
My Vampire Princess


Hello my lovely readers, 

 I just want to inform you guys that i have been re-editing every chapter in this story.Some parts are cut, extended and even deleted cause i've replaced it with new ones, Im currently edting each of the chapter so do expect major changes and some new characters being added . 

I've started editing the first few chapters and the plot of this story will change also. please bear with me cause it may take a while for me to provide updates.






I feel heat. There is pain everywhere in my body and my heart was beating so fast that it almost burst out on my chest. Pnating hard, I open my eyes and the dark wooden ceiling came into my view. I sat up and my body was wet from sweat. What's happening? 

I clutch my chest only to hear the fast pacing of my heart and Jaejoong suddenly burst into my room. His eyes were full of concern and his hair was in dissaray, I noticed that he was still wearing a suit and he rushed, kneeling infront of me.

"Hye ri.. I..' He started, His eyes full of worry and pain as he cupped my trembling hands and closed it with his.

Inhaling a deep breath, I closed my eyes "It's happening isnt it?" I was well aware of what is really going on. I know that my transformation is happening too soon to be true and Im not ready.

"Yes" Jaejoong breath in and he pull me on my feet. I hugged him as fresh tears started to flow on my eyes and staining his white suit on. "It can't be..." I sobbed as he caress my hair and hushed me down.

"You should change. They are waiting for you" With that I looked at Jaejoong and he offered me a small smile. As soon as he left me alone, I slumped on my bed with my heart beating so fast and wild. It can't be that soon.. It just cant. 



A girl with pale face, pale lips, with her hair flowing just aboive her shoulders. Nothing's changed since i found out that i was a princess, nothing changed physically. My eyes casted with fear and anxiety. I don't know why but somethig's really not right. A soft knock snap me out of my trance and i looked away from the mirror.

"Isabelle, you don't have to do this" I looked at my brother, he was wearing a tux and his hair was properly styled. I tried to be brave infront of him and i met his deep green eyes. 

"I don't have a choice" I finally said as i tried to maintain my composure. I really don't have a choice, no matter what happens, I'm a vampire and it's in my blood. It's in my nature. Being a vampire means i can be with key.

Jaejoong sighed and cup my face. "We make our choices, Isabelle" He said as he kissed me on both cheeks. "Im always here for you, no matter what happens" With that he walked off and closed the door.

I stood there staring at the door, what does he mean by it? Am I making the wrong decision? this is what they want right?

I brushed my fingers throught the silk dress that is lying on my bed, the ritual requires wearing this traditional gown. It was deep red in color with laces covering my forearms. I stood at the mirror smoothening my dress when I heard a crashing sound just outside my door. What's going on?

I hastily made my way and open my door. "What's Happe-" Before I could finish my sentence, a shadow loomed right infront of me and before I knew it I was engulfed by blackness.


I feel a throbbing pain on my chest and everything screams pain on my body, I squirmed and tried to open my eyes. Where the hell am I?

Sitting upright, I scanned my surroundings, a pain shot through my chest again and I was choking. What's happening to me?

"Now, now princess, you must lay down or you'll just hurt yourself" A deep voice suddenly echoed from somewhere and now I'm aware that I am not alone in this room.

"Who's there" My voice cracked as tears started dripping from eyes, I clutched my chest as the unbearable pain started to pound on my chest.

"Oh my God, what's happening to me? I gasp for air. I can't breathe and my situation is not helping me either. I shut my eyes waiting for this pain to dissolved but it just gets worse every minute. I screamed and almost tumbled off from the bed when a pair of strong arms kept me in place. I open my eyes only to meet the glazing brown eyes of a man I barely knew.

"Wh-who are you?" I gasp as the pain on my chest burns me. "I can't breathe" I whispered. The man infront of me sighed.

"Your'e changing" He said, sitting on a chair. He stared at me and a smirk found it's way on it's lips.

"What are you doing here? I'm supposed to be on the ceremony! Why am I here?" I yelled at him but he just seems unfazed and continue to stare at me and that annoyed the hell out of me. 

"What the hell are you staring at?" He laugh, a deep rich laugh that makes the corner of his eyes crinkles, I figured that he was a vampire the moment I met his chocolate brown eyes, no human could be as gorgeous at his. His hair was chocolate brown so as his eyes. He was definitely handsome.

He sighed as if my words exhaust him. He leaned "I'm the one who'll change you" He said and looked at me. I can feel panic coursing through my body and invading my heart. I shook my head, refusing to believe this is happening. Key is the one who'll change me, He said it himself. I can't be change by someone much less this stranger, I don't even know his name for crying out loud.

"What are you talking about?! This is not right! No, this is a mistake, II don't even know you!" This is much worse than the pain on my chest. Tears streaming into my face I scooted away from him and he glared at me.

"Don't you dare move away from me" He growled and I flinched at his tone. He must have noticed it because he ran a hand through his already messy hair and humorless laugh escape his mouth.

"I can't believe they've been lying to you all these time" He paced the room and in a swift movement he was stainding on the huge glass windows, "You don't even know me" He said to himself. He looked at me once again and the word that left his mouth was enough to shatter my world.

"They're lying to you Isabelle, Key is not your changer and he is just using you and lying to you all these time. He is after your power and I can't let that happen" Clenching his jaw as if he was holding back something I shook my head and screamed.

"NO!!!! I don't know what your'e talking about! Who are you to tell me that?! I don;t even ing know you!" With that I bolted through the door and almost slipped on my gown, Ignoring the throbbing of my head I pulled the handle but it won't budge.

"Open this damn door, you bastard! Open-" It must be just a blink of an eye and the next thing I knew I was being pushed against the wall by him. He looked at me as if he want to devour me and a small growl escape his lips.

"You are not to talk to me like that Isabelle, I have every right to claim you because you are my ing fiancee"


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XtraClassy #1
Chapter 35: Enjoy reading this fic please update soon .
Chapter 35: Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 34: Please update soon authornim!
dreamgirlShinee #5
Chapter 33: pleaase update sooooooooooon
cnblueluver #6
Chapter 33: The story was awesome! 저자는,이 이야기는 성공!
Chapter 32: Key is so cute XD
Chapter 31: Authornim...That was amazing
Chapter 30: author-nim ..

please update soon ^^
sseungra #10
OMOOO~ you updated this >w< Thank youuuuu >w< Update soon!