Chapter 22



*Woohyun’s pov*

It’s raining.

The rain falling onto my face , hand , body , seeping into my clothes, cold, spreading through my body, freezing my heart.

Every scenery disappeared. Every sound disappeared.

The whole world is becoming empty , can’t see anything , can’t hear anything .

Only feels cold.

Myung , I am cold. Is it too cold that’s why my heart is so painful?

Myung…. My heart is aching.

I used to afraid of deaths. I can’t see Myung when I am dead , so I can’t die, no matter what happen I can’t die.

But now , I am waiting for death.

Because , Myung is waiting for me.

*Sunggyu’s pov*

“Woohyun!” I grabbed his hands “What are you thinking! If I never pulled you, you would have fallen into the canal!” I turned him around and I didn’t expect him to fall into my arms without fighting back. “Woohyun?”

Woohyun looked up and asked “Who are you?”

I froze for a second “What did you say?”

“Who… are… you?”

“Woohyun” I caressed his cheeks softly “You don’t know me?”

“….. I was joking, shocked?” Woohyun smiled and stood properly by himself.

*Woohyun’s pov*

“Woohyun.” Sunggyu started.

“Hm?” I answered


“What?” I tilted my head and smiled “You are weird today.”

“The one that is weird is you.” Sunggyu said “What happened?”

“Ani.” I shook my head slowly “Nothing, nothing …… nothing at all……”

I was pulled into his embrace.

I was shocked and pushed him away “What are you doing?”

“Don’t do this.” Sunggyu hugged me tightly, his warmth is extraordinary calming “Didn’t I say that I am right by your side. So, don’t be sad , don’t be depressed, no matter what happen, I will stay with you forever.”


“Yes , forever.”


“Hmm , forever.”


“That’s right , forever.”


He pulled me away expressionlessly his face clearly shown that he is speechless “Are you trying to pick a fight?”

“Pfft.” I laughed and holded his hand.

Sunggyu looks shocked at my sudden move “Woohyun?”

“It’s my birthday today.” I smiled “Can you play with me? As a present.”

“No way!” Sunggyu switched to grabbing my hand and started walking “It is raining now , playing can wait till we changed our clothes! And , how can playing be counted as a present? It’s birthday! Playing with you is a must , present must be given separately!”


In a toy factory , wearing a prince like suit , staring at a bunny soft toy which is staring back at me with its big round eyes. Totally speechless…

“How , happy?” He looked at his work and nodded with satisfactory “I know that you would like this, this is romantic enough right?”

“I have nothing to say” I said “You are a genius!”

I liked bunnies. BUT! Kim Sunggyu actually bought a whole shop of one hundred square metres! Shocked , shock was the only feeling I had , it has nothing to do with if it is romantic or not.

“Anyway, thank you.”

Kim Sunggyu looked here left and right and went to take another bunny soft toy and handed it to me “This , I will give you this.”

“Ehh” I looked at him, feeling a little disappointed “You are not going to give me all of these?”

He looked at me shocked “You want all of this? Aren’t you greedy?”

“You!” I snatched the bunny from him “Hmph , so be it then.”

“I am just joking with you.” He smiled and ruffled my hair softly “I am giving it all to you of course, but we are still going to other place to play, you can’t possible take all of this with you. Leave the rest here, it will still be yours.”

My heart was beating faster, I blushed “Then why did you give me a bunny , can’t I have another one?”

“Don’t you like bunny?” He sound like he wasn’t expecting this “Last time when we went to the arcade , you looked happy when you won the bunny soft toy , and your phone’s wallpaper was a bunny too, did I made a mistake, you like others more?”

I hugged the soft toy and didn’t reply. He realized that I like bunnies by my little actions?

“Woohyun?” Sunggyu walked towards me “What’s the matter?”

“Nope.” I shook my head and smiled gently “I like bunny.”

“That’s good.” Sunggyu grabbed my hand gently and walked out of the factory, the rain has stopped.

“There is still three hours left for today, there is not much time left. Where should we go now? Woohyun , do you have any places that you wanna go?” Sunggyu asked

“Park.” I looked at Sunggyu who is walking slightly infront of me.

“Park? Which park is better?” Sunggyu thought. That is a very difficult question for him since he never went to any parks since he was born, eotokke? Call for help? But who?

“The park that we went previously.” I said. And the hand that is holding onto mine froze for a while.

“…. That park? Okay then , let’s go there”

*Sunggyu’s pov*

I held Woohyun’s hand and continued walking to the park like nothing is wrong , making sure that he doesn’t see that sadness that flashed pass my face.

The place where Myung gave you his promise? Woohyun , when will I have a place in your heart…

“Is this year’s cherry blossom possessed?  Why hasn’t it wilt?!” I looked at the tree outside the park, feeling irritated.

I don’t dislike cherry blossoms. I did, but after I met Woohuyn , the dislike part disappeared. I am purely targeting this tree infront of me.

 This is the place where Myung gave Woohyun the promise! It is considered  an eyesore right now.

Woohyun sat down on the bench outside the park.

I walked over “Why don’t you go in?”

Woohyun pointed it out like I am blind “It’s closed.”

“Closed? I will have my ways to go in.” I fished out my phone.

“No need.” Woohyun shook his head slowly “I only want to sit here a while, just a while.”

“Tired?” I noticed that he sounded a little tired.

“I think so.” Woohyun looks very tired, hugging his bunny soft toy , his body fell slowly to a side, I caught him in time and let him lean on my body.

Woohyun’s eyes are closed and he looked like he is sleeping soundly.

I ruffled his hair gently and looked at him sleep like an angel. Don’t know if it is because of the rain, Woohyun’s already pale face looked even more paler. I hesitated for a while before moving my arms around him and hugged him , blushing slightly.

Woohyun’s body froze for a second before relaxing , it was so fast that I thought that it was an illusion.

“Don’t misunderstand!” I said , my face feeling hot “I am doing this so that you won’t feel cold!”

Woohyun stayed silent for a while before moving a bit and find a more comfortable position and continued sleeping.

I smiled , feeling sleepy as time passes, before I fell asleep , Woohyun’s voice was heard.

“Why… disappeared?”

“Hmm?” I asked looking at him , he is still closing his eyes and looking like he is asleep, I almost thought that I heard wrongly when he spoke again.

“Why did you disappear? You took leaves and didn’t come to school. Why?” He said softly.

“…. Because of Min Young’s father.” Thinking of the experienced I had, my expressions turned darker “ I offended him previously and he wanted to revenge so he went to find a stupid fiancé for me, even that stupid old guy in my house is going crazy with him. Seriously. But I still won , that stupid ugly fiancé was returned back”

“So the forever that you are talking about is fake.”

“What?” I froze.

Woohyun smiled still closing his eyes “Will always stay by my side, no matter what , you will stay with me, so these are all lies.”

“No.” I denied “I didn’t lie, this is purely an accident, I will always stay by your side from now on, definitely!”

“I never once doubt your feelings.”

I was happy hearing that “Really?”

“But , I don’t believe in accidents.” Woohyun opened his eyes “This time there is an accident , next time, next next time. Accidents are all around. Please don’t promise, things that you can’t do. This , is even more painful than being lied to.”


“Saying that you will stay by my side, but you are a liar too, in the end. I actually believed what you said, I must be stupid” Woohyun moved away from me “your love is a burden to me, you are making me suffer.”

“You are suffering?”

Woohyun removed his hands from me and stood up. “Yes , you are making me suffer.” Woohyun smiled but his words got sharper. “I was planning to stay with you a little longer, but I can’t do that, the more I stay with you, the more I am suffering, so go, go back to your fiancé, I don’t want to see you.”

“But! But I!” I stood up and grabbed his hand “ I!” I froze. “What.. you…” Why is he shaking? Why does his hands feels so cold?

“Go away, don’t touch me.”  He tried to escape from my hands , I forced him to let me take a closer look and I realized that he was too pale. “What is wrong?” I asked “Are you not feeling well? Did you caught a cold?”

He Struggles “Let go!”


Suddenly , he is body weight was on me and he was grabbing his chest , breathing heavily.

“Woohyun , why are you—” I thought of something “Woohyun , your heart hurts?”

Woohyun is still grabbing onto the shirt infront of his chest breathing heavily.

“I will sent you to the hospital.”

I was anxious and tried to carry him but he pushed me away. “You!” I said fustrated

“Just let me, die here.”

“What are you saying!” I shouted

“Please.” Woohyun is now sitting on the floor, looking up at me , smiling “Just let me, die quietly at where Myung gave me a promise.”

“Stop spouting nonsense!” I pulled him up “I don’t allow you to die!”

“Let go!” He tried to struggle.


“Please , let go.” Woohyun said “Why is it that there will be people stopping me whenever I want to do something! I only want to die quietly, why must you stop me?!”

“Because I love you.”

“Stop!” Woohyun pushed me away.

“I love you, Woohyun , I love you!”

“I told you to stop!” Woohyun pushed me away once again and knelt down on the floor breathing heavily.

I held his arms “I will bring you to the hospital.”

Woohyun shook his head “No need , I am going to die.”

“Don’t say that with such a calm tone!”

Woohyun’s body is shaking and he look like he has difficulty keeping conscious. “Woohyun!” I hugged him “Don’t sleep! Hang on! Woohyun!”

*Woohyun’s pov*

Flapping of wings can be heard, the smile infront of me is clearer and clearer.

 Myung , is that you? Is it really you?

So I am really going to die.

“Myung.” I reached out “Before you die , you will see your loved ones coming to fetch you , it’s true….”

*Woohyun’s pov*

“What are you talking!” Sunggyu hugged me “I will send you to the hospital!”

“Give up on me.” I smiled “Continue loving me, promising something that you can’t do selfishly , will only make me suffer. So , please give up on me.”

“I won’t give up on you!” Sunggyu grabbed my hand and rubbed it , but no matter how he rubbed it or blow air on it , it is still cold “I said that I will stay with you forever. Since you believed in me once , you must believe in me forever!”

“I don’t want to.” I said “You can’t do that, you are not around when I needed you, you can’t stay with me.”

“Cherry blossoms will bring you my longing thoughts.”

I heart shook. “Cherry blossoms?”

“Didn’t you say that?” Sunggyu smiled gently “Cherry blossoms will carry all our thoughts, even if the person leaves, or even dead, the thoughts they leave will never disappear.”

Sunggyu smiled again “Right, there will be lots of accidents that will tear us apart, but cherry blossoms will bring you my thoughts. No matter how far I am, I heart will never leave you.”

I grabbed his shirt, shaking.

“Cold?” He asked.

“Why must you tell me all these?! Why must you tell me at this time?!” I grabbed his shirt and shouted “Isn’t it better to just let me die?! Isn’t it better to just let me die quietly?”

“Why… just when I am about to die, why must you let me yearn to live?”


“I don’t want to die….”

He froze.

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!” I grabbed his shirt tighter and tears are falling from my eyes. “I want to live, together with you….”

“Then don’t die.” Sunggyu raised his voice “I don’t allow you to die! Don’t give up!”

I shook my head “I love you, Sunggyu ,I love you so much.”

He stunned “what did you say?”

“I love you , forever.”


“I love you, even if I am not with you, even if I am dead , I love you…” I said as I closed my eyes.

A guy with white wings opened his arms to me.

But I shook my head.

Myung , please forgive me.

I am this greedy, except for you, I still want others love.

Father’s, mother’s, Dongwoo’s, Sungyeol’s, Sunggyu’s, Kim Myungsoo, even Min Young, I wished that they would love me.

Forgive me for not going with you, forgive me for letting go of your hands.

Forgive me, that I am going to forget you this time.

Forgive me , for still wanting to live….

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Mianhe >.


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 31: im crying reading this ff....hhuhhuhu....but thnks for the great ending first i though gyu also had serious desease...but the nurse mke mistake so im soooo relief that they together at last!!!
Chapter 30: Oh! So sweet (: Ahah, poor Sunggyu, he thought he would die...I was curious when I read that, I wondered how the story would end.
I like it! (:

But what happened to L? I'm curious :p
naznew #3
Chapter 30: gomawo updated.
this is final chapter? *pout*
aish..that clumsy..i thought sunggyu will died.. i'm glad he just tired and fine..
good ending..happy ever after..
but..woohyun already alright?his disease?
RedCookies #4
Chapter 30: is it really end?
really? does woohyun already heal?
and what about L? how is he?
and that myungsoo's line,i like it. .. im crying read this ff.
i need a sequel maybe? kkk
Chapter 29: Please update soon.
I don't want to see Woohyun suffer again.
You know,I diagnosed with it too.
Hurm. It is sad though.
Chapter 29: I really miss your update >.<
Gaaaah, why do you make it so sad? I thought I didn't see sad or angst tag above? Is it Gyu's turn to be sick? T.T
I just hope it ends well...
jyunosayshi #7
Chapter 29: If Sunggyu dies oh gawd.. poor Woohyun whose he gonna love now. everyone he loves is dying D: ;___;
naznew #8
Chapter 29: Omo is sunggyu turn to sick... poor woohyun .. he already feel happy with sunggyu appearance and now sunggyu is having a serious disease .. sunggyu have brain cancer,right?
Chapter 29: NO...!!!! WHAT HAPPEND TO SUNGGYU??!!!
are sunggyu sick too?
Chapter 29: NOOO! >_< Dun let sunggyu be sick :(