Chapter 18


*Woohyun’s pov*

I walked into class with big eye bags under my eyes that resemble panda, I walked toward my table and put my head on the table and tried to sleep.

Why do I need to sleep in class? A someone called me 3 times during my date and told me to meet him, and when I went, he is not there! Seriously , made me worried for 1 whole night, and I came here so early the next day planning to find that someone to ask for an answer. But he actually took a leave and the reason is unknown!

“Seriously, what is he doing?!” I shouted. I didn’t slept for a night (Because of worries for someone) and was planning to sleep in class to replenish my lost sleep, but I still can’t sleep (still because of worrying for that someone)

“What, what, what, what the hell happened?” I mumbled “after saying those words…”

I love you, I love you more than anyone in this world…

“You disappeared like this, you are so annoying, Kim Sunggyu.”

For the next few days, Sunggyu never came to school… Is he kidnapped by aliens? Anyway, finding him at his house would be easier, so I went to the student council room to look for his address.

“Woohyun.” A soft voice called from behind, I was shocked and dropped the stack of paper of students’ particulars on the floor.

“Min, Min, Min young!”

Min young walked in and looked at me then the sheets of paper on the floor.

“It’s, it’s not what you think, don’t misunderstand!” I explained nervously “I, I only wanted—” Why am I so nervous? So what if I am found flipping through students particulars? I don’t need to be so nervous.

“I, I only…” only don’t want to admit ….. Don’t want to admit that I am caring for Sunggyu…

I stoned. What am I thinking?

“You are looking for his information.” Min young said “You know that he is sick, and you want to see him. So you are looking for his address.”

“So he is sick”

“You don’t have to go. Even if you go, he won’t see you.” She bends down and started to pick up the papers “Because, we are getting engage next week.”

“Engage?!” I said in shocked “How is that possible! The one you like – Wait, you are talking about Myung? The one that is sick is Myung?”

“If not who do you think I am talking about?” Min Young asked a little shocked.

“Engaged, what does that means?” I grabbed her shoulders “You are getting engaged with Myung? You must be lying.”

“Our engagement party is next week.” She smiled “You can come.”

“Why? How? We went for a date last few days, but now—” I was stunned

I was so occupied with Sunggyu this few days that I didn’t realize that Myung also never come to school this few days. I neglected myung unconsciously, I don’t even know that Myung didn’t come to school.

“The party is at my house , on the 17th , you are welcome to join us.” She said and passed me an invitation card. I can’t move. My head is blank.

What , is happening…

What, should I do….

Myung and Sunggyu , they promised to stay by my side …. But why is none of them around?

In the hospital.

“Hi~ Sungyeol.”  I walked into Sungyeol’s ward “are you feeling better?”

“Woohyun hyung!” Sungyeol said happily and pouted “Why didn’t you come for the past few days, Sungyeol is so bored in here.”

“Sorry sorry.” I replied “This few days I am a little busy.”

Sungyeol stared at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I touched my face.

“Did something happen?”


“Woohyun hyung looks weird…” SungYeol looked at me worriedly .

“Yah! Sungyeol! You are the one that looks weird! Not me!” I shook my head.

Sungyeol’s expression darkened for a while before returning to a normal kid “Woohyun hyung , you said that you are busy , what are you doing?”

“Aish , don’t talk about that anymore.” I said “How are you feeling? ”

“I am feeling better~” He said cheerfully “Father will come pick me up later.”

“That’s good.” I nodded.

“Oh ,where is Myung?” He looked behind me “And where is the other hyung?”

I act like I heard nothing and said “Ah , you finished your water?”

“Yea , because I am going home later so I didn’t care. Where is the other hyung?”

“Even if you are going out , you still have to drink.” I said in a firm tone “sit here and wait I am going to fill up your bottle.”

“Wait , Woohyun hyung…” he called for me but I already walked out.

Leaning against the wall “Aish… no matter where I go , I will be able to hear your names”  I grabbed the bottle tighter “even hiding from you seems impossible right now…” A petal flew in and landed on my hands. “Cherry blossoms?” I looked outside “You still haven’t withered yet?”

The first time meeting Myung , is when the cherry blossom are blooming beautifully…

The first time meeting Sunggyu , is also when the cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully…

When mother abandoned me , it is still when the cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully…

“All , disappeared…” The wind blew and the trees swayed beautifully “Those that promised to stay by my side all disappeared …”

No matter if it is Myung who promised to stay by my side , or Sunggyu that vowed to never leave me, even mother who lied that she loves me is not around…

All disappeared…

I don’t dare to go find out why Sunggyu disappeared, don’t dare to ask Myung if he really is planning on marrying Min young. If Sunggyu decided to stop loving me, if Myung answered that he is really going to marry Min Young, if I am abandoned one more time…

It’s so scary… being abandoned… that feeling is really scary…

“So let me hide for once, only once, let me run away. Don’t let me know anything, don’t tell me anything , just let me hide here.”

“Mrs Nam!” a nurse shouted and disrupts my thoughts. I looked down the window and saw a women lying under a tree.

“Mrs nam ,why are you here? We are looking for you everywhere!”

My heart clenched. I stared at the woman outside, that woman looks like—

“I am sorry , but this place is so warm.” That woman smiled


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Mianhe >.


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 31: im crying reading this ff....hhuhhuhu....but thnks for the great ending first i though gyu also had serious desease...but the nurse mke mistake so im soooo relief that they together at last!!!
Chapter 30: Oh! So sweet (: Ahah, poor Sunggyu, he thought he would die...I was curious when I read that, I wondered how the story would end.
I like it! (:

But what happened to L? I'm curious :p
naznew #3
Chapter 30: gomawo updated.
this is final chapter? *pout*
aish..that clumsy..i thought sunggyu will died.. i'm glad he just tired and fine..
good ending..happy ever after..
but..woohyun already alright?his disease?
RedCookies #4
Chapter 30: is it really end?
really? does woohyun already heal?
and what about L? how is he?
and that myungsoo's line,i like it. .. im crying read this ff.
i need a sequel maybe? kkk
Chapter 29: Please update soon.
I don't want to see Woohyun suffer again.
You know,I diagnosed with it too.
Hurm. It is sad though.
Chapter 29: I really miss your update >.<
Gaaaah, why do you make it so sad? I thought I didn't see sad or angst tag above? Is it Gyu's turn to be sick? T.T
I just hope it ends well...
jyunosayshi #7
Chapter 29: If Sunggyu dies oh gawd.. poor Woohyun whose he gonna love now. everyone he loves is dying D: ;___;
naznew #8
Chapter 29: Omo is sunggyu turn to sick... poor woohyun .. he already feel happy with sunggyu appearance and now sunggyu is having a serious disease .. sunggyu have brain cancer,right?
Chapter 29: NO...!!!! WHAT HAPPEND TO SUNGGYU??!!!
are sunggyu sick too?
Chapter 29: NOOO! >_< Dun let sunggyu be sick :(