
Friends Or More

-No one’s POV-

Hyesun walked home with heavy footsteps. She couldn’t believe what she did just now, not mentioning those harsh words that left .

*Did I go overboard?*

She pondered over that question again and again. However, the pain she once experienced came back to her and she needed to forget it quickly.

Hyesun needed only ten minutes to reach home on any other day, but that day was an exception. The route back home seemed a little longer, like it had no end. The laughter of the children at the playground she walks past everyday seemed a little softer. Of course, that day, her heart seemed a little heavier.

She unlocked the main door with her solemn heart and she let out her loudest sigh.

“Hey sweetheart, why the loud sigh?” Hyesun’s mum asked out of concern. She knew her beloved daughter was a strong girl by heart. She does not show her weak side to anyone, even her family members. Despite that, her girl is always willing to share her problems with her as she felt that her mum was the only person she could trust.

Hyesun did not say a word. She kept her head down the whole while and suddenly burst into tears when her mum was nearing her. She lunged forward and hugged her mum so tightly with the overwhelming emotions inside her.

Mrs. Park could only pat Hyesun’s back to calm her down.

*Something bad must have happened in school today.*

Hyesun finally stopped crying after a few minutes and she was led to the sofa by her mum.

“Care to share?” Her mum passed her a cup of warm tea and her favorite cookies. She thought that it was the least she could do to cheer her sunshine up.

Hyesun was reluctant at first, but with much thought, she poured her heart out to her mum, her listening ear.

“Yeah, that was it.” Hyesun was about to shed tears once again, but she bit onto her lip to refrain herself from doing so.

“Hyesun-ah. Learn how to forget the past. What matters most is the present, isn’t it? I know you’ve went through a lot when you were still a child, not saying that you aren’t behaving like one now,” she cracked a joke, trying to make her child smile. She felt satisfied and contented when she saw a slight smile creep up her face. She then continued, “Don’t let the actions of some affect the rest of your life. Maybe Daehyun didn’t mean any harm. You told me that you like him, so shouldn’t you make yourself look good in front of him?” She caressed her daughter’s hair lovingly, adjusting her fringe as well.

“Ne umma.” She hugged her mum. *But I don’t think I’ll be able to get over my past so soon. As for Daehyun… I think of something as time goes.*

Hyesun felt a little better after having a heart-to-heart talk with her mum. She went into the shower and thought through number of things that happened that day. After a long and warm bath, she dried her hair and laid on the bed after the hectic day. As usual, there was one person on her mind, and it was Daehyun.

*Should I like or hate him?*

She went under the covers and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes that were sore from crying.


The next morning, Hyesun woke up with tired eyes that she wanted to close immediately after she opened them. She did not feel like going to school. She did not want to see Daehyun, she also did not want her friends to see her when she is at her worst.

However, something in her made her want to attend school. She jumped out of bed and washed up. She intended to walk to school by herself, but her dad insisted to fetch her to school.

*Umma must have told appa what happened yesterday already.*

Hyesun thought that the car journey to school that day was shorter than the other days, maybe it was because of her dread of attending school that day. Like what she did one the first day of school, she stood at the main gates, feeling a whole garden in her tummy.

*There goes nothing.* She thought.

-Hyesun’s POV-

As usual, I strolled into school with the ‘I-hate-everyone’ mindset. I decided not to wait for Nayoung as she texted me that she will be later than usual. I went to the classroom, only to find a miracle.

BAP and Secret were already seated inside.

It was a first. The almighty Kingkas and Queenkas were already seated even before the bell rang. I took a quick glance at my watch, wondering if it was me who was late. No, I wasn’t late. I blinked my eyes several times, thinking that the view in front of me was just a delusion.

“Hyesun-ah!” I knew who it was.

“Hyosung unnie!” I greeted her back, but without the usual cheerfulness.

“Good morning!” Hyosung unnie messed up my hair as soon as she got right in front of me.

She was not surprised with my calm reaction because she knew and understood that I wasn’t one of those girls who care too much about their appearance. I smacked her fingers who were still fiddling with my hair, in attempt to stop her.

At the corner of my eyes, I noticed Daehyun staring at me. I feign ignorance and proceeded to the familiar corner.

Why was I ignoring him? I questioned myself. I was not sure of the answer either.

Soon, Nayoung arrived in class just in time, right before the annoying bell rang. Lessons were carried out as per normal, with me stealing glances at Daehyun from time to time.

I was staring at Daehyun when he suddenly turned towards my direction and our eyes met. I blinked numerous times in shock and rolled my eyes at him, trying to make him think that I wasn’t looking at him. I peeked at him thereafter and saw him turn towards the front. I could sense disappointment from him but just shrugged it off.

*Why in the world would he be disappointed?* I scoffed.

-Daehyun’s POV-

BAP and Secret went to school earlier than usual today. Yongguk hyung woke us up an hour earlier. Was something wrong with him today? I asked him why the sudden change of morning routine and all he said was, “Just do as I say.”

Yonnguk hyung kept rushing us in whatever we did and I felt a little frustrated.

We left for school immediately and I was in a state of not being able to differentiate dreams from reality. Yongguk hyung started running out of the blue and we just followed our leader. He halted abruptly in front of the convenience store nearest to the school and the rest of BAP exchanged confused looks.

*What the hell was Yongguk hyung up to?*

He rushed into the convenience store and within minutes he came out with six bottles of milk and six packages of sandwiches. We all stared at him in awe.

“What’cha lookin’ at? Can’t the leader buy his favourite dongsaengs breakfast?” He showed his gummy smile. “Furthermore, I need to cheer that emo guy up.” He chuckled and pointed at me.

The rest of us nodded – It all makes sense now.


“Hyung! I’m going out with Soojung noona~ See you later~” I sang.

I was going to meet noona for our pancake date that was promised since forever and the both of us decided to have it after school that day. I had to show that I wasn’t affected by Hyesun’s words from just now.

“By the way, your girlfriend saw you pulling me out of school.”

I hope Soojung noona didn’t really see anything. I’ll just explain to her that’s it.


“Soojung noona, annyeong~” I greeted her cheerily, only to see her face filled with anger.

“What was it just now? I saw you pulling that girl out of school!” She shrieked. I winced at the shriek.

“Noona, I-“ I made an attempt to explain.

“Don’t even bother explaining, Jung Daehyun. I had enough of your childish behavior. I knew from the start that I shouldn’t have accepted a confession from a younger guy. I totally regret. There are so many other guys in school that are more popular than you are and I just had to accept you!”

“M-Mwoh?” I asked with a speck of disbelief in my tone.

“Yes, you heard it right. I had enough of you, and what? ‘Let’s not make our relationship public.’ What? Then what’s the point of being together when you’re just dating secretly? Go back to that you pulled out from school.” She hissed, annoyed.

“Okay, Soojung-ssi. I get your point, you want to break up with me right? You want to end this relationship right?”

She nodded.

“Okay, then listen to what I have to say – First, I apologize for making you think like that. I didn’t know our relationship would be so fragile. It’s wrong for me to pull a girl out of school? I got accused even before I started explaining.” I took a deep breath, controlling my anger. “What do you think of flirting with seniors in school? Oh, and you don’t like younger guys right? So are you saying that the guy you flirted with in school today is older than you when he’s actually younger than me?” I yelled.

“I- I- He-You-“ She was lost for words.

“Me? Me what? Soojung-ssi, do you really think of me as a naïve person? Do you think I’m blind that I can’t see what you always do in school? For your information, there’s a drastic difference between being friendly and flirting! Do you need a younger one to teach you? Just go to those popular guys, continue flirting with them, I’m so done with you.”

I swallowed my saliva and continued, “You wanna break up right? Let’s break up then, I have nothing to lose. Oh, and remember, it’s me that initiated the break up, .” My words came out harsher than I thought.

Tears were already welled up in her eyes, but I couldn’t be bothered with it. Wasn’t this what she wanted? Fame and popularity – That was all she cared about.

Before I walked off, I whispered to her.

“That girl that you call a , she’s so much better than you.”

-End of flashback-

We laughed on the way to school due to the jokes and stunts the two maknaes made. One thing that I was sure about was that these people who I call my brothers, my family, won’t leave me when I’m at my worst.

We reached school earlier than usual and proceeded straight to the classroom after getting the books needed for the first period.

We were engrossed in the chat with Secret when Hyosung noona jumped out of her seat.

“Hyesun-ah!” That name echoed in my mind continuously.

Hyesun. Park Hyesun.

I caught her glancing around, trying her best to avoid direct eye contact with me. Does she hate me that much after yesterday?

Lessons were the same – long and boring. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t think of Soojung after yesterday’s breakup, but I think that what I did was right and that I should not have any regrets.

*I need someone who understands me and my intentions.*

My eyes fell on Hyesun without me knowing, to find that she was already looking at me. She blinked for quite a number of times and turned back to the front like nothing happened.

I recalled the words I said yesterday.

“That girl that you call a , she’s so much better than you.”

Did I really mean what I said, or did it come out of my mouth because I wanted to make Soojung feel bad?

School finally ended and I scanned around the class, hoping to catch a glimpse of Hyesun, but she left already. I noticed Nayoung packing her stuff, so I decided to ask her where Hyesun went.

“Erm… Nayoung-ssi?” I awkwardly asked.

“Oh, Daehyun-ssi! Can I help you?”

“Oh… Erm… I just want to ask you where H-Hye- Hyesun went.” I cursed myself inwardly for stuttering when I was pronouncing Hyesun’s name.

“She said she wasn’t feeling well, so she went home as soon as the bell rang for dismissal. Is there a problem?”

“Aniyo, just asking. Thanks anyway.” I saluted and turned my back from her.

*Not feeling well? I think it’s more like avoiding me.*

I smirked and slung my bag around my shoulders and left the school.


Chapter 11 is uppppppp!!! Is it me or is this chapter not that good? :'( *sobs*

HAHAHAHAHA but anyways, Today marks the end of BAP's Live on Earth 2013 concert! Anyone saw the picture of Yongguk shirtless! LOL and Himchan is as great as ever! ^^ 

Thanks for reading, and I'm so grateful to all my subscribers and readers! Thank you so much!

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It cant believe it's been 2 months! I've been really busy with life and i'm really sorry to let you guys wait for so long. :( i'll update as soon as possible!:)


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Vwansha #1
Chapter 36: I love this story! I hope you'll have some time to update.
Hannah93 #2
Please update authornim :) I love this story
Update soon T_T
Chapter 12: Lol at Dongwoo and for the record, I LOVE YOUR STORY SO FAR ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: Oh my God, your story is based on real people? And is 'Daehyun' your real crush??eiiii? ;)
Chapter 2: Hello there! I just started reading this fic~ and I love your anecdote at the bottom :D
Chapter 36: awww update soon ;p
Chapter 14: been loving this story <3
Chapter 3: i love purple too ;p
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 21: Ok I've been speed reading and didn't have a time to comment but this story is so good!!!!!! Daehyun at the end <3 I might just fall for u without us knowing aghhhhhh!!!!!!