An Old Friend

I'm a Loner

Chapter 23 – An Old Friend


The three remaining weeks in winter break went by without Yonghwa even realizing it. Ever since he acquired a ‘new roommate’ everything seemed to go by much faster than usual. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but every now and then he wished that there was some way to stop time. It felt a little strange for him to think that way, but he brushed those thoughts to the side. So far everything had gone relatively smoothly. The walking accident zone known as Seohyun hadn’t really caused him too much trouble ever since she moved in. He was half expecting her father to burst in his house again with a private military, but luckily none of that happened. The last remaining Sunday in the break was almost over and the next day would bring them to their academic prison.

It was one of those Sundays in which you didn’t do anything. The weather outside was pretty much terrible, so going outside was out of the question. As they really had nothing better to do, Seohyun started to watch dramas she needed to catch up on on her laptop. Yonghwa of course having nothing better to do either, crept up behind her and watched as the unrealistic storylines unfolded. Every now and then he would complain about how fake they seemed, but since Seohyun kept him on a very tight leash, he couldn’t complain for long.

“Aw,” squeaked Seohyun with tears in her eyes. “Yes! Yes! Kiss her!” Yonghwa couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was obvious to him that the two main characters would kiss and live happily ever after. He couldn’t understand why anyone would think otherwise.

“Yah, stop yelling. It’s obvious that they are going to end up together. The basic structure of Korean dramas doesn’t allow for the main characters to have a sad ending. Why would you cheer them on if you know what’s going to happen anyways?” Yonghwa asked angrily. He wasn’t really all that annoyed since it was Seohyun and he knew her so well already. Had it been anyone else, he would have gone on a rampage already.

“Do you have to ruin everything? Dramas are for bringing tears to people’s eyes, whether from happiness or sadness, not for analyzing. Alright, come here, there’s a drama you just HAVE to watch.” Yonghwa quietly scooted his seat over towards the drama-addicted girl as he was asked. It almost made him laugh how obedient he was. It felt like just yesterday he was telling her to get lost and now he was sitting a few inches away from her watching love stories.

“Boys Over Flowers? What the hell kinda title is that?” Yonghwa mocked. “Sounds stupid, so I think I’ll pass.” Before Yonghwa could get up, Seohyun’s hand held his in a vice grip. The look on her face told him there was no way he was getting out of this one so he might as well give up. “Ugh, why do we have to watch this? If it’s going to be a sappy love story, then I’ll pass. I’ve never even heard of this drama before.”

“Wait… are you serious? You’re a Korean high school student, and you’ve never heard of Boys Over Flowers? Any five year old that lives in this country knows what Boys Over Flowers is. You’re really something Jung Yonghwa,” Seohyun half-joked. She wasn’t sure whether to believe that outrageous statement or not. Anyone who was anyone knew the drama that was playing on her screen. If you didn’t know the story, you most likely lived under a rock for most of your life. “It’s perfect for us. Well the roles are kind of reversed since the rich guy is the and in our case it’s the poor guy. Nevertheless, I’m sure this applies to us very well.”

After hours of quietly analyzing the storyline, Yonghwa suppressed his laughter at the unbelievable story. Of course the story would revolve around a rich guy and a poor girl, that was a cliché that you just had to have in a Korean drama. The main character was very good looking and wealthy, but he took notice of a poor and below-average looking girl. The entire story didn’t add up, but he had to admit that Seohyun was right about the story being reminiscent to theirs. Soon enough it was 10:00pm and after 15 episodes straight, Seohyun thought bed sounded pretty good right then.

“So how was it? Did you like it?” Seohyun asked the boy who wasn’t looking at her but staring intently at her soft lips. “Uh, Yonghwa my eyes are up here.” Yonghwa noticed her pointing to her eyes and quickly snapped out of his thinking.

“Oh, yeah I loved it,” he responded sarcastically. “If you love unrealistic stories, then sure yeah I loved it. And there are so many flaws in comparing it to what we’re going through. Well, I guess it’s close enough. There’s me hating the rich people, the crazy evil rich parents, es at school, and even the guy protecting his girl.”

“So you’re saying you were protecting ‘your girl’ when you protected me?” Seohyun teased in a playful voice. “Yeah, I agree with you though, it is pretty damn close. Well except for the fact that you and me aren’t dating of course.”

“Do you want to change that?” asked Yonghwa abruptly. Seohyun hadn’t really paid attention to what he said, but she caught enough to know what he was asking. She wanted to ask again just to make sure that she heard him right. What he just asked basically was saying he wanted to date her, but this was Yonghwa she was talking about. Jung Yonghwa was asking her to go out with him? It was just preposterous.

“Wait up, did you just ask me out?” Seohyun asked stupidly. The way she asked was lame enough to make her facepalm, but she couldn’t do anything about it now.

“Um, no I was just kidding,” he responded nervously. “I wanted to see how you would react.” After letting out a nervous chuckle and staring down intently at his feet, an awkward silence descended upon them. Truth be told, it was the first awkward silence they had ever experienced. That being said, it was a very strange and uncomfortable feeling for the both of them.

“Yonghwa, did you know that you’re so hard to figure out? One minute you’re telling me to leave your house and the next minute you’re joking around like that. Why is it so hard for me to predict what you will do next?” Seohyun asked in a serious voice. Yonghwa finally brought his eyes to meet hers, this time without any awkwardness.

“I don’t know myself. Before I had to deal with you every day I could predict my own movements too. Now that we are always together, I can’t predict them myself.”

“How come you’re not mean anymore? You used to be so mean to me and now you’re being so nice. I don’t mind it of course, but it is pretty puzzling. Every time you defend me from danger or help me out when I need it makes me wonder what is going on through your head.” The looks they exchanged now turned into somewhat of a staring contest, each trying to read each other’s thoughts through their eyes. As usual, Seohyun had no clue what to think about Yonghwa. He had always been able to read people since the beginning, but Seohyun was a different story. There was some sort of fog covering her that blocked him from knowing her true intentions.

“Care to help me figure that out? My brain keeps telling me to keep up my old way of life. It keeps telling me that creating attachments will only lead to pain. Seohyun, did you know that I hate you?” Yonghwa asked. However, it was hard to believe his statement with the gentle stare he was giving her.

“You hate me?”

“Yeah, I hate you. I hate you so much for making me change what I was. If it weren’t for you, I would be sitting here studying my brains out and not watching some sappy love story. I would still be alone and avoiding any sort of human contact. Then again, I don’t know whether I should hate you or thank you for that. After so many years of wanting someone to talk to, it’s weird to get someone so late.”

“Well I hate you too Yonghwa. You were so mean to me and I don’t even know why I kept trying to talk to you.” She actually knew the reason well, but she couldn’t tell him. Yonghwa was already comfortable with her presence, and if she confessed, he would surely reject her. “So do you still like Uee?”

Yonghwa thought the question came out of nowhere, but he had an answer ready for her. “I don’t think I do. I mean, I don’t hate Uee for not liking me since I’m not that petty. If she didn’t like me then that’s her problem. I think it takes a while to get over someone completely, but I can tell you that I don’t like her anywhere close to how much I liked her a few months back. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, it was just something I felt like asking,” she lied. In truth she wanted to know if Uee was still somewhere in his heart. She knew all too well how hard it was to forget someone that you like so quickly, but she had to make sure. “Was Uee really all that nice to you? I find it hard to believe that she was a nice person when she was a kid. Ever since I met her, she was always a mean and vengeful girl that stepped all over everyone.”

“You know it’s kind of embarrassing to admit liking her. It wasn’t a big deal what she did, but I was so desperate for a friend that I fell in love with her. If I really think about it, I wasn’t in love with her but with what she did. Uee tried to get closer to me and that’s what made me like her,” Yonghwa confessed. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this kind of stuff. If this were a few months ago, I wouldn’t have been telling you any of this.”

“We all fall in love with the wrong people sometimes,” Seohyun pointed out, referring to her love for Yonghwa. “I guess we can’t help but go with the flow right? I noticed you stopped calling Uee by her real name. It’s kind of cute that you used to call her that.”

“Aish, are you going to continue with that word? Every time we are talking about something it’s cute this and cute that. Stop staying cute!” he exclaimed.

“You’re cute Yonghwa,” she giggled. “Everything you do is cute, so get used to hearing it.” Seohyun gave Yonghwa a playful push along with her teasing, causing Yonghwa to glare at her. His glare had softened up over the past few months, so it didn’t frighten her one bit. Yonghwa pushed her back, except with much more strength in his arms. “Yah, you’re pushing a girl? Shame on you Yonghwa.”

“Shame on me? You’re the shameless one,” he responded like a 5-year-old. “I’ll push you if I want to.” Seohyun wouldn’t be surprised if he stuck out his tongue and made silly noises at her. Another push was exchanged between them before Seohyun set her laptop down on the table in front of the couch they sat on and began to walk away. Before she could get far, she felt something hard trip her, causing her to land on Yonghwa. They both had an episode of déjà vu as they remembered when they fell onto each other back when Yonghwa first got out of the hospital. This time however, there was no shyness or awkwardness. Each person stared back at the other, their eyes saying they wouldn’t back down. Finally, Seohyun lost the staring contest, but because of what Yonghwa did next.

Seohyun felt something hold her hair tightly and pull her in Yonghwa’s direction. All of a sudden she felt something warm crash onto her lips, but it wasn’t painful. To her it felt as if electricity flowed through her body, each spark shutting down all of her senses completely. When she finally gained hold of her vision, she saw Yonghwa’s face touching hers. As if her dreams had all come true, Jung Yonghwa was kissing her.

“That was revenge for kissing me after that party,” he dryly told the stunned girl. It seemed as if Yonghwa would keep up a tough guy act and leave the battlefield triumphant. However, his shyness got the hold of him and a blush found its way to his face. He cursed himself for being so awkward, but then again anyone would be awkward after forcing a kiss on someone.

“Yonghwa, what was that for?” Seohyun asked once she could speak again. Yonghwa finally grasped the situation completely and braced himself for what was coming. Why did he think it was a good idea to forcefully kiss her? “Yonghwa, I asked you a question.”

“I to-told you it was for revenge,” he stuttered. If he thought the warmth in his body was uncomfortable before, he hadn’t experienced anything yet. The heat flowing throughout his chest was enough to suffocate him. He felt like such an idiot for kissing her. “I don’t know what came over me, it just sort of happened. I’m really sorry. I think we should just forget about it and go to sleep.”

“Yeah I think that would be good too…” Seohyun trailed off before Yonghwa ran to the bathroom. Of course she wasn’t against kissing him, but it confused her to no end. Why would someone like him kiss her? It was impossible to try to figure out why he did it. The way that he brushed it off made her think that it was just an impulse and nothing more. Seohyun knew better than to get her hopes up, so she just brushed it off as he had. In the morning, they would probably have already forgotten about it.

“Yonghwa, you’re such an idiot,” the flustered boy told himself before slapping his cheeks forcefully. “What the hell did I do that for?” Yonghwa made his way to the sink and splashed cold water on his face. The heat slowly died down except for the warmth he felt on his lips. His red lips felt as if they were still stuck onto Seohyun’s. Last time they kissed, it caught him off guard and he didn’t really feel too much. This time however, it felt like his head would explode from the sensation. The feeling of her lips on his remained, constantly reminding him of what he just did.


“So how is living with your dream guy Seohyun? I hope you guys aren’t doing anything that will bring about consequences,” teased Yoona as Seohyun shoved books into her locker. Immediately, Seohyun froze, thinking that Yoona knew about their two kisses. Even if Yoona was one of her best friends, Seohyun was too embarrassed to tell her about how they had already kissed twice.

“I only kissed him once and he kissed me the second time! We didn’t go past that!” Seohyun blurted out, not fully knowing what she was saying. “Err, nothing! I didn’t say anything!”

“You kissed him?!” Yoona asked in surprise. “Yah, Seo Joohyun, you move pretty darn fast. It’s only been a few days and you’ve already kissed him twice? You must be working your magic girl.”

“Ugh, it wasn’t all in one day. Remember when I got really drunk at the party? Well, I sort of confessed that I liked him repeatedly. Luckily he didn’t take it seriously since I was pretty gone, but then I kissed him forcefully. Although, to be honest, I thought he enjoyed it,” Seohyun admitted. Yoona had a hard time believing what Seohyun was saying. Yonghwa didn’t look like a guy who would kiss any old girl so she had a reason to have doubts. However, Seohyun wouldn’t like about something like that.

“And the second time?”

“Yesterday we were playing around after watching a drama and I fell onto him. Out of nowhere I get forced down and he started to kiss me. He said it was revenge from when I stole his first kiss, but I really don’t know what to think. I mean, he’s being really weird lately and it’s so confusing.” Seohyun, although embarrassed, continued to rummage through her locker awkwardly. It was hard to tell Yoona something like that, but Seohyun knew she would never be able to keep it a secret from Yoona.

“Seohyun, remember what Hara told you when you did the phone thing? Don’t play with fire or you’re going to get burned. Yonghwa might start seeing you as a girl, but that doesn’t mean he likes you. If a guy and a girl live in the same house for an extended period of time I’m sure something is bound to happen,” explained Yoona. Sadly, Seohyun knew Yoona was right. There was no guarantee Yonghwa meant anything by that kiss. They were still teenagers and as such, they were walking hormone packets ready to explode.

“I know Yoona, but I’m so confused. I know I like Yonghwa, but I don’t know if he likes me back. He gets all embarrassed when I , but that doesn’t prove anything,” Seohyun whined. If she had even the slightest idea about what she meant to him, she would have her answer. “I don’t want to ask him straight out because that could get dangerous. I don’t want to ruin our relationship because of this confusion.”

“Just tread carefully Seohyun. You’re a smart girl and you should know what’s right and what’s wrong. Just keep an eye out for him, but don’t beat yourself up about it. Anyways, I gotta go meet Taecyeon so I’ll talk to you later,” Seohyun’s best friend bid farewell. After an exchange of goodbye waves, Yoona was off to find her erted boyfriend, leaving Seohyun to finish up what she was doing on her own. As soon as she was done, she was met with a pleasant surprise, Jung Yonghwa. “Yonghwa!” she called out from behind.

Yonghwa kept moving, completely ignoring Seohyun’s call. It reminded her of how he would ignore everything she said and did when they first met. She noticed that ever since the kiss from last night Yonghwa had become colder with her. He didn’t really make any breakfast like the days before or asked her if she wanted anything special. Instead of walking together to school, Yonghwa insisted that he needed to get to school early to speak with the principal. Seohyun had no idea why he was being like that, but she felt she didn’t deserve to be treated in that way.

“Yah, Jung Yonghwa, didn’t you hear me?” the slightly angered girl asked as she walked to his side.

“Oh, what do you want?” Yonghwa asked in a gruff voice.

“Uh, what’s wrong with you today? You’ve been acting really mean and cold to me since last night. Did I do something wrong?” the worried Seohyun asked.

“No, it’s nothing so just leave me alone. I have to get to class so I’ll see you at home. Bye,” he stated dryly before heading his way. Even though they had their first class together, it didn’t seem like they would be getting there as a pair. Seohyun stood in the middle of the hallway speechless, staring at Yonghwa’s back.

“Yonghwa! Seohyun!” called a different girlish voice from behind. Immediately the currently fighting pair turned around and saw someone they had met quite a while ago. Although they kept in contact often, it wasn’t the same as seeing her in person. A smile made its way onto Seohyun’s frowning face when her eyes saw the sight in front of her.

“Min Jung! Oh my god what are you doing here?” Seohyun asked in disbelief. “Are you still on winter break?”

“Nope, as of today Lee Min Jung is a Daewon student!” their old friend squealed happily. It was obvious to Yonghwa and Seohyun that she was telling the truth when they noticed she was wearing the same uniform everyone else wore. “I’ll be going to school here with you guys. It took me a while to find the school you guys went to, but it was worth the effort. I was bored in Japan so I asked my dad to help me out with the paperwork so I could transfer here. There’s nothing in Japan for me, so I’d rather come stay here with my two friends.”

“Hmph, now I’ll have to worry about both the annoying princess and the irritating gangster? Ugh, this day just gets more troublesome and troublesome doesn’t it?” groaned Yonghwa.

“Aw, don’t be like that Yonghwa. I don’t think I’m in any classes with you though Seohyun,” pouted Min Jung. “Although, I think I’m in English and in Japanese with Yonghwa. I wish I could be with you and not just this grouchy jerk, but I guess we have all the time in the world to hang out right?” For some reason, Seohyun wanted to protest at Min Jung having classes with Yonghwa. Progress was just starting for her and she didn’t feel like having another rival for Yonghwa’s love. She loved Min Jung to death, but Seohyun’s jealousy was getting the best of her.

“Where are you staying?” Seohyun asked, completely ignoring Yonghwa’s snide comments.

“I got an apartment near here. I don’t know my way around Seoul so I thought it would be best to live close to the school. My dad was completely against me living in such a poor neighborhood, but I would rather live there than alone in a huge house,” Min Jung stated.

“Wait, don’t tell me you’re living in the apartments a few blocks from here… The ones made of red bricks with the blue roofs?” Yonghwa asked in horror. He knew if Min Jung lived nearby, he wouldn’t have an instance of peace and quiet for the rest of his life. “It’s bad enough Seohyun is mooching off me in my house and now you’re my neighbor? What a damn drag…”

“Omo! Is that where you live Yonghwa? Yay, we’re neighbors. Seohyun is living with you? Are you guys, well you know… ‘like that’? I mean it’s okay if you are, but it’s a little weird,” Min Jung concluded.

“No! It’s not like that. A situation came up and I kinda have to stay with Yonghwa for a bit. It’s not like that at all. Right Yonghwa?” Seohyun asked nervously. Yonghwa stared at her and nodded in response to avoid any future confrontation. If anyone else found out that Seohyun was living with him, he knew there would be trouble. Agreeing with Seohyun would only make it worse but he hoped Min Jung knew how to keep shut.

“Well, I’ll be heading out for now. If I have to see you two demons together any longer I think I will throw up. Gangster if you even think of following me around today, I will kill you myself. And you, Seohyun, I don’t know when I will be home so don’t wait for me after school.” Yonghwa turned around before the two excited girls could yell at him or take away any more of his precious time. Min Jung thought nothing of it since he acted like that last time she saw him. Seohyun, though, kept thinking it was weird that he was being so distant after being so happy the past few weeks.

“Seohyun, mind showing me around a bit? I don’t really know where to head from here and my sense of direction is pretty bad,” Min Jung joked while scratching the back of her neck. Seohyun turned to face the girl happily and took a look at her schedule. Soon enough the two friends were chatting as if they were sisters as they walked to Min Jung’s first class.

Yonghwa’s attitude was the complete opposite of the two females he just met with. His signature scowl was thrown back onto his face after being gone for a few weeks. It felt a little strange to act angry again, but he had his reasons. Ever since the kiss he planted on Seohyun’s lips, he couldn’t stop thinking about how he would love to do it again. Since those kinds of thoughts were strange to him, he didn’t want to keep them in his head. What better way to get rid of them then to push Seohyun away? He supposed that if he could keep himself from getting closer to her, those inappropriate thoughts would disappear. Although he was slightly spacing out, he still noticed the foot that stuck out from a corner that tried to trip him.

“Yah, watch the hell out!” he yelled to the owner of the foot. Once the person revealed himself from behind the corner, Yonghwa’s scowl deepened. “Lee Seung Ri… I should have known you were the jackass that would try something like this. Leave me alone you , I’m busy.”

“Oh, seems like you still haven’t learned your place in this school. Last time I checked, you’re supposed to respect people that are superior to you,” Seung Ri taunted. Yonghwa could tell Seung Ri was just trying to get him to fight, but it wouldn’t work. Instead of listening to Seung Ri spout a bunch of nonsense, he decided to keep walking along. “So did you have a nice meeting with my father-in-law?”

As soon as those words left Seung Ri’s mouth, Yonghwa stopped in his tracks. “What did you say? Mind repeating that again?”

“I asked: Did you have fun meeting my father-in-law. I heard you met with him and I’m sure you enjoyed it thoroughly,” Seung Ri mocked in a voice that disgusted Yonghwa.

“You’re the one who called Seohyun’s dad weren’t you?” asked a now furious Yonghwa. “Yeah, it had to have been you. I thought it was really strange how he seemed to know about me even though I’m sure Seohyun never spoke a word about me to him. I knew you were a dirty player, but I didn’t know you would go that low. What the hell is your deal with me? I didn’t do anything wrong to you, so back the hell off. If you’re still hurt about that fight, deal with it. I didn’t start it, you did.”

“Oh, I’m not hurt about that fight still. I just thought it would be nice to tell my dear father-in-law what my darling girlfriend was doing at your house. I’m glad he took Seohyun back home since she doesn’t deserve saying in the same house with someone like you. Who knows how much you would take advantage of her. Hopefully she stays as far away from you as possible,” Seung Ri taunted in a victorious voice. To Yonghwa it sounded as if Seung Ri thought Seohyun was still at her dad’s house. If Seung Ri knew that Seohyun was living with him, Yonghwa was sure he wouldn’t have that cocky smirk on his face.

Before Seung Ri could realize it, Yonghwa’s fist was a few inches away from the bridge of his nose. Even Seung Ri’s reflex to back off was delayed at the sheer speed that Yonghwa exhibited as he moved. “I’ll tell you this once, and the next time I will let my fist do the talking; if you mess with me or Seohyun again, I won’t be civilized. I have no problems with you, so just leave us alone. Last time I checked, it was you who was trying to take advantage of an innocent girl, not me. Get in my way again and you’ll wish you never had the balls to take me head on.”

Seung Ri’s smirk fell off his face once he felt the killing intent in Yonghwa’s words. The fist threatening to break his nose also seemed to be keeping him from acting as arrogant as he just was. “You’re threatening me because I’m trying to defend MY girlfriend? Boy, you sure are something. Why the hell should I listen to you when it comes to Seohyun?”

“I’m not going to repeat myself, so back off. Seohyun is someone that I can absolutely never see hurt. If you so much as make a tear come out of her eyes, I will hunt you down to the four corners of the earth. Why should I care about Seohyun? Well, she’s someone important to me and I can’t have you causing her pain.” Yonghwa moved his menacing fist away from Seung Ri’s face and began to resume his walk. If there weren’t teachers all around just waiting to bust kids for bad behavior, Yonghwa was sure Seung Ri would have needed tons of medical attention by now.

“You… do you like Seohyun?” Seung Ri asked suspiciously. Seung Ri was known to be a dumb person academically, but even he could tell something was up with Yonghwa. There was no reason for a cold person like him to defend someone so intensely without liking them. “Do you like her that much that you’re willing to go against somebody like me?”

“Think what you want, I don’t have to answer your questions,” Yonghwa responded without facing Seung Ri. “Remember, if you get in my way or hurt her, you’re a dead man.” Even if Seung Ri was a cocky and arrogant person that loved to fight, the absolute malice in Yonghwa’s words made him back down. Seung Ri could see that Yonghwa was dead serious about what he just said and he was sure Yonghwa would act on it.

“You’ll think twice about what you just said when the time comes,” Seung Ri mumbled once Yonghwa was out of earshot of him. “I don’t know what the hell your deal is with Seohyun, but don’t think you’ll get away with it. Seohyun will be mine and I will enjoy every moment of it. You can have the leftovers after I’m done with her.”


“Yonghwa!” Min Jung called out to the boy walking towards his place of work. “Hey, I’ve been calling your name for a while now. You should know by now that I don’t enjoy being ignored by you.” Yonghwa stopped and looked at the girl pouting behind him. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with Min Jung at the moment, but he knew he wouldn’t get away from her without a fight.

“What do you want gangster? I’m kind of in a hurry to get to work. I’d rather not waste time with you,” Yonghwa replied coldly. Even if Min Jung was wearing just a skirt and a light sweater in the middle of winter, Yonghwa’s words were much harsher than the weather ever was.

“Can we talk for a second? I have a few things to ask you and I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to talk to you alone,” Min Jung stated. “Wanna head to the swings at the elementary school? I heard from Seohyun you enjoy sitting there if there’s something important to talk about. Oh, and by the way I know you don’t start work until an hour from now. Don’t think you’ll get away from this that easily.”

“Ugh, fine what do you want?”

“We can’t stand here and talk, let’s just go to the school.” In a swift motion Min Jung moved locked her hand on his arm and began to drag him towards the elementary school. Yonghwa absolutely hated cold weather, but Min Jung was just too hard to get away from. If he didn’t fulfill her desires right then and there, he was sure she would go bother him at work. Jin Man, being the single 30-year-old ert he was, would most certainly allow Min Jung to stay there and bother him some more.


Author’s Note: I know I said I would update on Tuesday, but something came up. As soon as I was getting online and started writing it, I had to leave and didn’t get to finish it until later that night. I promise promise promise to stay on my constant schedule from now on. So Yonghwa is feeling stronger and stronger feelings for our lovely Seohyun, but as always, the main characters have to be stubborn about it. Hopefully he will start to realize he can’t run away from his feelings, but we shall see. Also Min Jung has made a comeback and she is ready to make this story crazy. Seung Ri and Uee will start making more appearances in a few chapters, so brace yourselves for the gruesome twosome.

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Chapter 43: I am done reread this story ❤️
iBelieveYSIR #2
Chapter 43: January 7th 2019, I just finished re-reading this fic. :) ❤️
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 43: Finished reading this again
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 38: This chapter always makes me want to cry
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 43: The ending, so beautiful
Wilhemina #6
Chapter 42: Awwwwwww
Wilhemina #7
Chapter 40: Wow, what have you done to Seohyun?
P.s I mean that in the best possible way
Wilhemina #8
Chapter 39: Good job author-nim. Keep on writing. Hwaiting
Wilhemina #9
Chapter 38: For the third time, mood:
Wilhemina #10
Chapter 32: Mood once again: