Chapter 8

A Heart Divided


          A Heart Divided

_________________________________________♦ Chapter 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 


          I barely got four steps away from him, until Onew grabbed me by my arm and turned me to face him again. I was so mad at him that I pulled my arm away from him. Onew looked at me with tender eyes, and with his soft honey voice he said, “Please...just please don’t….don't go to him. Not everyone thinks as innocently as you. Jonghyun's mind isn't innocent like yours,”

My voice begins to start shaking, “But....I really like him, and I really thing he likes me back.”

         Onew holds my shoulders gently as he leans closer to my face to make exact eye contact with me, and starts to whisper softly again with his honey voice, “Sara... you’re beautiful...of course he's going to like you, but it's only going to be for a while. Once he gets what he wants from you, he's going to leave and move on to the next girl.”

I can feel my throat chocking up as I say, “Then help me please so that he doesn't stop liking me.”

Onew shuts his eyes very tightly, takes in a deep breath, let's it out heavily with a sigh and says, “I just can't... I can't help you be with him.”

“But you’re my best friend.”


          It was as if the words 'best friend' triggered a burning flame of anger in Onew's eyes. His grip on my shoulders got tighter, his eyes looked crazed with anger, and his sweet voice got angry and loud.

“IS THAT ALL I'M EVER GOING TO BE FOR YOU!? YOUR FRIEND!? Is the day when you see me differently ever going to come?! WHEN?! When are you going to see me differently? I could be so much more for you, AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!”


Onew's eyes widen as he let's go of my shoulders. He looks around and then looks back at me as if he couldn't believe what he just said.


I stare at Onew as he tries to figure out what just happened and what he should say next.


         I don't even understand what just happened, what does he mean by more than just a friend? Onew has never said anything like this before. Could he possibly.


“ you like me?”


Onew bites his lower lip and looks at me and says, “Yes. I like you...

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flaming260297 #1
Chapter 29: I just finished reading ur story dear authir-nim. And aaaaa i cried!!!T.T this story is soooooooooo great!amazing. Really!i mean it><
From chapter 1 until chapter 23 i hate jonghyun soooooo much. But why in chapter 24 u make him looks so kind and lovely?
Aaaaah sara is acyually his first love!how sweeet:') I love jjong!
I love onew's character too, he's just so romanticcc. And Sara too. Ah and our hyosung unnie tooo. Aah!i just love all of your character.

I really enjoy and loved to reading ur story. I'll upvote for u!:*
lovescomplicate #2
Chapter 29: Finally they are together! When I read this story it remind me of my situation its not the same but it remind me of someone
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 29: wo hoo . . nice ending^^
no more drama and to the point
eunji and onew together
i hope have someone like onew in this story
you make me jealous, author >_<
Chapter 26: oh my god
it's too late!!!!????
sara . . . TT.TT
onew,,, why you didn't do anything?
stop her
why he did that!!!!!?????
Chapter 22: oh my god
i hope nothing bad will happen to sara
onew why you like this
such a coward
upsate soon
Chapter 21: really love this story
i'm so curious the next story
update soon please^^
Shawol-Julia #8
Chapter 21: JONGHYUN WANT TO DO IT WITH SARA ?! SUCH A F***ING BASTARD ! AND ALSO ERT ! ( Sorry for the ugly english :) , i have my moments :) ).Update !
Shawol-Julia #9
Chapter 19: Hmmmmm.....Jonghyun is 'a little' awkard.A little for me means A LOT.He is hiding something.Soemthing TOO OBVIOUS for Sara !