My Partner and Life

The Man In My Dreams


Anyeong haseyo! This is Kim Hana. And this my work for that project about my partner.

This might be the most mind-blowing essay that I will doing in my whole life because this is not just about my partner in class but also my life.

Lee Byunghun.

How do I even describe him?





We didn’t start out strong. We didn’t start out good. But I am happy that I met him.

I never thought there would be someone like him. Someone who doesn’t seem to care but in reality, the one who cares a lot for me.

I don’t know but I think he is the man I have been waiting for.

Have I told any of you that I am looking for the man in dreams?

I found him. After a long run. After a long round of waiting.

And who would believe that this arrogant, conceited and mischievous Lee Byunghun is the man I have been looking for?

No one, right?

I didn’t even believe it myself.

Because the way I knew him, he just doesn’t seem to match the traits of the person I have been looking for.

First of all, he is so full of himself. He is so full of self air oxygen. I haven’t even thought of breathing the same air as he does. I am afraid I will turn out to be like him.

Lord, help me!

But no, one day, everything just had seemed to change. Everything just seemed to turn 180 degrees.

Because now, I don’t think I can live a day without him with me.

I know this should be a formal essay but writing these kinds of stuffs formally would make me sound like a woman who was born in the time of Romeo and Juliet.

I believe he has shown me what love really is.

I believe this is an example of a case of destiny and fate.

I hate him but I ended up falling for him.

And everyday, I am falling for him deeper and deeper.

Not just because he is my dream guy.

But because he is L. Joe.

The man who makes me feel all those extreme emotions.

He makes me the happiest when he smiles at me.

He makes me the saddest when he ignores me.

He makes me feel complete just by his presence.

I guess, I am really in love.

I am in love with the man of my dreams.



Oh! Here I go. This is L. Joe. Lee Byunghun.

What am I supposed to write in here?

Yes. Kim Hana, my partner.

I guess, I get goose bumps when I consider him my partner.

Because I am used to calling her ‘mine’.

(Please don’t fail me for this essay, Miss Lee. ^^)

What words can describe this girl?

Aside from her being my love…

She is also my life.

For the rest of my life I have been transferring from one school to another because my dad has been transferred for his job.

For all of the times I transferred, I never thought I would want to stay in one place. Because I was used to transferring from one school to another.

Meeting new people isn’t new to me.

But this time, I don’t think I can manage to leave this place.

Not with my heart left in here.

There is no way I am going to live without my life.

Her smile, her pout, her disgusted look, her confused look, her innocent face, her sarcastic face. All of these are my treasures.

These are the things that keep me going.

I don’t know if I could even manage to live without seeing Hana.

Hana is the most beautiful girl in the world for me. My dream girl. The girl I have been waiting for my whole life through. I am so happy that my wait is over. I am glad she is mine now.

She is the girl that would always make me feel the extremes of emotions. The girl that makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same time just by standing there in front me.

She is the most amazing girl in the whole universe.

She will always be the girl I will have my eyes on.

Guess, this is love. She taught me how to love.

She taught me to love this big.

The sky is not even the limit for the love I have for her.

She will forever be my dream girl.



================================ END ========================================


Okay. This ended now. 

I would like to thank all of you who read this fic. To those who laughed, got annoyed, got "kilig" and cried because of this fic, I am so thankful. 

I just want you all to know that I really appreciate everything that you have done. For commenting, upvoting, subscribing and even if you just happen to pass by this fic. 

You should know that this fic will not end, without you all loving this.

The truth is, this is one of the fics that I really loved to write. (I have a special heart in writing for L. Joe, really.)

So, for all the love you gave this fic, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF RCHAMPAGNE'S HEART.





I LOVE YOU ALL, ADORABLE READERS!!!! ^^ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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Amywussi #1
Good authornim!!
Queenka94 #2
Chapter 36: *Double-check*
Yup. Finished reading this.
Thank you for this amazing, lovely story, author-nim! ♡w♡
Queenka94 #3
Chapter 25: Ughh. The feels. Omg. *subbing over here* <3
Its crazy-awesome and crazy still because as I was reading this, I was listening to Pandora and a song titled "You found me" by The Fray played. Ugh. So perfect. <3
Chancey #4
Chapter 31: Omo omo omo. I'm so 'kilig talaga'.. lol
I wonder what Ms. Lee's reaction would be??
That was so sweet. If I had a boyfriend like L.Joe, I would die happily (just kidding)..

Good Job authornim~~
But are you from the philippines? Cause you said 'NBSB' which is a filipino-invented word.Lol. and you said 'kilig'...
Chapter 31: I'm reaaaaaaaaly curious as to what Miss Lee's reaction will be when she reads their essays!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 31: chappie 31: such a good ending you got there, author-nim!!!!
\( >' . '< )/
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 29: chappie 29: it's good that no one disturb them anymore..........
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 25: chappie 25: aigoo.......
naughty l.joe has come out..........!!!
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 24: chappie 24: yahooo!!!!!!!!!!!
finally,, she remember him!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 23: chappie 23: luckily l.joe came.......