Chapter 21

A Heart Divided


          A Heart Divided

_________________________________________♦ Chapter 21 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


♦Sara's POV♦

"WAHHH~ there are so many restaurants and bakeries!" I exclaim as I examine the unfamiliar scenery, "and so many clothing stores

Jonghyun looks at me with a smile and says, "you want me to buy you something? I could buy you a new dress, or some shoes. Oh! 
how about a pretty necklace?"

"Ani~" I say as I look away embarrassed at his offer, "I wouldn't possibly burden you by buying me stuff like that"

Jonghyun took my hand and holds in between both of his hands gently and says, "that would never be a burden to me, but fine I know your not comfortable with me buying you stuff like that. How about I treat you to some food? There's a lot of really good 
restaurants, just pick one"

"Yah! Are you trying to get me fat? You're always buying me 
something to eat. If you keep this up I'm going to turn into a ball"

Jonghyun smiles at me with his adorable eye smile and says, "Neh~ that's exactly what I want. I want you to be a cute little fluffy
round ball"

I look at him with a face of horror, and he bursts into laughter because of my expression.

"That's not funny~ why would you want me to be fat and look like a ball?!"

"Because then, that way other guys wont be tempted to look at you and try to steal you away from me," he tells me with his deep dark brown eyes staring at me.

Embarrassed I quietly say, "so I'll be ugly, that no one will look at me. What about you?" my voice gets even lower, wishing he won't
hear, "while I'm a big round ball, some pretty girl could come and take you from me, then what would I do then?"

What would I do?

I'll have no one.

Jonghyun holds me by my waist and whispered in my ear, "I said a 'cute little round ball', there's no way you will be ugly, and there's no way any girl could take me from you."

He now looks me in the eyes with his playful smile and says, "but if you want I could become a round ball with you!"

I start to laugh. He's good at making me laugh.

"You be a round ball?" I ask him knowing that the idea is impossible.

"Yea I'll be one with you! We could be like a cute little round couple!"

There's an excitement in his voice that makes him sound so thrilled about the idea and makes him look so childish and 

"And every time we finish eating I could roll you out the restaurant, or you cold roll me, who ever falls first!"

The thought of us rolling each other around made us laugh histeracly and made my eyes watery.

"Come on let's just go before you come up with some other crazy idea," I finally manage to say through my laughter.

Jonghyun takes me by my waist and starts to walk. Slowly he leans toward me and kisses me on the top of my head.

"Come let's go eat," he says.


Author's Note:


OMG i just want to finish this story already lol.

so I'm going to do some "mass" uploading right now of a couple of chapters not that many.

something BIG is going to happen so please stay tuned ^^

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flaming260297 #1
Chapter 29: I just finished reading ur story dear authir-nim. And aaaaa i cried!!!T.T this story is soooooooooo great!amazing. Really!i mean it><
From chapter 1 until chapter 23 i hate jonghyun soooooo much. But why in chapter 24 u make him looks so kind and lovely?
Aaaaah sara is acyually his first love!how sweeet:') I love jjong!
I love onew's character too, he's just so romanticcc. And Sara too. Ah and our hyosung unnie tooo. Aah!i just love all of your character.

I really enjoy and loved to reading ur story. I'll upvote for u!:*
lovescomplicate #2
Chapter 29: Finally they are together! When I read this story it remind me of my situation its not the same but it remind me of someone
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 29: wo hoo . . nice ending^^
no more drama and to the point
eunji and onew together
i hope have someone like onew in this story
you make me jealous, author >_<
Chapter 26: oh my god
it's too late!!!!????
sara . . . TT.TT
onew,,, why you didn't do anything?
stop her
why he did that!!!!!?????
Chapter 22: oh my god
i hope nothing bad will happen to sara
onew why you like this
such a coward
upsate soon
Chapter 21: really love this story
i'm so curious the next story
update soon please^^
Shawol-Julia #8
Chapter 21: JONGHYUN WANT TO DO IT WITH SARA ?! SUCH A F***ING BASTARD ! AND ALSO ERT ! ( Sorry for the ugly english :) , i have my moments :) ).Update !
Shawol-Julia #9
Chapter 19: Hmmmmm.....Jonghyun is 'a little' awkard.A little for me means A LOT.He is hiding something.Soemthing TOO OBVIOUS for Sara !