The Meeting

My Vampire Princess


~ Chapter 8 ~



When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled, because you knew.




Blood. All I can see is blood, more blood everywhere and there I was standing in the middle of this crimson red ocean, all alone. I looked at my feet and saw a pale pink rose and without further thinking i took it but a sharp pain prickled my finger and there was blood, blood flowing on my finger and I quickly dropped the rose. I tried to scream but my voice came out as a hoarse whisper, I screamed, ran and my white gown was soak in blood. I cried and Im lost into this unending scene, as I stood there, I saw a figure, It was definitely a man, with it's midnight black hair and very pale face. I ran into him with my heart beating fast but i stopped when I saw his face. He was beautiful. Much beautiful upclose, he was wearing a very long black coat that the end of it was drenched in blood, he have those beautiful storm grey eyes that I've never seen before, Sharp cheekbones and strong jawline. He was holding the rose that I dropped earlier and with every step he took towards me I unconsciously bring my self closer until we were inches apart. He smiled and that's where i saw his pointed fangs and before I could run, he hold me, bend my neck and his fangs pierce my skin...



I quickly opened my eyes and I am panting very hard. It was such a very awful nightmare that i found myself drenched in sweat. It was only a dream, a very horrible dream, I kept reminding myself as I wash my face but my heart is beating wildly and I suddenly felt someone is watching me. 

"Isabelle, Are you alright?" I heard my mother's voice and I ran and hug her ever so tightly that she gently my hair. 

Tears started streaming down on my face and she softly pull away to look at me "It's alright, My dear, It's alright" 






I woke up by the rays of sun hitting my bare skin and it's like deja vu, I opened my eyes and I was greeted by a smiling face of my brother looking as handsome as ever.

"Good Morning" His deep voice makes me suddenly conscious about my state. I can't help but glance at the mirror beside me and almost gasped as i saw my hair in disarray and there's some drool left on my cheek. Why o why?

Jaejoong chuckled as he pulled the covers and the cold air hit my legs. "Your'e still beautiful, if your'e wondering about that"

I can't help but smile at my brother. "So, why are you here so early in the morning? and did you know that it's rude to stare or even look at people while they're sleeping" I said as i rested my chin on my pillow.

Jaejoong just smiled and awkwardsly scratch the back of his neck. "Well. I was here because Mom asked me to bring you to school and no I am not looking or even staring at you" He said in one breath.

"School?!" I said as I felt bubbled rippling in my heart. I am going to school?

"Yes. You're going to attend school, young lady. Now get up or you'll be late on your first day" I literally jumped on my feet and rushed to the bathroom. I heard Jaejoong laughing and he said something that my uniform was on the bed.

Within minutes later I looked at myself in the mirror. the uniform was well quite pleasant, the skirt was not too short for my liking, with white longsleeves and dark grey vest and a small ribbon. "Well, it isn't so bad" I put on my black socks and rubber shoes and went downstairs.


"Oh, dear, you look beautiful" My mother said and i felt shy all of a sudden, father looked at me and smiled and soas Jaejoong. They were having a breakfast and a servant gently pulled out a chair for me. I smiled at her and she smiled back, showing a hint of her fangs.

"You'll be attending Swords&Cross, Hye ri" Father looked at me and I nodded. I felt so little infront of them and at the same time I can't imagine that my father, my real father was talking to me.

"That school is well, exclusive for the elite" I once again nodded and took a bite of my delicious roll. Mom was sipping of what seems like red wine? seriously red wine in the morning? and so as dad nd Jaejoong.

Jaejoong must suddeny took notice of my reaction and he gently placed his glass down. "In case, you are wondering, Yes, were drinking blood, but it's animal blood and we need it, well, you know..." And that hit me right in the head. right. My family was vampires.

"Right" I nodded and looked at my glass which is filled with the same color but a bit lighter.

"Is this-" I suddenly panicked at that thought. No. I can't be drinking blood. Im not even a legit vampire. 

Father just chuckled and put her cold hand above mine. "That's strawberry milkshake dear" I sighed and manage to give a small smile.

we ate in comfortable silence. I've never felt so complete in my life, Now that I have my family. They look so normal yet perfect. I've just noticed that Mom and Dad may be old but i can't see a sign of aging on their faces nor a tiny wrinkle. they looked young and unblemished and Jaejoong as well. Why can't I be like them like right now?

 After breakfast Jaejoong offered me a ride on my new school. As i closed the door, Jaejoong chuckled and I looked at him.

"Why?" I suddenly asked. He looks amused.

He cleared his throat and put his hand on the steering the wheel. "It's just, Your'e wondering why you can't be like us?" How..How did he find out that.

I open my mouth to ask him but he put his hand as a signal. "Yes. We can read minds" He looked at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Pfft. You and your vampire powers, Great, Now im not surprised" I said sarcastically but jaejoong just laughed again and ruffle my hair.

"Your'e beautiful Hye ri, No wonder you have such a handsome and very hot brother" He winked at me and i almost slapped him in the arm.

"Yeah, handsome and arrogant" I Smiled and closed the car door. Jaejoong said something about picking me up but im halfway through the big glass doors.


As I stepped inside a huge fountain lying beneath the grabnd  staircase welcome me, there were paintings everywhere. Two big windows were on each side, draped by a deep blue curtain,  I glanced at my sideways and notice that not a single person was around here.

Great. Now Im all alone in this school.

Just then a petite lady with dark piercing eyes approached me, there's no doubt that she's a vampire because she was stunningly attractive. i half smiled at her and she gave me a grin, showing her pearly whites.

"I believe Your'e the infamous Isabelle, My lady" She small bowed and I just felt uncomfortable.

"Please. Call me, Park Hye ri" She composed herself. "Please, follow me" her heels echoed through the hallway and i kept my pace with her, she walks too fast for a human. We stopped infront of the office and she entered the door.

I cleared my throat and she spun on her heel, facing me with a vicious stare. "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" 

She smiled but it so clear that it was fake, I was starting to get really irritated by her and those piercing glares that she sends me. God. "it's Linda" She coldly said and handed me my schedule.

"Now, you don't want to be late" She smiled wickedly as she literally pushed me outside, making me almost tripped on my feet.

"Find your next class!" She hissed before slamming the door right infront of my face. At that moment, I suddenly have the urge to strangle her and punch her on ther face. but, that would just ruin my first day here at this ing creepy school.

I still have five minutes to find my classroom and thank God it was not far from where i am standing. " this" I hissed under my breath as the last bell rang and I open the door and making all heads snapped at me.

" nice of you to join us" A browyn haired man approach me with a smug smile on his face, He looked at me a litle longer before his eyes widen and he made a small bow infront of me, infront of my classmates. I gulped and I can feel stares burning on my whole body right now.

As I entered the room, a sudden heat rush into my vein making me whimper a bit. I felt as if someone took hold of me, possessed me there, my heartbeat quickened and i felt someone's presence overwhelmed inside this room. As I lift my face, I saw the most piercing sky grey eyes I've ever seen, It's like i was being dragged to somewhere and i felt hot and weak all of a sudden. 

Looking right at me with the most tantalizing eyes, was the most handsome guy i've ever laid my eyes on, well, except for my brother of course. With the most perfect features a man should have, he was standing in the far end corner of the room, his jaw was slightly ajar and he still look insanely handsome. 

I tore my gaze away from him as I settled down on the only seat that is not available and unfortunately it was right beside Him.


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XtraClassy #1
Chapter 35: Enjoy reading this fic please update soon .
Chapter 35: Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 34: Please update soon authornim!
dreamgirlShinee #5
Chapter 33: pleaase update sooooooooooon
cnblueluver #6
Chapter 33: The story was awesome! 저자는,이 이야기는 성공!
Chapter 32: Key is so cute XD
Chapter 31: Authornim...That was amazing
Chapter 30: author-nim ..

please update soon ^^
sseungra #10
OMOOO~ you updated this >w< Thank youuuuu >w< Update soon!