War of the Beast Worlds

Junhyung and Yoseob had to rush to Dongwoon’s aid but were stuck on level three, completely surrounded by men spraying cans of sleeping gas. They have been cornered, they have no choice but to jump out through the windows, falling safely onto the ground, 50 metres below them. But here’s the catch, there were more men waiting for them below, waiting to arrest them. Slowly, bit-by-bit, their eyes began to close, fuzzy images danced before them and soon, they were sleeping. As the men were transporting their bodies, Doojoon and Hyunseung sprung a surprise attack on them, slashing and biting their way through the crowd to help their dongsaengs. They threw the cans of sleeping gas out of the window and equipped themselves with guns and grenades.


“Yah! Wake up now!” yelled Hyunseung while splashing some water at their faces. Doojoon then added “I know sleeping is good but too much is also bad!” and then he pinched their cheeks. “Ouch! Hyung it hurts!” whined Junhyung who woke up first and patted Yoseob’s cheeks. “Jagiya, it’s time to go.” Junhyung said in a lovely, sweet voice and gave Yoseob a peck on his lips. Yoseob’s eyes fluttered open beautifully and smiled at Junhyung, just like a prince giving Snow White the kiss of life. “Here are your weapons, you don’t have time to learn, just shoot,” interrupted Doojoon and he left with Hyunseung. Junhyung and Yoseob quickly transformed back to their human self and rushed to the fifth floor to help Dongwoon out, defeating more guards along the way. But upon reaching there, they saw a chained up Dongwoon with Jiyoon holding a knife against his neck.


Jiyoon shouted to Yoseob, “Oppa! I loved you so badly. But why do you have to be a vampire? Can’t you just surrender and be like Kikwang oppa whose about to belong to Sohyun now? We can cure you oppa!” Dongwoon began to rage and thrash around but the chains held him back. “It’s too late Jiyoon. You have failed. Put down your weapon now.” Yoseob replied coldly. “No I have not!” she exclaimed proudly and pointed to their left towards the lab. The Junseob couple turned to their left and saw Sohyun inserting the antidote into a tube connected to Kikwang’s body. They had to act fast but they ran out of ammunition. They tried to pry open the metal bars but it didn’t seem to budge. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard from their right and they turned back to see Jiyoon bleeding from her forehead and Hyunseung wielding a gun.


The knife slipped out from Jiyoon’s hand and fell onto the ground with a loud clanging sound. Jiyoon slupmed over lifelessly and Hyunseung helped to unchain Dongwoon. Doojoon picked up the knife from the ground and threw it at Junhyung whom caught it skilfully by the blade in between his fingers. Junhyung then flung the knife between the bars and it soared through the air. All eyes were watching in anticipation as the knife made its way slowly through the air. The knife pierced through Sohyun who had injected a drop of the antidote in. The syringe containing the antidote rolled off Sohyun’s fingers and dropped onto the ground, spilling all over the floor. The knife landed with a crack sound on the ice behind her. With that, the ice on the casing of subject 3 broke into millions of pieces, only to reveal a fair and well-built figure.

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14-1-2013: Last chapter will be online tmw.


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congrats :)
mojojojojojo #2
onemorechansoo #3
congrats on the feature
000054 #4
Congrats <3
lovelyme23 #7
Congratz 4 the feature~
Chapter 25: Very nice fic.. I feel like im watching twilight.hahahaha.