
EXO: The Boys From Another Planet


“Achoo.” The sound of sneeze could be heard all around the apartment.

Lu Han took a tissue from a tissue box and handed it to Jang Mi. “Here.”

“Thank you,” Jang Mi took the tissue and wiped her nose and then snorted to it. Chan Yeol peered at her disgustedly.

Kris came out of the bathroom and shook his head while chuckling. “Who told you to jump into the water when you know the water is not warm at all?”

Jang Mi sent Kris that killer look again. “How many times I have to tell you that I thought Lu Han Oppa and Lay Oppa were in danger? I thought the shark was attacking them.”

Tao diverted his gaze from the small TV and looked at Jang Mi. “But I told you they were playing with it.”

“Shut it, Panda! I didn’t know that sharks could be friendly with Aliens,” Jang Mi pouted and wiped her nose one more time.

Lay, who sat on the floor next to Tao smiled, “Those sharks won’t hurt me or you, Lee Jang Mi. In fact, no living things will hurt you unless you disturb the peace they try to living in.”

Jang Mi pouted, “I didn’t know, okay? I thought they would just attack anyone… since I’ve heard so many scary things about them attacking the humans.”

“You shouldn’t just believe whatever you heard,” Kris said before he walked to the green plated door and gone behind it, leaving Jang Mi pouting to the closed door.

“And I thought we had truce,” she scoffed and gave another sneeze.

“You should take some medicine,” Lu Han said as he walked to the kitchen and take a glass of water for her and some cold medicine from the shelf.

Jang Mi’s nose crinkled when she saw the medicine. She hate the bitter taste they give and hate how bitterly disgusting they smelled. “Can’t I ask Lay Oppa to heal me instead?”

Lay shook his head. “Those body fluids have to get out off your system in order for you to heal. Just drink the medicine and drink a lot.”

She squealed and looked at Lu Han with pleading eyes. “Can’t I just get better by my own… and not drink the medicine? Please?”

Lu Han looked hesitated for a second but then he shook his head. “No, drink this and you’ll get better faster.”

She pouted again before taking the glass and medicine from Lu Han’s hands. “If only my Omma’s here now. All I have to drink is her delicious honey ginger tea and with some sleep I’ll be all better,” she grumbled before taking the pill to and quickly drank the medicine.

Just then, the door’s bell ringing. Jang Mi, who was trying to find candy to get rid of the bitter taste in , had her head’s perk up. “Who is it?” She walked toward the monitor and paled a little. She turned to the boys who were doing their activity in her living room. They became quiet when they saw Jang Mi’s face as she stuttered. “It’s my Omma.”

The boys looked at each other confusedly. Jang Mi regained her senses while the door’s bell rang again. She quickly opened up the laundry room’s door which revealed the wide with room, where Kris was changing his top. Ignoring the Captain’s yelp as he covered his half- body she quickly whisper-shouting at the boys as if her Mother could hear it from outside the door. “Get in!”

“What is it?” Chen asked confusedly.

“Just get in!!! Hide! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!” she glared madly at them and they quickly followed her lead and scrambled toward their room.

As the room cleared, Jang Mi went to the front door and just before she opened the door she saw the scattered shoes. She started to panicked and scooped the boys’ shoes into the small cupboard near the front door. She pushed the cupboard which refused to close with all her might while the door bell kept ringing, and the n a knock was heard. She finally closed the cupboard and quickly went to open the door.

“Omma!” she yelped breathlessly.

“What took you so long to open the door?” Her Mother asked with squinted eyes.

“I… was at the bathroom,” she made an excuse.

“Oh,” her Mother shrugged and made her way toward the apartment, bringing big boxes along with her. “What’s wrong with your voice?”

She sniffled. “I got a cold,” she explained while gazing at the laundry door nervously.

“How come?” her mother asked with rounded eyes. “Aish, this girl. I told you to take a good care of yourself, didn’t I? How could you let yourself got cold? Now wait a moment,” she took a big box along with her while Jang Mi took another one and followed her to the kitchen, still looking at the laundry door nervously.

“Why do you come all of a sudden, Omma… you could have told me first,” Jang Mi set the big box on the small counter and her eyes glinted when she saw the many kinds of side dishes her mother prepared for her. “Whoa, there’s so many of them,” she gulped… her stomach start to rumble.

“What? Don’t you like your mother come to your place?” She asked playfully while boiling a cup of water.

“Eii, Omma… Of course not. I mean I can pick you up at the bus station before you come,” she grinned at her mother.

“Eii, you sweet talker,” her Mother pinched her cheek and went to the TV room where the mess at. “Why are there so many cups here? Did you drink this all by yourself?”

“Uh.. ah… no, my friend went over and they left a few hours ago,” she stuttered another excuse. She felt sorry for lying to her Mother but she had no choice.

“And you forgot to clean up?” her Mother gave her a look and she smiled sheepishly. “If only it’s not Lee Jang Mi that we talked about here, I will think that there’s a bunch of young males living here,” Mrs. Lee grumbled and started to clean up the whole mess. Jang Mi just let out a deep breath of relieve that her messiness covered the 12 boys.

Mrs. Lee took a really dirty rag from the floor and shook her head at it. “That’s…,” Jang Mi was going to explain herself.

“Have you ever washed the poor rag? It will turn bling bling like Cinderella if you gave it a proper bath, scoot,” she walked toward the laundry door and Jang Mi yelled in panic.

“Noo!!!” she made herself a barrier in front of the door. “I’ll wash it up, tomorrow, Omma.” She covered the door with her whole body.

“No,” Mrs. Lee shook her head. “You will never do it. Now move.”

“I will. I will. I promise… tomorrow.  I’ll do it tomorrow,” she begged her with all her might.

Mrs. Lee gazed her daughter with suspicious look. “There’s something wrong here. What are you hiding from me, Lee Jang Mi?” she tried to grab the door handle but Jang Mi covered it.

“I… I’m not hiding anything, why can’t you trust your daughter?” she answered nervously.

Mrs. Lee squinted her eyes again. “You stutter when you lie, Lee Jang Mi. Now move!” Her mother pushed her from the door. With the rest of luck she had, she managed to push the button on the green plate that was on the glued to the door. The plate turned red immediately.

Mrs. Lee opened the door and found the empty laundry room. “Huh? That was weird,” she threw the rag into one of the basket and looked at the red plate on the door. She pointed at the plate, “What is this?”

“Err… accessory?” she grinned and looked at the red plate worriedly. What have I done?

Meanwhile, inside the artificial space…

“Great!” Chan Yeol mumbled when the light above their head suddenly turned off, leaving them in blind. “She turned the artificial space plate off. Now we’re stuck.”

“Ouch!” A yelping sound came from one of the wall. “I can’t get through!” Kai groaned and the sound of him kicking the wall heard all around the dark room.

Baek Hyun suddenly casted a glow from his palm. The glow turned into a mini bright light bulb shape mini sun and it floated and went into the ceiling and brightened the whole room like it was never dark before. “Much better,” he complimented himself.

“Now we just need to worry about one more thing,” Xiumin said with a frown.

“What?” Kris asked him curiously.

“Whether Jang Mi know how to turn the plate on or we’ll end up here forever.”

“Noooo!!!!” Chen wailed loudly.



Uhh, so I just want to ask for a favor if you guys don't mind.  Err... do there's this thing called AFF EXO Fanfic Awards here

I just wonder if you guy wouldn't mind, would you please nominate this story?

I'll thank you with my life!!!

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chocobean #1
Chapter 29: happy ending here :( :( :(
Chapter 29: I'm nearly shied a tears. This is so sad... when I though theres a happy ending in fact is not. But this is really a good story. Thank you author nim.
ayrie08 #3
Chapter 29: This...this...this! I thought the previous chapter was already the one but hey no, this epilogue made me cry harder. I almost sob. But yeah, some really ended up as happy as we wanted it to be. I must say i still expect for them to be together until i read your note saying there will be no sequel for this. But its a job really well done. :)
ayrie08 #4
Chapter 28: I really hate goodbyes. This chapter made me shed some tears.
ayrie08 #5
Chapter 21: Oh, i really hate that feeling. Loving a person you know will never be yours forever. It really hurts.
ayrie08 #6
Chapter 2: Woah! This is really interesting. Im so excited to read this in whole.
avisdawn #7
Sequel ?? If you have time :)
Chapter 29: Sequel sequel!!! I want sequel T-T
Please please I beg you author nim. I cry so hard at the ending. But actually I love sad ending than happy ending. But I love to see a sequel
Chapter 29: LOVE THE STORY.
I understand why you don't want to do a sequel, because even if she doesn't end up with exo&Luhan you still left it on a finishing note. I think maybe a sequel would ruin it for me /:
Great job author! I just found out im an ugly crier ^_^