
Drabbles #2

"You've got no faith in anything, Yoo Youngjae!" Yongguk yelled. "I told you I didn't sleep with Junhonggie"

"Then why the hell was he so smiley when I got here this morning from my parent's house? And in my house!" Youngjae screamed, eyes prickling with tears. The thought of his boyfriend being happier with someone else was too much for him to bear. They'd been together who knows how long.

"We rapped together, Jae-yah! That's it, I promise!" Yongguk insisted, but Youngjae didn't believe him.

He saw just how ing happy that boy looked. He looked a lot happier than he would when you just rapped.

"Have faith in me, baby." Yongguk begged, grabbing his hands gently. "You know I love you more than anything in this world."

Youngjae sighed, sliding forward and hugging the elder tightly. "Okay." He whispered.

"Okay?" Yongguk confirmed, and when Youngjae nodded, he relaxed. "JaeJae, I love you. I only love you."

"I know." Youngjae sighed. "I love you, too."

"I'll never be unfaithful, all right?" Yongguk whispered. "You'll never have to worry."

"Okay, Yonggukkie." Youngjae smiled, kissing his cheek. "I believe you."

"You better." Yongguk said playfully, capturing his lips in a light peck. "I love you."

"I know, I know." Youngjae laughed softly. "I love you, too."

"And I have faith in you." Yongguk said softly.

"And I have faith in you." Youngjae reassured. "And I promise to from now on."

"Good." Yongguk whispered, kissing him lightly once again, just for good measure.


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 26: These were all so squeetastic TT^TT, my heart can't take it. But I'll put in my two-cense (in order from greatest to least lol)...BangUp & DaeJong (love both of those equally), HimLo,DaeJae, HimUp. Kudos & das woot author-nim!!!
Chapter 26: love all the chapters xD
Chapter 26: Daejong! More and more!
Chapter 26: banglo~himup~daejae~jonglo~himlo shiiiii
Chapter 26: I LUV ALL THE ONES WIF JONGUPPIE IN IT (and wif him bottoming)!!! x3 but I lik himup and daejong and bangup the most :D
Chapter 26: HimUp,DaeJong...these two are my fav among them....but then i think BangUp kinda cute too!
'Carol' is so sweet~ i really like it!
same with 'Sketch' & 'lighting'!!
Chapter 26: ... Himlo! <33
Chapter 26: HimUp and DaeJong, because I could never choose between those two precious pairings :D
Chapter 26: HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP with himchan being pushed down kekekeke.