
Summer Love.

"Ji Min aaaaah!" "Ji Min!" "Hey, Ji Min!"

Ji Min's friends greeted her as she showed up for class at Il Jung the next day.

"Hi, Ji Min," the shy Yoon Ha greeted.

"Hi, Yoon Ha!" Ji Min greeted her back politely.

"Ji Min ah! You--you, tsk, I don't know how to act towards you anymore!" Eunhee, one of Ji Min's closest friends and the girl whose number she gave to Sungyeol, said, a little bit too shyly.

"Act like how you used to! Nothing's changed!" Ji Min said with a giggle.

Then everybody started to act like how they used to. Except for the usually shy Yoon Ha. She wasn't that shy anymore. In fact, she was interacting and getting herself included in the conversations.

The other girls thought it was weird. Eunhee was curious as Ji Min knew exactly why.

Nothing quite changed even after Ji Min's friends found out she was that rich. When classes were over, Ji Min was escorted by a black car. It wasn't a limo, Ji Min was thankful for that at least.

When I got home, I ran up to my room and towards my desk where my cellphone and my pens and papers were.

I don't really bring my phone to school. 

I immediately made a brief summary of how my day went and sent it to Myungsoo, knowing he'd see it on the weekends. This was actually part of how we're going to do it. I didn't forget to leave my 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous'.

One text a day. Okay, the next thing I did was write on an empty notebook. It was my journal. I would write about my day in detail. This one is also for Myungsoo. He actually told me to do this. I also sent him a journal since I also wanted to know how his days would go.

Day 1.

Today was okay. Nothing bad happened, thanfully. My friends were shy to me at first. They were really afraid to approach me. Then I told them to treat me like how they used to treat me. After a while, everything was back to how it used to.

The first class was boring. The teacher, she used to ignore me, was nice to me now. I couldn't help but not laugh at it. But now, it was my turn to ignore her. Keke. I would usually try and act to be sleepy in her class, and she wouldn't get mad at me. Not like before, she would yell at me when I fall asleep. I wasn't really sleepy. I couldn't be really sleepy that time. I can't help but not think about you, Myungsoo ah.

Second class, we all paired up to solve 10 Math problems. Oppa, you know how much I hate Math, right? Keke. If only you were there, you could easily solve it. I know you're so good at Math. Your mom wouldn't stop boasting about it. 

I was paired up with Yoon Ha. Dongwoo's girlfriends. Official. Confirmed. Keke. I actually got the guts to finally ask her. And she got all shy, but she didn't deny. Keke.

Next class was Geography. It was okay. All we did was take down notes while the teacher would explain from time to time.

It was lunch time next and when I entered the cafeteria with my friends, everybody stopped with what they were doing and stared at me. More like gaped. Keke. I used to be a nobody, then now, wow. It was really nice when people didn't notice me. Sigh. It was nice while it lasted.

After lunch, it was Language class--English. I could no longer pretend that I at it. Keke.

The last class was Physical Education. We all had to run a mile today. The teacher also announced that tomorrow, we would just stand by and watch the boys in our year play basketball. The next day would be the girls' turn.

After that, I went home. Good thing I had finally convinced Appa not to use the limo anymore. I'm so afraid of using it.

Oppa, do you know, during those times, I couldn't stop thinking about you? I hope you're thinking of me too! I hope you're in good health, oppa. I hope you're doing well! I miss you already, oppa! I love you ♥

Signed, Ji Min.

Ji Min closed the notebook and sighed. She leaned back on her chair and sighed again. She already missed Myungsoo.

After a while of being idle and thinking about Myungsoo, Ji Min finally stood up to get changed and start doing the Math homework while waiting for dinner.


From now on, it would be about what goes on with Ji Min's life while she's away from Myungsoo. Why? Because, well, er, actually, this is based on a true story. A bit. Okay, a bit. Hehe. It's my story. With what happened with me and my ex. He's now my ex. Of course, I would have to tweak the ending and some scenes here and there. Not everything written really happened. Haha. 

Even the meeting was different. And of course, I'm no rich person. 

Hehe, I have gotten over my ex, okay? If anyone would think that I'm writing this because I'm bitter. Or because it had a happy ending while I didn't. Oh no, not really. I am so happy right now. Way happier than my ex, maybe. Hahaha. 

The only similarities with the stories would be: Ji Min and Myungsoo got separated due to education (yeah, we got separated and had a long distance relationship because my ex chose a really nice school but it was far away from where I live); Ji Min would write on her journal to give it to Myungsoo once it gets filled (I did); Ji Min texts and updates Myungsoo with her life, while Myungsoo doesn't (I would because my ex told me to tell him with everything going on with me, so I did, but he didn't do the same even if I really wanted to know. I purposely made the rule 'no cellphones during school days' in Myungsoo's school as an excuse that he couldn't text, just like my ex, he doesn't text), and maybe more.

Anyway, back to topic. So, the next few chapters would be about what's going on with Ji Min's life because I would like y'all to see how Ji Min would be coping with the distance.

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Chapter 30: Omonaaaa! This is freaaakingg amazing author nim! Likeee it so cuttteee and funny and fluffyy and sweettt! Danngg author nim u made me feel all the emotions on this storyy!!! Even they broke up three years ago fate lead them again together! I looooovvveddd itt!!!❤️Lovee the ending tho,they made "IT" already on the beaten couch..x) hahaha.. Just great job author nim!!!! Daebakk! I would love to read this all over again..:)))
Chapter 30: Good story (^-^)
mskay6790 #3
Chapter 30: This story was soooo cute!!!! I loved it!!!!! o(^▽^)o
Chapter 11: they had their first kiss!
Chapter 9: what the heck is the cashier on?!?!?!
"Would you like a free ?" *jaw drop*
i think thats one of the funnies things i've ever read before
Chapter 7: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! she kissed him!!!!!!!!!!! they're dating!!!!!!!!
lol. it was funny how they both confessed to each other.
ItsElaine11 #7
Ohmygahd the beat up couch part. xD
Danieea #8
Done reading ! I'm in love with myungsoo in this story !! This story is so sweeet and cute. I love ji min's character hihi, the talkative, same like me ^__^
I read this before! :D
kay. ^^
and LOL-ed at thsi part:
"Mm. I wonder what she'll say when she grows up and finds out she was conceived on a beat up couch," XD