Chapter 22

A Heart Divided


          A Heart Divided

_________________________________________♦ Chapter 22 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


♦Onew's POV♦

"Yah! Oppa what's wrong?"

I look up to see Hyosung staring me down.

"We've been here for almost an hour and you're still not even half way done with you're food! What's wrong?"

I look down to my plate and see my halfway eaten Burger and plate full of French fries. We're in a little dinner eating something 
but truthfully in not all that hungry.

"Nothing's wrong" I say avoiding the question.

"I know something is bothering you and I think I know you well enough to know it's something about Sara," she says trying to get 
me to talk.

"Can you just stop saying here name," I respond, "I don't want to talk about it, whatever it is, it's none of my business anyway."

"tell me"


"just say it, you know I'm not going to drop this until you tell me."

"just leave it alone."


"seriously Hyosung my patience is running thin"

"then just spit it out"

With a slam to the table I stand up violently and raised my voice, 

"HE'S TAKING HER TO HIS HOUSE OK! He's talking her and there's nothing I can do about it! But I swear to God if he touches 
her with out her being ready and hurts her, I'm going to kill him!"

Suddenly I felt a heavy atmosphere and eyes staring at me.

I came back to my senses and remembered that I was still in the small dinner and I probably just interrupted everyone's lunch with my sudden outburst and the death threat that I just yelled out.

Hyosung's face looks around at the starring people embarrassed.


I sit and quickly stuff my face with French fries because of the embarrassment I just gave Hyosung and myself.

"Onew" she says while trying to reach to my shaking hand.

"Can we just leave, I'm not all that hungry right now" I say taking my hand away from hers.

"How could you let her go? You know he only takes girls to is place when his parents are away on business."

"I know" I say looking down at my plate.

"You know what he wants from her. Damn it Onew! You know she's not ready!"

I look at her with pleading eyes, "can we just go.....I'm not all that 
hungry to finish this."

As we are walking to my place, I look at the park. It's a big park and it leads to my house. I used to go there with Sara all the time.

"Hyosung, come let's walk through the park it goes in the direction
to my house anyway."

She nods and smiles.

"If it wasn't this cold, I'll make us stop and play on the swings for a while" she says while hugging herself.

I chuckle as I look at the playground. During the summer's the playground would be filled with little children playing and laughing.

Also with a smiling Sara, pushing kids on the swings, joining five year olds in a game of tag or hide and seek, and me, watching 
Sara be free.

During the winter, the park would be more empty, but it would still have the sound of Sara's laugh as she starts to have snowball 
fights with me. We are both people who hate the cold, but during those times, the fun we would have and the laughter we shared, 
they where the warmest.

Sara could be shy and quite around certain people, but put her in 
the right element and she's so lively and loud.

I look at Hyosung and realize that sometimes I see Sara in her, but the feeling is never the same.

Hyosung looks at me because she probably felt me staring at her.

"What?" she says, making me realize I'm starring to much.

"Nothing, I was just thinking" I say taking my eyes off of her.

"Oh no that's dangerous" she says chuckling, "about what?"

"You remind me a lot of Sara, even though she's quieter around people unlike you, when were alone she's just like you. Really loud, and she gets exited easily."

I take a pause talking as I observe Hyosung's face. She's calm, but listening carefully. 

She stays quiet preparing herself for what she thinks I might say next.

I can't resist the urge, or the temptation. I stop walking and pull her close to me, landing my lips on hers.

Instead of the warmth and comfort I'm looking for, I find emptiness. 

After a moment of our lips touching, she breaks our kiss first.

"I'm sorry" I say embarrassed at my sudden action, "it's just that, I thought....I guess I've been thinking that I should just like you 
instead. I mean, it makes sense. We get along so well, and I mean, you are a charming girl. I just.....never mind, I'm sorry."

Hyosung just looks at me as we continue to walk slowly and just chuckles to herself.

"You know," she says taking breaks while she speaks, "when we first met, in your freshman year, I started liking you."

I look at her and she continues,

"but after a while, I realized, that you will never look at me the same way."

"I could try. Hyosung, I want to look at you. I want to be with you," I say cutting off her sentence.

"No you don't," she says, "you just want the idea of moving on, I knew from the begging you won't look at me. I've seen the way you look at her. You look at her like she's the only one in the world. Any girl would kill to have someone look at her the way you look at Sara. Even now, you still look at her, like she's the only one for you. That's why, as soon as I came to that realization, I decided to give up on you, because I don't want to get in the way of you and the person that you love."

We continue walking quietly as I soak in everything she said. 

She's right about everything. But I can't go back to Sara, I can't. 

I'm the most stubborn on this planet right now, but I don't care. I lost her once, and it's killing me. If I ever loose her again, I might seriously just die.

If Jonghyun does something to her, even if she comes crying to me, I won't go back to her.

I won't.

Author's Note:


Discussion: if anything does happen, do you think Onew will go back to Sara?


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flaming260297 #1
Chapter 29: I just finished reading ur story dear authir-nim. And aaaaa i cried!!!T.T this story is soooooooooo great!amazing. Really!i mean it><
From chapter 1 until chapter 23 i hate jonghyun soooooo much. But why in chapter 24 u make him looks so kind and lovely?
Aaaaah sara is acyually his first love!how sweeet:') I love jjong!
I love onew's character too, he's just so romanticcc. And Sara too. Ah and our hyosung unnie tooo. Aah!i just love all of your character.

I really enjoy and loved to reading ur story. I'll upvote for u!:*
lovescomplicate #2
Chapter 29: Finally they are together! When I read this story it remind me of my situation its not the same but it remind me of someone
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 29: wo hoo . . nice ending^^
no more drama and to the point
eunji and onew together
i hope have someone like onew in this story
you make me jealous, author >_<
Chapter 26: oh my god
it's too late!!!!????
sara . . . TT.TT
onew,,, why you didn't do anything?
stop her
why he did that!!!!!?????
Chapter 22: oh my god
i hope nothing bad will happen to sara
onew why you like this
such a coward
upsate soon
Chapter 21: really love this story
i'm so curious the next story
update soon please^^
Shawol-Julia #8
Chapter 21: JONGHYUN WANT TO DO IT WITH SARA ?! SUCH A F***ING BASTARD ! AND ALSO ERT ! ( Sorry for the ugly english :) , i have my moments :) ).Update !
Shawol-Julia #9
Chapter 19: Hmmmmm.....Jonghyun is 'a little' awkard.A little for me means A LOT.He is hiding something.Soemthing TOO OBVIOUS for Sara !