Chapter 20


A/N: I hope you would like this~

Days past so quickly , it is already the 17th, Min Young and Kim Myungsoo’s engagement party.


In the gorgeous room, countless of high leveled businessman , politicians and even some foreign envoys that doesn’t appear frequently are gathered here, all to congratulate today’s main.

In these people , the Kim Myungsoo that disappeared recently is there, smiling gently and thanking them, beside him is a shaking Min young that is grabbing onto him like there is no tomorrow.

*Myungsoo’s pov*

 “I,I am scared.” Min Young said while no one is around them “Myung, can we go in , there are lots of people here.”

“Isn’t this what you want?” I cut her while smiling and speak so gently “See , so many people is congratulating us, aren’t you happy?”

“Don’t talk to me like this , please.” Min Young pleaded softly “I love you, you are making me sad.”

“You love me?” Kim Myungsoo’s smile is getting more gentle by every second , so gentle that Min Young feels uneasy.


“But , I don’t love you.” I said and moved closer to her and said softly into her ears “I despise you.”


In a corner of the room, a group of girls are sitting there gossiping.

“The violent guy didn’t come today.”

 “This is Myungsoo oppa and Min Young’s engagement party , he can’t come.”

“That might not be true , according to the violent guy’s level of thick-skinned and selfishness , he won’t care whether it is an engagement party, he will snatch it first.”

“That means he will come and snatch Myungsoo oppa today.”

They remained silent for a while.

“No! Way! We won’t allow it! Myungsoo oppa is ours!!”

“Even if the violent guy don’t come , Myungsoo oppa will still not be ours.”

They remain silent for a while again.

“Oh yea.”

“Today is Min young and Myungsoo oppa’s engagement party. Even if he don’t come , Myungsoo oppa is still not ours.”

Again, silence.

“I feel that” a girl said “rather than seeing Myungsoo oppa engage with Min Young , I would rather he snatch Myungsoo oppa away.”

Now none of them speaks at all.

*Woohyun’s pov*

It is already eight, the engagement party must have started.

Outside the hospital , I stood there, the sweat in my hands indicating how nervous I am.

Yes , I have think of running away, hide in a hole like a ostrich and act like nothing has happened. But the real me is persistent, invincible, to achieve my goal, I don’t care if people is hurt , I don’t care if I am selfish. So I have decided to go to the engagement party and snatch Myung back.

But before that , I have something that I must do.

Infront of the counter.

“Mrs Nam?” The nurse at the counter frowned

“Yea , do you know this patient? Can you bring me to her?”

“Erm… but there are a lot of people called Mrs Nam, do you know her name?”

“Erm…” I hesitated before finally answering “Minhwa”

“Sorry , we don’t have a patient named Minhwa here.”

“That is not possible! I saw her here!” I snatch the record from her

“Yah , you can’t do this.” The nurse tried to get it back “You can’t just read that!”

“Shut up” I said and hit the counter and it dented in.

Instantly , the world became quiet.

“Sorry.” Looking at the nurse , I continued to flip through the record. At most , I would let Dongwoo fix that , since he has nothing but money. The nurse took a few steps back trying to find someone to help her.

“Stand there , don’t move!” I shouted and she stood there , still.

“Not here , why?” I looked at the nurse “all of the patients are registered right?” I asked , seeing that I am not going to get an answer , I went to flip through other records , maybe she used another name to register.

“Erm… why do you want to find her? Not….” Revenge right? The nurse swallowed the last two words, didn’t dare to say it out.

I looked down “….umma……”

“What?” the nurse didn’t understand

“That woman is umma , I have been looking for umma….”

 The nurse froze. After a while , the nurse started “your Umma…. Is missing?”

“Not missing”

“Oh.” The nurse rolled her eyes, thinking that there was some sad past.

“Not missing .” I smiled and said softly “umma , doesn’t like me anymore, doesn’t want me, doesn’t want to see me anymore, and threw me away.”

The record in my hands are suddenly snatched away. “Stop looking, the woman you are finding won’t be in here.”

I looked at her , stunned.

“There is a person….. she might be the one you are looking for.” The nurse hesitated thinking if she should say it out “She was brought back by the director, we only know that she is called Mrs Nam and nothing else. Anything about her is a secret, not recorded , don’t allow her to go anywhere and no visitors allowed.”

“Where is she?” I grabbed the nurse by her shoulders and shook her “Bring me there!”

“I don’t want to! If I am found out , I will be killed by the director.” The nurse pulled away from me “She is at room 303 , go alone.”

With that I sped to room 303. “Yah , don’t say that I told you that when you are found!” The nurse shouted not knowing if I heard it “if you dare to say that I was the one , I won’t let you go even if I am dead!”

Ward 303.

Standing outside the ward, I stared at the number and finally opened the door.

“Good night , umma.”

The woman heard my voice and turned around.

“it really is you.” I stood there stoned for a while

“You , know me?” The woman infront of me said

“You don’t know me?” I can’t believe it.

The woman just smiled

“I am Woohyun.”

“Woo….Hyun….?” The woman thought for a while.

“You also lost your memories?” I walked closer but stopped halfway “It’s so weird , everyone I loved forgot me.” I laughed “Myung doesn’t remember me , umma doesn’t remember me too.”

The woman is still smiling nicely.

“Do you hate me this much , you hate me so much that you don’t want to give me a space in your heart? You hate me so much that you doesn’t even want to remember me?”

The woman doesn’t understand what I am talking and continued smiling.

“Since you hate me so much , why did you give birth of me?”

I grabbed her by her shoulders “Don’t smile! Don’t smile like this! Forgetting me is such a nice thing? You are so happy that you forgot me? Don’t smile! I forbid you to!”

“Remembering me is very troublesome for you right. That’s why you chose to forget me, forgetting me forever!”

“Didn’t you say that you love me?”

“If you really loved me , you wouldn’t have abandoned me, wouldn’t have not wished to see me , wouldn’t have tried to kill me.”

“Love me , that is just an excuse you said to abandon me right. In actual fact , you hate me right?”

“Since you hate me so much ,why didn’t you kill me?”

I looked up into her eyes “Why didn’t you kill me that time? Since you hate me so much why didn’t you just kill me?!”

“Because…… you said that ………you don’t want to die.”

“What?” I stared at her , shocked “What did you just say?”

She reach and touched my face “Because , you said that you didn’t want to die.”


I walked aimlessly on the pathway.

“Because you said that you don’t want to die.” In the ward the woman said in such a gentle tone.

“She faced too much of things , she already fell apart , she doesn’t even know who herself is” Dongwoo said coldly.

“But she still remembers me!” I said “She still remembers what I said!”

“That is only clips that she remembered, those are meaningless memories.” Dongwoo said without any feelings “She won’t remember you , never.”

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Mianhe >.


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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 31: im crying reading this ff....hhuhhuhu....but thnks for the great ending first i though gyu also had serious desease...but the nurse mke mistake so im soooo relief that they together at last!!!
Chapter 30: Oh! So sweet (: Ahah, poor Sunggyu, he thought he would die...I was curious when I read that, I wondered how the story would end.
I like it! (:

But what happened to L? I'm curious :p
naznew #3
Chapter 30: gomawo updated.
this is final chapter? *pout*
aish..that clumsy..i thought sunggyu will died.. i'm glad he just tired and fine..
good ending..happy ever after..
but..woohyun already alright?his disease?
RedCookies #4
Chapter 30: is it really end?
really? does woohyun already heal?
and what about L? how is he?
and that myungsoo's line,i like it. .. im crying read this ff.
i need a sequel maybe? kkk
Chapter 29: Please update soon.
I don't want to see Woohyun suffer again.
You know,I diagnosed with it too.
Hurm. It is sad though.
Chapter 29: I really miss your update >.<
Gaaaah, why do you make it so sad? I thought I didn't see sad or angst tag above? Is it Gyu's turn to be sick? T.T
I just hope it ends well...
jyunosayshi #7
Chapter 29: If Sunggyu dies oh gawd.. poor Woohyun whose he gonna love now. everyone he loves is dying D: ;___;
naznew #8
Chapter 29: Omo is sunggyu turn to sick... poor woohyun .. he already feel happy with sunggyu appearance and now sunggyu is having a serious disease .. sunggyu have brain cancer,right?
Chapter 29: NO...!!!! WHAT HAPPEND TO SUNGGYU??!!!
are sunggyu sick too?
Chapter 29: NOOO! >_< Dun let sunggyu be sick :(