
The Man In My Dreams


So, probably, Hana has been so confused about what her feelings are towards L. Joe and her dream guy.

She couldn’t understand (or not sure) why his dream guy seemed to be letting her go. Well, yeah. He is letting her go already.

And there is this other guy that she had been feeling weird things for.

L. Joe.

Who wouldn’t feel something for a guy who is so patient tending to your needs when you are in the hospital suffering from stupid ulcer attacks?

Who wouldn’t develop some weird feelings for a guy who had the guts to tell you that he loves you ever since DAY 1 out of the blue when you are sitting and watching the sun set?

Who wouldn’t?

Not to mention that this guy is so adorably handsome and is a girl magnet?


Maybe even Charice, who had just admitted that she has a different gender preference, could fall for him.

He is perfect.

And yeah.

Maybe that’s legit enough for Hana to grow confused of her feelings.

“Hana, come down now. Let’s eat breakfast!” Mrs. Kim hollered.

Hana looked at the mirror for the last time and sighed. She walked down lifelessly.

Mrs. Kim saw Hana’s sad face. “What’s wrong, honey?” She asked as she placed the food on the table.

Hana sighed and shook her head. “Nothing, mom.” She replied, lying obviously.

Mrs. Kim narrowed her eyes on her. “You don’t lie to me like that, Kim Hana.” She beamed, making Hana sigh again.

“Mom,” She started. “What does it mean when you suddenly feel your heart thumping really fast when someone is talking to you?” She asked.

Mrs. Kim stared at Hana and smiled. “Why? Does somebody makes you feel that way?” She asked back.

Hana nodded. “It’s really weird, mom.” She replied. “You know I had always set my eyes for someone.” She continued. “But why is this someone else making me feel weird things? It’s uncomfortable.” She added.

Mrs. Kim chuckled. “Maybe you are falling for that someone else who is making you feel uncomfortable.” She beamed.

Hana looked at her mom with shock in her eyes. “But mom, I can’t fall for that guy. He isn’t my dream guy.” She insisted.

Mrs. Kim shrugged and ate her food. “Well, you can’t really control your heart you know.” She replied. “You can’t tell your heart who to beat for and who to ignore.” She explained.

Hana sighed and chewed her bacon. *You can’t tell your heart who to love.* She thought to herself. *But I already told my heart.* She beamed.

The next thing Hana did was go to school.

This is her first day after being absent for 3 days because of being hospitalized. And yes, I guess you all know that L. Joe was with her on all those 3 days.

Sweet, isn’t it?

Students were greeting her with some welcome back remarks as they saw her walking through the corridors.

“Kim Hana, are you alright now? Did you get well?” Nichkhun, the cute guy who has always had his eyes on her since the day he first saw her, asked.

Hana nodded shyly. “Yeah. I’m fine now, Nichkhun-ssi.” She replied politely as she started to leave and walk to her class.

“That’s good to hear, Hana-ssi. I hope you won’t get sick ever again!” He yelled at the corridor happily making Hana blush in embarrassment.

“Fan boy huh?” JB comes from behind with a smiling face.

Hana smiled and sighed. “You don’t know actually.” She replied.

JB chuckled. “You really have a lot of admirers.” He said. “Mind adding me into your list?” He asked with that awesome smile in his face.

“Don’t kid around, Jaebum-ssi. You have a lot of fan girls that might kill me when they hear you telling me that.” She beamed. “I’ll be going then.” She waved as she walked to her room.

JB faked a smile and watched her pass by. *But I am not kidding.* He thought as he walked to his room as well.

Hana stopped by her locker first before walking to class.

“You ditched me.”

Hana looked behind her to see who was talking. And yes, heart was beating crazily fast!

“What are you talking about, Lee Byunghun?” She narrowed her eyes on him. But her gaze is not the angry gaze. It looked friendly.

L. Joe leaned on the lockers beside Hana’s and acted hurt. “You didn’t even read my text message? I messaged you that I would walk you to school.” He beamed.

Hana’s eyes widened. “Y-you what?” She stuttered.

L. Joe sighed. “You are a real bad bad bad bad bad girl, Kim Hana.” He snapped. “You know how I feel for you and you kept on pushing me away like dirt? Why? Am I not handsome enough? This face?” He asked cockily as leaned his face closer to Hana.

Hana pushed his face away. “Ewww!” She beamed, a little too loud making the students passing by look their way.

“Wow. Are they dating already?”

“They look cute together.”

“Awww. I love their love team already!”

“I ship them so much!”

Hana and L. Joe looked around and saw students spazzing about their ‘cute’ interaction.

L. Joe smiled at all the comments he heard since all of them are mostly ‘approval’. He cocked his head. “See? Everyone is dying for us to be together.” He spat.

Hana rolled her eyes and shut her locker. “Shut up, L. Joe.” She snapped as she walked past him and walked to their room.

L. Joe smiled and happily followed her. *You’ll remember me, Hana. I swear I would make you remember me.* He thought as he followed her to their room.















“Open your books on page 345.” Mr. Lim, their Physics instructor, ordered.

L. Joe opened his book happily. Why? Nothing.

He just feels so good to be sitting with Hana again. After 3 days.

Hell yeah. Imagine this puppy’s face.

Hana narrowed her eyes on L. Joe. “Why are you so happy about opening the book?” She asked as she eyed L. Joe’s face.

L. Joe shrugged. “Nothing. Is there something bad with being happy?” He asked rhetorically.

Hana rolled her eyes on him and went back to reading.

L. Joe just smiled and read his book. Then a paper fell.

“What is that?” Hana asked as she pointed on the paper on the ground. It looks like a drawing of a place. A place that’s familiar to Hana.

L. Joe panicked as he saw the paper on the ground. *Oh no! That was my dream three days ago!* He thought frantically as he took the paper on the floor with ninja-like speed.

Hana raised her brow on how nervous L. Joe looked like. “What is that?” She asked very curious about what the paper is.

L. Joe immediately put the paper on his bag and didn’t even let Hana peek over it. “Nothing. Just a scratch.” He replied.

Hana frowned. “As if you would be nervous like that if that paper is just a scratch.” She beamed.

L. Joe shot her a look. “It was a scratch.” He insisted.

Hana rolled her eyes. “Whatever, L. Joe.” She snapped. “I don’t believe that is just a scratch.” She said. “Maybe that is some of your sketches of y girls and all, huh?” She teased.

L. Joe scoffed. “Why would I need to draw some y girls when the girl of my fantasies is talking to me right now?” He mocked leaving Hana blushing in the darkest shade of red.

L. Joe smirked. He knew it would work.

*Sorry, Hana. I can’t let you see that drawing until you remember me.* He thought as he read on.

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Amywussi #1
Good authornim!!
Queenka94 #2
Chapter 36: *Double-check*
Yup. Finished reading this.
Thank you for this amazing, lovely story, author-nim! ♡w♡
Queenka94 #3
Chapter 25: Ughh. The feels. Omg. *subbing over here* <3
Its crazy-awesome and crazy still because as I was reading this, I was listening to Pandora and a song titled "You found me" by The Fray played. Ugh. So perfect. <3
Chancey #4
Chapter 31: Omo omo omo. I'm so 'kilig talaga'.. lol
I wonder what Ms. Lee's reaction would be??
That was so sweet. If I had a boyfriend like L.Joe, I would die happily (just kidding)..

Good Job authornim~~
But are you from the philippines? Cause you said 'NBSB' which is a filipino-invented word.Lol. and you said 'kilig'...
Chapter 31: I'm reaaaaaaaaly curious as to what Miss Lee's reaction will be when she reads their essays!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 31: chappie 31: such a good ending you got there, author-nim!!!!
\( >' . '< )/
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 29: chappie 29: it's good that no one disturb them anymore..........
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 25: chappie 25: aigoo.......
naughty l.joe has come out..........!!!
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 24: chappie 24: yahooo!!!!!!!!!!!
finally,, she remember him!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 23: chappie 23: luckily l.joe came.......