Chapter 17



*Woohyun’s pov*

“Woohyun , let’s have a date.” Myungsoo said and holded my hands and pulled me out of school.

“Wait , Myung , don’t you have lessons now?” I asked

“I have , but I want to see you.”

Omo , Myung just said that he wants to see me and asked me out for a date~ My eyes turned into heart shapes “Myung… I really really like you.” I continued staring at him “I liked you for 15 years , and I would like you forever , that won’t change.”

“Won’t change…. Right?” Myung’s smile turned into a sad smile.

“Myung where are we going?”

“For a date~” He said

Date huh… What would couples normally do when they go for dates? Shopping , watch movies , sit in a café and I don’t know anymore.

When we are together last time , we stayed in the hospital so it is impossible to have a date. When I am separated from Myung , I don’t even look at other boys , so I won’t know what do people normally do when they go for a date.

And , Kim Myungsoo is the same , other than taking care of Min Young and don’t let her get hurt , he don’t know what do people do when they go for dates.

So after we went for a movie , ate some snacks, and shops , they sat in a café looking at each other.

“So where should we go next?” I drank my fruit juice , and think, think, think but I still don’t have an idea of where we should go.

Myung smiled and said “If it is with Woohyun , it doesn’t matter where we go.”

I blushed “Myung!” I blushed for so many times today. Myung is so gentle , he is already gentle originally but he is extra gentle today.

“Woohyun…” He folndled with the cup in his hands “Do you think that I have changed?”


Myung smiled “15 Years , people will change at least a bit right? I don’t have any memories of us in the past so I am curious.”

“Change…” I thought for a while “Nope , Myung is still as handsome as ever.”

Myung smiled softly.

“And you are still the same as last time.” I continued “you smiles to hide away all your other feelings. You don’t want to share it with others and just hides it in the deepest part of your heart.”

“Woohyun” He smiles “You don’t have any rights to say that. You are also the same.”

“Yea.” I chuckled.

“even though I don’t have any rights to say this to anyone “ He looked at me gently “But please tell me how you feel , don’t always hide your emotions. If there is anything just tell me okay?”

I hesitated “I…” My hand was grabbed suddenly

Myung is still looking at me gently , eyes firm but filled with hope but also feared to get hurt at the same time. “Tell me okay? Your emotions , good or bad I want to know it.”

I bit my lips and stayed silent. Promise , I have to promise! It is Myung! The Myung that I have waited for 15 years. Haven’t I showed him all my emotions before? Then why am I hiding it from him all of a sudden? Promise him!

“Myung!” I laughed “Those sad times has already past , I am with you right now so I am very happy. From now onwards , I won’t be sad anymore~”


“ It’s true.” I smiled “other people , other things have nothing to do with me, in this world I only care about Myung. I am living because of Myung.”

“What if I died?” He asked

“then , i-“

“What if I am not Myung?” He cut me off before I finish “If I am not Myung , will you still like me?”

“Myung is Myung!”

He laughed softly “What do you like about me? You like me because it’s me or is it because that you are living in the past memories?”

“Must you classify it so clearly?” I looked at him weirdly “For one person likes the other person there must be feelings between them, and this feelings come from past memories, you like the memories then you like the person and there will be more happy memories created afterwards… What am I saying? I am confused”

“If I am not Myung and we don’t have any memories , will you still like me?”

“No ifs! Myung is Myung!” I said “If you continue being like this , I am going to be mad! This sounds like I am living in the past memories and the feelings I have for myung are all fake!”

“I am sorry” He appologised “I didn’t meant to –”

“I like Myung. Not because of the memories. If myung becomes fat or very ugly, I wouldn’t like you! It is because Myung is Myung that I like you.”

“Really?” He mumbled “Not because of the memories , but it is because it’s me that why you like me?”

“I like Myung.” I said “What about Myung? Do you like me?”

“It’s not like.” He said “I love you.”

“Myung” I grabbed onto my shirt tightly. Weird… what is this? I feel like the atmostphere is so heavy that I cannot breathe. I waited for 15 years, I waited only for this moment , so why do I feel so sad and depressed?

“Myung…. I like Myung…..” I forced it out of my mouth “ I like myung …. Forever and ever…”

“Not love?”

“What?” I looked at him

“Not , love?” He said slowly “Only like and it won’t change into love?”

My heart clench “No! It’s not like that! I like Myung! I like Myung more than anyone else….”

Kim Sunggyu’s image flashed through my head and I hesitated “I like Myung…. More than anyone…”

I heard my phone rang and I picked it up “Where are you?” I heard Sunggyu say at the other end.

“I am at home.” I lied without thinking “Do you have something to tell me?”

“You are not at home.” He said simply “I am outside of your house.”

“Outside my house…” I mumbled

“I don’t care where are you but come back now , I will wait infront of your house.”

“Who do you think you are? Why must I listen to you?” I retorted and hang up.

“Is it Sunggyu?” Myung asked

“Yea..” Kim Sunggyu is weird… nothing happened to him right?

“Come on , let’s go to other places to play.” Myung said and stood up

My phone rang again. “Yeoboseyo”

“Why didn’t you come back?”

“why must I go back?” I stopped for a while before asking “ Are you okay? , you sound weird.”

“Of course~ I am good , no time is better than now.” He said and laughed

“Really?” I asked not very convinced “You sure?”

“You are with Kim Myungsoo?” He asked

“Yea.” I answered.

“So you really is with him…” With that he hung up.

What’s with him? He is not like his usual self. He sounds sad…, even though he had times like this previously , but this is different. He is laughing but he sounds so sad…

I continued walking with Myung and we reached a park. My phone rang again “Kim Sunggyu! I said that I am not going back! Can’t you understand Korean?!” I shouted and hang the phone.

It rang again “Why can’t you-“

“I love you” He said “Woohyun I love you, I love you more than Kim Myungsoo. I love you more than anyone in this world. In this world , I only love you.”


“Remember what I said, even though you like Kim Myungsoo , please don’t forget my words.” With that , he hung up slowly.

I turned to myung and appologise “Myung I am sorry but I have to go.”

“To find Sunggyu?” He asked and I nodded.

“Don’t go…” He said softly

“Myung I am sorry…” I said and turned to leave.

Outiside my house….

“Bastard!” I shouted I rushed home and he actually fooled me?! To think that I left Myung alone at that park and he actually fooled me?! Why does he affect me this much? “Don’t tell me I really fell in love with him? NONONONO The one I like is Myung!” I said to myself before going to my house

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Mianhe >.


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 31: im crying reading this ff....hhuhhuhu....but thnks for the great ending first i though gyu also had serious desease...but the nurse mke mistake so im soooo relief that they together at last!!!
Chapter 30: Oh! So sweet (: Ahah, poor Sunggyu, he thought he would die...I was curious when I read that, I wondered how the story would end.
I like it! (:

But what happened to L? I'm curious :p
naznew #3
Chapter 30: gomawo updated.
this is final chapter? *pout*
aish..that clumsy..i thought sunggyu will died.. i'm glad he just tired and fine..
good ending..happy ever after..
but..woohyun already alright?his disease?
RedCookies #4
Chapter 30: is it really end?
really? does woohyun already heal?
and what about L? how is he?
and that myungsoo's line,i like it. .. im crying read this ff.
i need a sequel maybe? kkk
Chapter 29: Please update soon.
I don't want to see Woohyun suffer again.
You know,I diagnosed with it too.
Hurm. It is sad though.
Chapter 29: I really miss your update >.<
Gaaaah, why do you make it so sad? I thought I didn't see sad or angst tag above? Is it Gyu's turn to be sick? T.T
I just hope it ends well...
jyunosayshi #7
Chapter 29: If Sunggyu dies oh gawd.. poor Woohyun whose he gonna love now. everyone he loves is dying D: ;___;
naznew #8
Chapter 29: Omo is sunggyu turn to sick... poor woohyun .. he already feel happy with sunggyu appearance and now sunggyu is having a serious disease .. sunggyu have brain cancer,right?
Chapter 29: NO...!!!! WHAT HAPPEND TO SUNGGYU??!!!
are sunggyu sick too?
Chapter 29: NOOO! >_< Dun let sunggyu be sick :(