Trekking (Part Two)

Friends Or More

“Okay class! We’re going to begin our trek now!” Mr Kim raised his voice as loudly as he could, making sure that the whole stretch of students could hear him.

-Hyesun’s POV-

I let out a huge sigh.

*I guess I have no choice but to do this.* I cursed under my breath.

I couldn’t help but worry of what was going to happen to me.

I glanced down at the ground that we were all stepping on.

Muddy, Slippery, Dirty. ‘Disgusted’ was written all over my face. I wasn’t the kind to hide my emotions.

“Mind you and your facial expressions, Hyesun. You look funny.” Nayoung whispered as she tried to control her laughter. I glared at her and slide my thumb across my neck, pretending to be angry. 

Ten minutes into the trek and my legs were not on my side anymore. They turned jelly with every step I took.

Nayoung, who was in front of me, looked back to ensure I was okay on my own. I smiled, implying that I was doing well by myself and that she should just carry on.

“This is so tiring, damn.” I muttered to myself and I made my way through fallen tree trunks, branches and mud.

I knew there was no use complaining but I still did anyway. Why weren’t we given the choice whether to come or not? Someone please remind me why was this compulsory for all.

Beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead and face and it was getting on my nerves as they kept going into my eyes.

Without caring about my image and what others will think of me, I used my whole palm to clean my face. Why would I care anyway? I was already dirty and covered in mud to begin with.

Halfway through the trek, Nayoung was far in front of me and I was alone, with Hyosung behind me.

“Omo!” I gasped as I almost slipped.

“Be careful!” I heard someone say and to my surprise, it was Daehyun.

I nodded in appreciation and continue with my trek. However, Daehyun stayed by my side afterwards. I didn’t think much into it as I thought he wanted to be with Hyosung.

I didn’t know what got into me because after I almost slipped once, I started slipping continuously and even began falling.

“Damn it, can I stop falling for goodness sake!” I yelled as I fell on my bottom once again. My track pants were soiled at the back with a patch of mud already!

-Daehyun’s POV-

That girl couldn’t stop falling so I decide to stay by her side. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling she’s going to fall a million times more.

I chuckled to myself.

“Ahhhh!” There she goes again, falling on her . *Should I laugh or what?*

I rushed towards to her to find myself slower than Hyosung noona. She was already helping Hyesun up.

“Can you be more careful, Hyesun!” Hyosung noona hissed. “Try to support yourself, stand properly with both legs apart! You’ve been falling for countless times already!” She lightly smacked Hyesun on her head.

I noticed Hyesun flinch with Hyosung noona’s words.

“Noona, you go first. I’ll help her.” I flashed noona a smile and she nodded, turning her back to us to help the others who had difficulties, even though I’m sure this girl’s the only one who keeps falling.

There was this other girl who kept screaming as well but she had Yongguk hyung and the other BAP members beside her. She didn’t even fall once and she’s screaming as though she did.

Why can’t she just fall? I mean, she keeps clinching onto Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung.

“YONGGUK OPPAAAAAAA!!!” I heard her scream again.

She was at the extent of doing a split already but she was still persistent in not falling and getting her pants dirty.

I followed behind Hyesun and jerked every time I see her almost falling.

*She really needs to be careful.* We continued with our journey and stopped when we had to climb over this huge piece of rock.

I let Hyesun go first as I had to support her from the back.

“Just go, I’ll be behind you in case you fall.” I assured her.

I wasn’t sure if she heard me because all she had was a neutral expression.

I was very sure she was afraid though, as she kept hesitating.

I gave her a nudge.

“Hwaiting!” I grinned. She pursed her lips was determined to overcome the obstacle that was right in front of her.

She took her first step and almost fell. I grabbed her by her waist and supported her as I was worried that she would fall from that rock.

Finally, she climbed over the rock and I did so too, with ease.

-Hyesun’s POV-

Our class finally reached the peak of the hill and sighed in relief. I looked down and the view was magnificient.

“The view’s here great isn't it?” I turned to my right to see Changsub.

I nodded my head in agreement and took a deep breath. I couldn't help but agree.

“I heard that we’ll be able to go to the beach over there once we reach the bottom of the hill.” He said.

I smiled at the thought of going to the beac-

*Wait, we’re going down? I thought this was the end!*


“Aigoo…” I rubbed my bottom as I fell again.

Daehyun grabbed my arm and helped me up once again.

“You okay?” he asked in concern.w

I don’t see a point in him asking as I was sure this was my 15th time falling already.

I shook my arm out of his hands but he grabbed it again.

“Just grab onto me okay?” I held on to him tightly, not letting go. I don’t want to fall anymore.

*Why do I feel secured when I hold his arm?*

Just when I said that, I fell once more while holding onto Daehyun’s arm.

This time, I didn’t get up immediately. I sat there, showing no intentions of getting up.

I wiped of perspiration from my eyes and rested for a while. I was tired, from falling.

“Hey, don’t cry. Are you crying? Come on, I’ll help you up.”

“I’m not crying!” I whined back. I was just really tired and my hurts a lot. _______________________________________________________________________

After thousand years of trekking down the hill, we reached the beach.

“Thanks for helping me the whole of just now.” I flashed Daehyun my best smile.

“Oh my god. That’s a first. You’re talking to me, you even smiled. I rolled my eyes and ran to find Nayoung and Hyosung unnie.

As I walked with the girls, I turned back to see BAP walking behind us.

“Someone’s got a dirty ~” sang Himchan. Daehyun just laughed along and made fun of me as well.

“Yeah, do you guys mind signing on it too? Maybe I can sell it to your crazy fangirls. I might get to earn some extra allowance.” I snapped back.

I knew they were kidding and of course they didn’t know I was going crazy inside. BAP was actually talking to me.

I was just trying to act cold towards them.

Soon, we made our way back to the same bus and fell asleep after a long and tedious day.

*Thank you, Jung Daehyun.*


There! Chapter 6 up!!! ^^

✎ My class and I carried on with our trekking journey throughout the whole second day of camp. It even rained halfway through. :( I think I was the only person who fell and kept slipping while the others were like having the "the-is-nothing" face on. Sigh, what does this makes me.. As you've read, the people who helped me most were 'Hyosung' and 'Daehyun', with the other boys of 'BAP' along the way. I didn't know why, I felt as though they were like men. :p I fell and all, and had a soiled pants in return. >< It was kinda hilarious and my classmates kept making fun of me. Oh, and about that girl who was about to do a split, LOL, it was funny HAHAHA she was screaming her head of, like literally. She screamed so loudly that all the guys would go over to help her. :p *The power of her voice.* That's about it.

P.S. What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter? *Wink wink*

Have you guys watched B.A.P's 'Rain Sound' teaser!!!

OMGGGGG! Daehyun looked so good and Himchan's eyes are beautiful. ^^

Hello and a big thank you to all my new subscribers and readers!!

I've read the comments and I'll take all the opinions into consideration and I'll continue to work hard to make this story better! ^^


Please anticipate the next chapter! ^^

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It cant believe it's been 2 months! I've been really busy with life and i'm really sorry to let you guys wait for so long. :( i'll update as soon as possible!:)


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Vwansha #1
Chapter 36: I love this story! I hope you'll have some time to update.
Hannah93 #2
Please update authornim :) I love this story
Update soon T_T
Chapter 12: Lol at Dongwoo and for the record, I LOVE YOUR STORY SO FAR ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: Oh my God, your story is based on real people? And is 'Daehyun' your real crush??eiiii? ;)
Chapter 2: Hello there! I just started reading this fic~ and I love your anecdote at the bottom :D
Chapter 36: awww update soon ;p
Chapter 14: been loving this story <3
Chapter 3: i love purple too ;p
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 21: Ok I've been speed reading and didn't have a time to comment but this story is so good!!!!!! Daehyun at the end <3 I might just fall for u without us knowing aghhhhhh!!!!!!