Chapter 29

Strawberry or lemon?


“How about ice cream?” Yongguk asked the others. Daehyun and Zelo were on their own worlds so they didn’t hear.
“Sure, it’s really hot today” Jongup said and take off his jacket so he was just wearing his T-shirt.

“What do you think?” Yongguk said and tried to get contact with Zelo and Daehyun.

“Ah, hyung. Miahne… I…  I must go for a walk, I’ll come back to the bus later” Zelo answered and went towards the town.

“Aish… this Jung Hong… I hope he have his phone on” Yongguk said and turned to Daehyun

“How about you?”

“Huh? Sorry Yongguk, I don’t have appetite; I must have sometime for myself. See you on the bus later!” Daehyun said and went towards the park.

“Okay, now I know something is wrong, that guy never says no to food. Aish… this happens when you try to have a family trip” Yongguk said and went to buy ice cream with the others.

“Don’t overreact… it’s the age” Himchan answered him and turned to buy ice cream.

I maybe are too overprotective, of course she wants a little private time for herself Daehyun thought while walking around the park. I must apologise I can’t live like this. He thought and started to think about how to apologise.


Zelo sat down on a bench in the town. Sunhwa noona said something about my other half. But how much I think about this it doesn’t feel right. I like Hanni but not the way that Daehyun hyung likes her. Like the movies I watched… Romeo and Juliet I think it was named. That’s two halves but I can't imagine Hanni and me like that. She’s my friend, a really good friend that I have. I must explain that to her, I hope she don’t take it the wrong way Zelo thought and nodded for himself. That’s right, that feeling that noona called love hasn’t touched me yet. Not as it touched Daehyun hyung, I’ll continue searching for mine he thought and started to think a way to explain for Hanni.       


You were alone in the bus. You tried to do your homework but were too distracted to do it.

“Daehyun… my first big love” you said for yourself. You started to think about the feelings you had when you were next to Zelo. That couldn’t be love. You’ve felt the love before, when you first saw Daehyun. That something you felt for Zelo is another thing, it feels like family love. You tried to understand your own words. He is someone that I could tell everything to feels like. Like a brother for me. I’ve rather have him like a best friend than a boyfriend you thought. I’ve got to tell him that, I don’t want misunderstandings again. I don’t want to loose Daehyun you thought and felt relieved. You’ve put your feelings in their places and your thoughts right.

When Zelo returned to the bus he saw Daehyun coming in front of him and the rest of the members from the other side. They all went in to the bus at the same time and before doing anything he took Hanni to the other side of the bus.


Zelo dragged you to the other side of the bus. You took this chance to talk about what you thought before.

“I must say something” “I must say something“ you two said at the same time. You laughed and said

“You go first”. He nodded.

“I… I don’t know how to put this. It’s hard but I’ll try to put it simple. I talked to Sunhwa noona for some days ago and she said something about that I was in love…” he started, you get surprised but let him continue.

“I… I first thought that I was in love with you, but how hard I think about it… it doesn’t feel right. I really, really hope that you don’t take this the wrong way but… I’ve rather have you like a best friend than a girlfriend” he finished. You felt relieved that he thought so too.

“Anio… I’ve also thought about this and realized that I’ve rather have you like that too. My best friend” you said and smiled. You saw that he was relieved too.

“Your best friend huh? Then, what am I?” you heard Daehyuns voice behind you. You turned around to him, go up to your tippy toes and kissed him at the cheek.

“You’re my boyfriend”    

He smiled and hugged you tightly.

“I love you” he said

“And I know that I was overprotecting sometimes, I know that you must have your private time too. But I’ll try to improve” said Daehyun. You laughed low for yourself, hugged him more and tilted your head on his shoulder.

“I love you too” you answered

“What did I say about that” Yongguk said and sighted while pour juice to a glass. Both you and Daehyun laughed and stopped to do what you were doing.

“Miahne oppa… it would not happen again” you said and smiled

“Why does it feel like those words it’s not to trust?” said Yongguk ironic. He laughed and so did you.


“So… who is hungry?” asked Daehyun and went to the table with you.

“Yes, he’s back to normal” said Himchan and laughed. Daehyun just smiled.

“We can't… me and Zelo got homework to do” you said

“That’s right, I completely forgot about that” Zelo reminded

“Well then, go and do it” said Himchan

“Come down to eat when the food’s ready, you need energy” said Himchan

“Arasso, we’ll be going now” you said and went with Zelo up to the second floor to do your homework.

It feels right now. I think it must be like this you thought and smiled.

"By the way how did you get in contact with Sunhwa?" you asked on the way up. Zelo laughed and answered:

"That's a long story, I'll tell you later" 

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If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
Chapter 1: i love it!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
daeljoejinyoung96 #3
Chapter 32: Make a sequel soon!
Kate1016 #4
Chapter 32: YAY!!!!!! I can't wait for the sequel!!!!!
_-Taeminnie-_ #5
Chapter 31: Omo! I love this fanfic! The best fanfic I've ever read <3
_-Taeminnie-_ #6
Chapter 31: Omo! I love this fanfic! The best fanfic I've ever read <3
Chapter 31: That was REALLY good!! 1st fanfic to make me laugh hard at some points too!! This might be one of my favs!!
Chapter 2: In the end she loved Daehyun
Kate1016 #9
Chapter 31: It was so cute!!!! I'm sad it's over now but I can't help but smile and squel at this chapter.... Great job authornim!!!!!