Fragments of My Memories

My Vampire Princess


~ Chapter 2~




We are only given today and never promised tomorrow. So make sure you tell the people who are special in your life that you love them.








A week later


  Hye ri's P.O.V


Days passed by so quickly and if i have the power to turn back time, to rewind all those memories, I will, from the very beginning. Unfortunately, I agreed of seeing my parents because i don't want to see Ms. Miya suffer from convincing the hell out of me. I was scared, reallt scared and afraid. I don't know anything about them less know their names. oh Sweet , I didn't even know my parents names. I feel like a useless daughter, knowing their parents names is like a very common sense to others but for me...


"He ri... is that your last luggage?" I snapped out of my trance as I heard Ms. Miya asking me if Im ready. I sighed and looked at the twol duffel bags lying on my foot. I nodded and slung my purse on my shoulder.

"Yes." Ms. Miya took me in her hands, Her eyes tells me something i possibly can't understand. It's  very first time leaving this town and away from the family that i used to know. I hugged her tightly, taking in the scent of her old coat that smells faint roses, her motherly smile, the crinkles by her eyes, her sweet voice.. Im going to miss everything. The children here in the orphanage which I consider my own siblings. A tear rolled down on my face. I want to stay.

"Were going to miss you" She smiled, a sad one and quickly give me one last kiss. "Your'e a very beautiful girl hye ri and to me you are my daughter" That's it. I burst into tears and cried heavily on her shoulder. Right now, Im angry cause of my useless parents, they put me in here for god knows all my life and suddenly they want to claim me. Can't they see or even feel that it's Hard, It's hard to let go of someone who gave so much to you.

A Sudden roar of an engine make my head snapped to that direction. Just then a tall man stepped out of the car, he was wearing black all the way down. Am I attending a funeral? The man approached us and when he was in sight I gasp.

Do you ever feel that feeling when you saw someone and suddenly become wobbly and jelly all of a sudden? Well, I felt that. This man is what you called perfection, A prince if i may say. No human would look like that...perfect. He was beyond handsome, like his face was carved from the olympus, like god. His jet black hair was trimmed perfectly, those drak eyebrows that perfectly enhances his green eyes...his eyes,.. they were the same color as mine. His perfect cheekbones that's so pale, his lips that were smiling..right at me?

"Oh dear, You must go now Hye ri" Ms. Miya trembled. I quickly look away from that inhuman guy and i felt my face heat. No.. I can't be blushing, what's wrong with me? I don't even know the guy.

The man moved and he was right next to me. I felt my breath stop and just looked at him. He bend down and picked up my duffel bags effortless. I nodded at Ms. Miya and smiled at her. 

"I'll come back, I promise" I hugged her once more. " I promise" With that I quickly hug her and followed the man that was now waiting for me by the car. How did he get there so damn fast?

With one last look at the orphanage, I was trying my best not to breakdown and cry. I took one last look at the place i called home. the old front porch, the creaked wooden door and the glass windows. I looked at the children waving at me. I wanted to run and hug them. I was crying so hard yesterday saying my goodbyes to each and everyone of them. 

"We must go" A deep voice interrupted me and i nodded. I looked at the pale man before me and he was holding the door for me. He was so pale in a good way, he's like a prince of darkness something with the heavy black coat he was wearing. he was taller than me i can say that, i need to tilt my head up and took a step back to see him fully. Then he actually....smiled.






Hours passed and i was still sitting here beside him. The drive was way longer than i expected, we passed old houses, buildings and abandoned places that i didn;t even know that sill exists here in Seoul. I looked at the window and saw old trees lining the road. I sighed and lean my head against the cold glass window. 

"Where are we going?" I said. I can't take it anymore. This guy doesn't said a word to me from the start, I saw him taking quick glances at me which makes me so damn uncomfortable and well conscious. I take a look at my reflection at the mirror and sighed. Great, I look like a retard.

"You know when we get there" He said so softly that it was almost like a whisper. I suddenly recognize his voice. His voice there's something about it, so oddly familiar like I've been hearing it since I was young. "Who are you?" I said, Then he looked at me for a long moment, His eyes were a shade lighter than mine, his lips were a bit pale red and damn he doesn't have any flaws, his complexion was so smooth that at that moment I envy him. I looked at myself at the mirror again, dark green eyes stared at me, My skin was nowhere near perfection, i have quite blemish and some freckles and it was so annoying. My cheeks were flushed and my lips were a bit pink from the cold. I sighed and tucked my hair  behind.

"Im Kim Jaejoong" He said smiling at me. Then i felt it. I know that smile. I've seen it but I just can't remember when, where or how. "It's odd, i felt like I've known you from somewhere but i just can;t remmber" I looked at my folded hands and I heard his sharp intake of breath.

"I believe I've known you.. I just-" I saw him clenching his hand on the steering wheel, and his lips was set in a thin line. Did i say something wrong?

I sighed and just played with the little ring that's on my ring finger ever since i can remember, He glanced at it and a smile spread on his face. I smiled too and lean back my head and I remember he's saying something but i already closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.






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XtraClassy #1
Chapter 35: Enjoy reading this fic please update soon .
Chapter 35: Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 34: Please update soon authornim!
dreamgirlShinee #5
Chapter 33: pleaase update sooooooooooon
cnblueluver #6
Chapter 33: The story was awesome! 저자는,이 이야기는 성공!
Chapter 32: Key is so cute XD
Chapter 31: Authornim...That was amazing
Chapter 30: author-nim ..

please update soon ^^
sseungra #10
OMOOO~ you updated this >w< Thank youuuuu >w< Update soon!