Chapter 2

A Heart Divided


         A Heart Divided

________________________________________ _♦ Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Sara!!” calls out Onew to me as he walks to my direction, smiling like always so big, brightly and sweetly.

“Yah! Why are you yelling like that! I heard you perfectly fine the first time!” I yell back at him as he sits down next to me.  “To piss you off of course,” He says while trying to hold in a smile but obviously failing.

“Aish this boy,” I say with an annoyed face, but end up smiling like always.

            I look around as we sit in a momentary silence. We can see out and observe the whole school court yard from where we sit. The sun is shining brightly and I stay silent as I soak in the light in my face, its warm.

           Onew turns and looks at me, “Yah! Don’t just sit there like a loner all quiet and stuff, here….. You want some chicken?” He says pointing at his precious chicken.

“No I'm fine I don't want any….”

“Good, I wasn't going to give you none anyways.”

I looked at him with a face of shock and disbelieve, even though I knew he would say something like that.

I make an attempt to make him feel bad and say, “I can see how much you love me now! Is your best friend worth less than chicken!?!?”

“Neh,” He says seriously while biting into a drumstick.


I failed as always to make him feel bad, but still I continue, “Yah! How can you say you love chicken more than me! YOUR BEST FRIEND!!”

“It’s because chicken has been with me my whole life........I only knew you since elementary school, so yes I like chicken more,” He says as he stuffs his face with more chicken, then he looks at me, and smiles like an innocent child that’s oblivious to what’s going on. Aish this boy is just to adorable, I can't help but laugh at his answer; I have never met anyone more in love with chicken than him.


“Hey Dubu!”


I look up to see who’s calling him. I get a shock as I see Jonghyun walking towards us.

When did Jonghyun get over here!? Should I say hi?

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flaming260297 #1
Chapter 29: I just finished reading ur story dear authir-nim. And aaaaa i cried!!!T.T this story is soooooooooo great!amazing. Really!i mean it><
From chapter 1 until chapter 23 i hate jonghyun soooooo much. But why in chapter 24 u make him looks so kind and lovely?
Aaaaah sara is acyually his first love!how sweeet:') I love jjong!
I love onew's character too, he's just so romanticcc. And Sara too. Ah and our hyosung unnie tooo. Aah!i just love all of your character.

I really enjoy and loved to reading ur story. I'll upvote for u!:*
lovescomplicate #2
Chapter 29: Finally they are together! When I read this story it remind me of my situation its not the same but it remind me of someone
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 29: wo hoo . . nice ending^^
no more drama and to the point
eunji and onew together
i hope have someone like onew in this story
you make me jealous, author >_<
Chapter 26: oh my god
it's too late!!!!????
sara . . . TT.TT
onew,,, why you didn't do anything?
stop her
why he did that!!!!!?????
Chapter 22: oh my god
i hope nothing bad will happen to sara
onew why you like this
such a coward
upsate soon
Chapter 21: really love this story
i'm so curious the next story
update soon please^^
Shawol-Julia #8
Chapter 21: JONGHYUN WANT TO DO IT WITH SARA ?! SUCH A F***ING BASTARD ! AND ALSO ERT ! ( Sorry for the ugly english :) , i have my moments :) ).Update !
Shawol-Julia #9
Chapter 19: Hmmmmm.....Jonghyun is 'a little' awkard.A little for me means A LOT.He is hiding something.Soemthing TOO OBVIOUS for Sara !