The Garden

The Man In My Dreams


“Where are we going?” L. Joe asked his friends as they were tagging him along to somewhere he doesn’t know.

Ricky looked at him and smiled. “You will know soon, hyung.” He said as that stupid smile flashed on his cutey face.

L. Joe looked at all his friends who are all looking good at what they are doing.

He couldn’t help but wonder what the hell these guys are up to right now. He couldn’t help but still get pissed at how Hana cancelled their project today.

He should’ve been with her by the rest of the day if only she was free. They should’ve made their project.

Facts about my seatmate:

  1. My partner has a lot of important things to do. I can’t help but miss her.

“We’re here!!!!” Chunji cooed.

L. Joe’s eyes widened at this beautiful sight.

They were in a garden. A garden that really looked like the garden where he and Hana played in his dreams.

It is this garden.

The garden where the kids were playing and Hana was awed seeing the children look like unicorns frolicking under the sun.

The garden where they were really sweet. The garden where they hugged each other and kissed each other without minding all the other things or creatures that exist around them.

It was this garden. Exactly this garden.

Déjà vu.

And this made him miss Hana more.

“Hyung!” Niel called him.

That was the only time when L. Joe broke off from his thoughts and paid attention to his friends.

“Oh yeah?” He asked his dongsaeng, trying to be so cool about this. Trying. Alright.

Niel narrowed his eyes on him. “We’ll just get us some food. Stay here, hyung. We’ll be back in a while.” He said as the rest of the Teen Top, except L. Joe, went to get some food.

L. Joe just blinked at them going in bulk and leaving him alone, with just himself. “What the hell just happened?” He asked himself as his eyes darted at the kids playing dodge ball in the grassy portion of the garden. (A/N: Well, aren’t gardens grassy?)

He laughed as he watched how the kids stumbled on the ground just to dodge the ball. They are just too cute. Just like in his dream.

Damn. How he wished Hana is with him right now. How he wished Hana also have those kinds of dreams. How he wished Hana was also dreaming about him. How he wished Hana likes him back as much as he liked her.

How he wished. Wish. Wish. Wish.

“Just a wish.” He muttered under his breath as he sat on the bench of the garden.



“L. Joe?”

L. Joe stiffened at the familiar voice from behind. He knows that voice.

That voice that he’s been wanting to hear. The voice he would always love to hear. It was just a melody to the ears.

He looked back at the direction of the voice and saw the girl he is wishing to be with him at this time.

“Hana?” HE asked, trying to be so cool. HE couldn’t let her notice that he is shaking in nervousness right now. And not just that, he is also shaking in excitement right now.

It was like a dream come true for him.

A dream, the girl of his dreams and the place of his dream.


A perfect way to spend the day today.

“What are you doing here?” Hana asked him, shocked about the happening.

Hana has been coming to this garden. The truth is, this is her favorite place to sit on. Her favorite place to kill time.

And yes, Teen Top knows about this.

L. Joe looked at her. “You come here often?” He asked.

Hana nodded. “Yeah. This is my favorite place in the world.” She exaggerated as she chuckled.

Trust me, that chuckle just made L. Joe lose his mind. Everything about this girl makes him lose every bit of tiny neuron inside his brain. It just makes it hard for him to think properly.

He gets lost when she is with him.

This girl. This girl is just keeping L. Joe out of control.

Hana looked at L. Joe. “But why are you here? I thought you and the rest of the guys are having a party this afternoon?” She asked.

L. Joe narrowed his eyes. “We do?” He asked, clueless about what Hana is talking about right now. *What party?* He thought.

Hana shook her head. “They said you are going to hang out today. That is why our project was cancelled.” She explained.

Just then, L. Joe got the whole point. The boys lied to him about Hana having something important to do. They wanted to set him up with her.

“Ahhh…” L. Joe nodded. “That was cancelled as well.” He said, cleaning up the whole mess.

Hana nodded. “Oh. That’s sad.” She said as she looked at the kids playing under the sun.

L. Joe smiled as he admired how passionately Hana was looking at the playing kids. *Wow. You would be a good mom, Hana. I can see that you care about kids so much.*

He watched her chuckle as the kids played competitively against each other. He laugh makes him even happier. More than anyone in the world.

*Hana, what have you done to me?* He thought as he held on his chest that is thudding rapidly, he thinks he couldn’t even handle its speed.

“Don’t you think they are so cute?” She asked him all of a sudden, facing him.

That caught L. Joe off guard.

He was staring at her beautiful face and he was caught by that sudden movement.

He cleared his throat and nodded. “Y-yeah.” He stuttered without even knowing why. He just wished she didn’t notice that he is fidgety right now.

Hana chuckled. “You know, I love children so much. I used to dream about children and all before.” She said.

L. Joe stiffened when he heard the word, dream, come from .

Hana smiled. “Do you believe in Dream Guys or Girls, L. Joe?” She asked. She, too, doesn’t know why she is talking so comfortably about things with this man.

This man that she swore she will never fall for.

This man that she doesn’t like his arrogance. It was just like a radiating energy from him. She hates him when he is arrogant.

L. Joe looked at Hana. “What do you mean?” He asked, his emotions are starting to betray him right now.

Hana sighed. “Nothing. I don’t think anyone would believe about those things. Especially not you.” She smiled at him.

L. Joe felt a bit hurt with her statement. *Especially not me? What does that mean?* He thought as he tried to read Hana’s facial expression.

“Sometimes, what a person shows is not what that person really wants to show. Maybe it’s the other way around.” He said.

Hana looked at L. Joe who just said a statement she never thought would come from him. *Wow.* She thought in amazement.

L. Joe smiled at him. “What? You didn’t expect a sensible thing coming from me, right?” He asked.

Hana chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Especially not from you.” She joked. “But what you said, maybe it’s true. Sometimes.” She retorted.

L. Joe looked at her. “What do you mean?” He asked.

Hana smiled. “Maybe sometimes, that person doesn’t want to show anything else at all.” She replied.

L. Joe rolled his eyes. “Eyyyyy! What kind of person is that supposed to be?” He asked her.

Hana shrugged. “But either way, he’s still a person. A person with emotions.” She replied.

L. Joe shook his head as he didn’t get what Hana was trying to tell. It was too idiomatic. It was too poetic.

Just not his type.

Hana smiled as she saw that L. Joe couldn’t get what she was talking about. “L. Joe-ssi, don’t try to think about it. You wouldn’t understand.” She said making L. Joe frown at her.

She chuckled as she stood up. She looked at L. Joe. “Sooo… want to make the project now?” She asked.

L. Joe smiled. “I thought we were doing it from the time you called my name.” He said cockily.

Hana just shook his head. “Come on! Palliii~~~~”






Hey guys!!!!!

I am back! 

What can you say?

I am trying to update all my fics tonight. Trying.

I hope I can. LOL


Also, I started a new fic. Have you seen it?

If not, then click this -----------------> LOVING THE CURSED ONE

This is starring Oh Sehun.


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Amywussi #1
Good authornim!!
Queenka94 #2
Chapter 36: *Double-check*
Yup. Finished reading this.
Thank you for this amazing, lovely story, author-nim! ♡w♡
Queenka94 #3
Chapter 25: Ughh. The feels. Omg. *subbing over here* <3
Its crazy-awesome and crazy still because as I was reading this, I was listening to Pandora and a song titled "You found me" by The Fray played. Ugh. So perfect. <3
Chancey #4
Chapter 31: Omo omo omo. I'm so 'kilig talaga'.. lol
I wonder what Ms. Lee's reaction would be??
That was so sweet. If I had a boyfriend like L.Joe, I would die happily (just kidding)..

Good Job authornim~~
But are you from the philippines? Cause you said 'NBSB' which is a filipino-invented word.Lol. and you said 'kilig'...
Chapter 31: I'm reaaaaaaaaly curious as to what Miss Lee's reaction will be when she reads their essays!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 31: chappie 31: such a good ending you got there, author-nim!!!!
\( >' . '< )/
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 29: chappie 29: it's good that no one disturb them anymore..........
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 25: chappie 25: aigoo.......
naughty l.joe has come out..........!!!
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 24: chappie 24: yahooo!!!!!!!!!!!
finally,, she remember him!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 23: chappie 23: luckily l.joe came.......