" Myungsoo said.

"I, uhh, your mom told me to change the sheets and stuff, because, uhh, your room was really dusty," she finally replied.

"Oh, then, I think you're done here," he said in the same rude tone.

"Geez, you don't have to be so rude," Ji Min spoke up as she almost couldn't take the rudeness in Myungsoo. "We're living under the same roof until the summer ends, don't you think we should put up with each other? At least during the summer?"

"No, I don't think so," he answered.

Dang, that was not a good answer. And where the hell did that come from? Myungsoo thought.

Ji Min rolled her eyes, clearly irritated with Myungsoo's attitude. She walked past him, bumping her shoulder with his harshly and muttering 'jerk' under her breath which Myungsoo heard clearly.

"I heard that," Myungsoo said.

"That's why I said it," Ji Min said in a mockingly polite tone and slammed the door as she exited his room.

"Jerk," Ji Min repeated as she made her way towards her room, the guest room.

Ji Min tried to push the incident out of her mind as she got her towel and prepared her pyjamas. She needed a shower. And she had to shower. She couldn't actually sleep without a shower.

When she was done preparing her clothes, she headed towards the communal bathroom, only to be shocked with the a half , stripping Myungsoo.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" she shrieked the same time he did.

She quickly covered her eyes as Myungsoo grabbed his towel, covering his parts.

"What are you doing here?!" Myungsoo yelled. "Don't you know how to knock!?"

"You idiot! Don't you know how to lock?!" she yelled back, turning around and closing the bathroom door behind her. "Idiot! And to think he got into a really nice school for really bright students!"

"I heard that!" Myungsoo yelled from inside the bathroom.

"Why do you think I said it out loud?!" she yelled back and stomped her way back to her room. She would have to come back a little later.

Five minutes after Myungsoo came out of the bathroom, Ji Min went next. She locked the door as a precaution. Who knows, Myungsoo might do the same to her.

When she came out, Myungsoo was standing on the right outside of the bathroom.

"Took you long enough," he teased and went in the bathroom to do his thing.

"Idiot," she mumbled loudly before he closed the door and locked it.

Myungsoo didn't bother saying 'I heard that', because he knew she wanted him to hear it. Instead, he rolled his eyes.

"Well this idiot happens to live in this house too! And is practically the owner!" he yelled from inside the bathroom.

"No, you're just the owners' son," Ji Min replied and walked away and towards her room.

"Aish, that girl, getting smart with me, huh," Myungsoo mumbled as he heard her door slam.


The next day, Myungsoo was left with Ji Min and Ji Hoo as the grown ups went to get grocery. Myungsoo offered to go and help them just to avoid Ji Min, but his parents insisted him to stay at home and get to know Ji Min more. He received a wink from his dad right before both his parents left.

Myungsoo dreaded Ji Min. And Ji Min dreaded Myungsoo.

It was really awkward even though Myungsoo was watching a game on TV while Ji Min was playing with Jihoo.

"You know, it's not too late to apologize," Ji Min said, breaking the silence between the two of them.

"Why should I apologize? I've done nothing wrong," Myungsoo replied nonchalantly.

"Wow, men, their ego and pride," Ji Min said. "You know, you're pretty arrogant for someone who goes to a really nice, prestigious, rich, and all those amazing adjectives people use to describe your school."

Myungsoo growled in response.

Aaargh, why am I like this? I'm not like this! This isn't me! I'm a nice guy, Myungsoo thought.

Myungsoo sighed and dropped the remote to his side. He faced Ji Min's direction on the floor and looked at her figure concentrated on tending his brother.

When he looked at her intently, she wasn't really bad at all. She had this gentle aura around her and she was really good with his brother. 

"Look," he said, getting Ji Min's attention. "I'm sorry, alright? I'm not like this. I must be really tired and I must really miss home to be acting all crankly like this."

Ji Min didn't say anything but continued to look at him.

"Why don't we start over?" Myungsoo offered along with his hand. "Hi, my name is Kim Myungsoo. I go to Oedae Boarding School for Boys."

Ji Min smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Jung Ji Min and I go to Il Jung Public High School," she said while shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ji Min," Myungsoo said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Myungsoo," she replied. "You should smile more, it looks good on you."

Myungsoo blushed at her statement and they both pulled their hands away.

"'s Oedae?" she started as she began to play with Jihoo again.

"Oedae's nice. I mean, at first you'd think it because they isolate you from the rest of the world, but then you realize it's all going to be worth it in the end. And the people there are nice too. Except for some of the teachers," Myungsoo answered.

"Ooh, so you have a lot of friends?" she asked again.

"Well, yeah, everybody is friends there. But my roommates are my closest friends," he answered.

"Ahh..." she said.

"So, why are you working on a summer?" it was now his turn to ask questions.

"Hmm, well, my dad died even before he could apply for retirement. And my mom is sick, so I need the money. Both for her and my school," she replied. "Good thing I'm an only child."

"Ah, so how'd you end up here?"

"Well, I worked as a part time cashier on a convenient store, then I got fired because my boss thought I was scolding a 'customer' who was actually a 'thief'. Your mom was there, so she offered me the job," she explained.

"And why are you living here instead of being with your mom? Aren't you supposed to tend her?"

"As much as I want to, I can't. She has tuberculosis and it's contagious. And I'm very prone to diseases," she said.

Myungsoo gave her a sorry look which she caught.

"But it's okay," she continued cheerfully. "She's very well taken care of by her sister."

Myungsoo nodded in understanding.

"So, tell me about your friends," she said. "And more about your school. It always intrigues me.

"Hmm, there's four of them, since only five people could share a dormitory. Howon, who we call Hoya. He's really funny and wild. Dongwoo, the silent, laid back, the bookwork and the intimidating and scary looking, but nicest among all of us once you get to know him. Woohyun, the teachers' pet and campus crush. I mean, the female teachers have crushes on him. So yeah, he's the campus crush. And then there's Sungyeol. He's just like me. Only a bit more wild and much of mischief maker," Myungsoo explained.

"Hmm...nice friends," she said with a mesmerizing smile.

Myungsoo got caught up with her smile that he hadn't realize he'd been staring, well gawking, at her for a minute already.

"Uh, Myungsoo, are you alright?" she asked.

Myungsoo shot his head up and shook it, shaking the thoughts about how pretty she was along with it.

"Uh, yeah," he replied. 

"And your school?"

"Well, like I told you, it's scary at first, but it gets better along with time. Scary because you have to always be punctual, your whole school year is like a routine. Wake up early, exercise, shower, breakfast, morning assembly, classes, lunch, classes, shower to ready for dinner, dinner, then 'study', then lights out...but it helped a lot though. It helped me be disciplined. Along with the other boys. The only thing I really don't like about it is the isolation. But now that I'm a sophomore by the next school year, we can finally go out on weekends. Well, on Saturdays only though," he said. "And then when I become a junior, I can go out on Sundays. And when I'm a senior, I can go out on both days of the weekend."

"Sounds boring though..." she commented.

"Well yeah, it is, but I have friends, so it's not," he said.

"Well, am I one of your friends now?" she suddenly asked, taking Myungsoo by surprise.

Myungsoo thought about it for a while. He then faced her with a smile and said, "maybe. We'll see."


Aaaaah! I accidentally clicked the reload button so the whole page reloaded and I lost what I typed! So I had to type again. And I liked the first one better. But anyway, I like how the end of the chapter turned out to be.

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Chapter 30: Omonaaaa! This is freaaakingg amazing author nim! Likeee it so cuttteee and funny and fluffyy and sweettt! Danngg author nim u made me feel all the emotions on this storyy!!! Even they broke up three years ago fate lead them again together! I looooovvveddd itt!!!❤️Lovee the ending tho,they made "IT" already on the beaten couch..x) hahaha.. Just great job author nim!!!! Daebakk! I would love to read this all over again..:)))
Chapter 30: Good story (^-^)
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 30: This story was soooo cute!!!! I loved it!!!!! o(^▽^)o
Chapter 11: they had their first kiss!
Chapter 9: what the heck is the cashier on?!?!?!
"Would you like a free ?" *jaw drop*
i think thats one of the funnies things i've ever read before
Chapter 7: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! she kissed him!!!!!!!!!!! they're dating!!!!!!!!
lol. it was funny how they both confessed to each other.
ItsElaine11 #7
Ohmygahd the beat up couch part. xD
Danieea #8
Done reading ! I'm in love with myungsoo in this story !! This story is so sweeet and cute. I love ji min's character hihi, the talkative, same like me ^__^
I read this before! :D
kay. ^^
and LOL-ed at thsi part:
"Mm. I wonder what she'll say when she grows up and finds out she was conceived on a beat up couch," XD