Trembling Heart

My Vampire Princess


~ Chapter 6 ~




Love is a state in which a man sees things most decidedly as they are not.





"What?!" Key almost choke as he looked at his father. This was just his game.  

"This is our revenge son, They killed your Leona,  Key, Now we kill theirs" His father cold voice helds authority and seriousness. He flinched at the mention of that name.It was like those dead memories springing back to life and his heart ache in pain.

"Leona chose to die" He said with voice as thin as ice. "She chose to die because of YOU!" Key yelled and slammed his fists on the chair beside him and pieces of wood scattered on the dull gray carpet.

His father hold no remorse or any emotion about everything. "I didn't kill her son, The orleanders took her and killed her before your wedding day." Key's jaw clenched as he remembered everything...everything about her. Her Leona, Her only love. He clenched his fists as he remembered the day she died. Her Fiancee. The orleanders must be blamed and they must repay for him. They must suffer the way he suffered over those years. 

"How can I kill her?" Key said earning a light laugh from his father "Eager now, are we?"

"Just tell me!" Key took a step forward and his father grey eyes met his. "You can't kill her now son, The daughter of the Orleanders is not yet a vampire..." Key beckoned his father to coninue "Now, Now.. She was a year younger than you and she was not yet transformed. if you can kill her by the time she was about to change, her power will be yours" Key smirked and chuckled casually. "what's her name?" 

"She's Isabella or so i heard" His Father pick up a folded sheet of paper and hand it to key. 'An Invitation?" Key rose his eyebrow and stare at the red Invitation at his hand. He flipped it around and saw the seal of the orleander's at the bottom. "There's a Party there tomorrow midnight to welcome her arrival. Get to know her and be friends with her" His father smirked and put his hand on his son's shoulder. "I know you want revenge son and I want mine" Key smiled and simply nod then he left his father's office with a plan forming on his mind.



+++++ +++++

Hye ri glanced at her reflection at the mirror, her eyes were puffy and red from crying all night and she was tired. she sighed as she lifted her brush and gently her hair. He's my brother. After Jaejoong left the room, she felt lost and scared. He was his brother after all, the one who sents those gifts to her when she was young, no wonder he was oddly familiar to her. They have the same eyes, same lips and same smile. She sighed once more as sat at the wooden chair by the window. She stared at the beautiful scenery before him, the dull gray clouds, the soft chirping of the bird, the leaves that falls on the big trees, everything was peaceful around her...except her mind.

"Excuse me My lady" Mr. lee knocked and Hye ri turned her head to the old man. "master Jaejoong wants you to be ready and wear this" behind him was a big white box, he gently placed it on her bed. "What?" Hye ri looked inside and to her surprise it was a dress. A simple black dress. "Why should I wear this?" Hye ri gently put it back on the box. Mr. Lee smiled "Because you'll be meeting your parents tonight"

The world seem to stop on Hye ri's mind. She gasped and her heart was doing flip flops and everything, Now is the time she is going to meet her parents..her real parents. She was scared, happy , angry. nervous...and everything.

"Master Jaejoong will be waiting for you downstairs" Mr.Lee smiled once more and left Hye ri's jaw wide open.




After an hour Hye ril looked at herself in the mirror, she was wearing the dress that stops on her midthighs, reaveling her long milky legs. The dress was beautiful elegant, it was strapless and a cute red ribbon serves as a belt. She let her glossy brown hair loosed and add a simple makeup on her face. she smiled at the mirror and put on her silver heels. She tripped at first because she's not used of wearing such high heels and after walking back and forth she decided to went downstairs.


Jaejoong glanced at his watch and was patiently waiting for Hye ri to come down. He was wearing a tuxedo and his hair was in place. He was holding a red rose when he heard clicking of heels from behind. He turned around and there she was, her beautiful sister gliding down the stairs like an angel. She stopped infront of him. 

"You look perfect" Jaejoong smiled and held out the red rose to her. "Thanks" Hye ri blushed a bit and took the rose from Jaejoong's cold hand. "Your'e not bad yourself,....oppa" Jaejoong felt happiness when Hye ri finally accept him. His brother. After hours of crying earlier Jaejoong explained from the very beginning of everything except the fact that they are vampires. Hye ri just couldn't handle everything at once.

"Im so sorry Isabella, about everything about-" Hye ri just smiled cutting jaejoong mid-sentence "It's okay. I understand, it's just I can't believe that I have a very hot brother" Hye ri giggled and Jaejoong chuckled. "Thank you, Isabella and I can't believe that I have a very beautiful sister too" he held his hand and Hye ri gladly accept it.

"Are you ready?" Jaejoong whispered as they were both inside the car. Hye ri smiled at his brother. She wasn't ready at all, she was damn afraid of meeting her parents and everything, She sighed and closed her eyes. "Don't worry, everything will be fine" Jaejoong assured her and kissed her cheek.'They'll love you, Isabella"

"I hope so" Hye ri smiled doubtly as he took jaejoong's hand.

"I really hope so" 


After half an hour their car stopped infront of a big white carved gate. Hye ri's mouth parted open in amazement as the gates were like made of bronze. She looked at Jaejoong who just simply smiled at her. In a moment, they both stepped out of the car and two guys in suit approached them and bowed formally. 

"Young Master and Young lady" They both said in unison. "They're waiting for you inside"

Jaejoong held Hye ri's arm and the big gates open, welcoming them. Hye ri couldn't help but gasp in amazement at what she saw inside. Inside was like a place in built for royalties, with it's stone carved floors, the high white porcelain wall that is gleaming under the moonlight, The marble poles and the bushes that grows a thousand of pale pink roses... Hye ri wondered if this place was for her? The foyer was engraved by a big marble fountain with a cherub eyes spilling water at the big porcelain bowl. Hye ri was amazed by everything and what's even more breathtaking was the mansion infront of her.  It was unbeliveably big with large glass windows everywhere and a roof that is antique yet very seemingly attractive. Hye ri looked at his brother with nervousness as they get near at the glass door. jaejoong hold Hye ri reassuringly and before she know it she was greeted by a flash of lights with smiling faces as they Jaejoong walk in with her.

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XtraClassy #1
Chapter 35: Enjoy reading this fic please update soon .
Chapter 35: Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 34: Please update soon authornim!
dreamgirlShinee #5
Chapter 33: pleaase update sooooooooooon
cnblueluver #6
Chapter 33: The story was awesome! 저자는,이 이야기는 성공!
Chapter 32: Key is so cute XD
Chapter 31: Authornim...That was amazing
Chapter 30: author-nim ..

please update soon ^^
sseungra #10
OMOOO~ you updated this >w< Thank youuuuu >w< Update soon!