
Different dreams


Donghae’s POV

Today, I was finally feeling better and was thinking of going back to work. Looking at my watch, I realize it’s lunch time. I called the hospital and realized for the rest of the week, I was not put on schedule because the director wants me to rest. Since that’s the case, I can enjoy the rest of the week.

I’ve decided to go to look for Soobin, knowing she would definitely forget about having lunch like always. I hopped into my car before driving to the Park Hotel’s headquarters.

When I got there, there was no one around. I guess everyone had already went for lunch. I saw the light in Soobin’s office still lit and smiled. She’s really burying her head in work.

I stopped in front of the door, wanting to go in when I heard her speaking to someone. “…I also know your parents are influential people. However, being engaged to Donghae is not of my free will. I’m forced to.”

When I heard that, all my hopes smashed and the smile on my face faded away. So all the days she was just acting when she’s with me, so she can reject me and make me suffer more? Why must she do this? I pushed open the door with force while both Soobin and the other person, Jaejoong looked at me.

“I’m really disappointed. I had really thought you were sincere and showing me your true feelings. So it’s all a lie.”I said before turning around and walked away. Somehow in my heart, I was hoping she would give chase, pull me, stop me to explain, but there was none of that. I walked all the way to the car park and there was no sound of footsteps behind me. She was that heartless.

Even though I’m really hurt by what she did, I cannot deny that I love her and after so long, I was finally able to be with her, enjoying every moment with her. I didn’t want all these to end. I want to be by her side. Even though it’ll end when the day of the answer comes, but at least it’s better than not having it.

I fished out my phone and started typing a message.

‘Meet me at Manhattan restaurant tonight at 8pm.  I’ll give you a chance to explain. – Hae.’

I pressed send and waited for her reply. I had been sitting in the car for the past 20 minutes, coming up with a way to message her.

‘Ok. I’ll see you there. –Soobin.’ Was her reply and that’s the end. I was hoping for a longer, more sincere message, but this was all.

Now I’m feeling nervous. She’s a successful career woman and she has a cold outer appearance, but I know deep inside, she’s really warm and she’ll open up to me eventually.

Looking at my watch again and again, I realize time was passing really slowly. After what seemed like an hour, only 15 minutes have passed. If only Eunhyuk was here, I can ask him for help. However, I don’t want to disturb him while he’s on his honeymoon with Haemin. After all, it’s our problem.

I’ve then decided to look for Noona. After all she’s a psychologist. Making a u-turn, I drove within the speed limits, as fast as I could to the hospital.

“Does Dr. Lee Hae Jung have a patient now?” I asked the nurse and she shook her head.

I ran towards her room and knocked on the door before she said ‘Come in’.

“Noona!” I called and she jumped slightly in her seat.

“You scared me. What brings you here?” She asked as she looked back at her paper work.

“I need your help.” I said before she looked up from what she’s doing and leaned back against her chair.

“Problems with Soobin?” She asked and I nodded my head before she smiled.

“Just assure her protection, that you’ll protect her from harm. Girls like that. She most definitely will like that.” She smiled.

“How do you know?” I asked but I know she wouldn’t say much.

“Something happened in the past.” She said and I know that’s all she’ll reveal. However, I seem to know what the something implemented. I was wondering if I should tell her. After all, she’s my Noona and she has the right to know.

“Is it about that incident which she almost got ?” I said and her eyes widened in shock, meaning that’s it.

“You know I won’t say anything, Donghae.” She said as she sat up straight.

“Noona, I’m the one who did it.” I pluck up all my courage and told Noona.

“What! How could you? I had thought you were a good boy. How can you do that to her?” Noona’s voice was getting louder and louder and louder.

“I regret it too Noona, but it’s done and I want to redeem her back. Noona, please help me.” I pleaded before she calmed down.

The both of us sat there in silence. I know she was thinking but not sure what it is about. I sat there, fiddling with my fingers, feeling guilty about what I did 7 years back then all over again. What went through my mind was the expressions on her face and when it started to turn in to smiles after we became partners for dance and now, when she’s with me.

“Why is she angry with you?” She asked.

“It’s not her. It’s me.” I said and her eyes widened in shock.

“After confessing to me all your crimes, you tell me you’re the one angry at her? Why? I though you love her so much you cannot bear to leave her?” Noona asked.

“It’s just I overheard a conversation she was having and I got upset. However, after I left, I regret leaving. I know I’m the one who has always been giving in more, but even if I give in, she might not take, so I have to put in more effort to make her accept me. I don’t want the bliss I felt to end so quickly.” I said.

“Donghae ah, you left such a deep scar in her, there’s no easy way out for this. Since you’ve hurt her, you have to be prepared to give it all out to win her. Noona just give you my luck alright?” She said and smiled.

When I walked out of her room, I headed to a nearby café and sat near the window. I looked at the people walking past, couples hand in hand, smiling happily at each other. How I wish I could be like that now.

Looking at my watch, I realized it’s close to 7, which means I can make my way there. I booked their suite room so that Soobin and I can have more privacy.

“I have a reservation under the name of Donghae.” I said and the lady stared at me with her eyes widely before she started batting her eyelids non-stop. I won’t ever fall for that trick. Ladies all give me that look and it has no effect on me what so ever.

“Sir, would you like anything to drink?” The lady asked me and I shook my head since she had already poured me a glass of iced water. She bowed before walking out of the room. I wonder would Soobin remember to come? Or was I just so insignificant that she forgets about our date.

I sat in the room in silence. I could hear the ticking of the second hand of my watch. Time was moving so slowly I felt like I was going to die.

After less than 5 minutes, I heard a knock on the door. I looked at my watch and it was barely 7.30pm. t must be the waitress trying to get me to like her or something. When I turned to the door, I saw something unexpected. It was Soobin.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” I couldn’t say anything, but just to stare at her in shock.

“I got this for you.” She took out a box from her bag and pushed it across the table. I looked at her as she smiled and motioned me to open it. I reach out and held on the box. I was wondering what it is. When I opened it, I saw a watch. A men’s watch. I looked at her and she was still smiling.

“Do you like it? I thought it would look good on you. If you don’t like it we can go change into another one.” She said, but something caught my eye. On the right hand, she wore a watch which is identical to the one in the box. Does this watch come in a pair?

“It’s alright. I like it.” I looked at her and her cheerful expression never fails to leave her face.

“About this afternoon…” She started and somehow, I’m dreading it. What if what she said was true? Does this means I’ll lose all hope in her?

“ …It isn’t what you heard…” She said and somehow, I feel the burden in my heart lighten slightly.

“… He gave me no choice. I have to make him lose faith. But Donghae, I just want you to trust me.  Can you?” I looked at her as she took hold of my hand for the first time. She looked at me with such intensity in her eyes, which makes me fall deep into her all over again.

“Sorry Soobin, I should have trusted you from the start. I….” However, she silenced me with her finger on my lip.

“That’s all I need to hear. I Love you.” She said and I suddenly felt time come to a halt. Did she just confess to me? Did she just say she love me? Am I dreaming?

I stood up and she looked at me in shock. I walked over to her side and hauled her up. I then pulled her into a hug.

“Thank you….” I said and realized something wet on my cheeks. I was crying tears of joy. I cannot describe how happy I am right now. “… Thank you for loving me.”

She returned the hug and for once, I really felt safe. Not just anywhere, but in her arms. I know that no matter what, I won’t feel as safe as I’m feeling now.

When we finally pulled apart, she looked deep into my eyes. Putting her hands on my cheeks, she wiped away the tears on my face.

“I’ll try to love you as much as you love me.” She said before she planted a soft short kiss on my lips.

“Let’s order. I’m hungry.” She said as she got back to her seat and flipped through the menu. I for another, walked super slowly back to my seat and sat down. I cannot look anywhere else but her. Every movement she makes look so perfect in my eyes.

“Donghae… Donghae…” She called out to me oh so gently, I could feel bits of my body melting away.

“What do you like to eat?” She asked before I took out the menu and scanned through it. I settled for a risotto since it’s the only rice product they have.

“I think I’ll have an Italian ham carbonara then.” She said before I called for the waiter to come and take our orders. When he left, we sat in silence for a while.

“Here.” She said as she pushed me 2 tickets. I looked at it and realized it’s a dance show. I looked at her as she smiled.

“I thought you might want to watch so I got my secretary to get it for me.” She said as she took a sip of water. For the first time that night, I smiled. I was starting to feel the love she has for me. So this is how she feels whenever I’m around her?

End of Donghae’s POV

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sweet-suzy #1
Chapter 40: I didn't see that coming! Soobin is dead!! What the?! That's waht you call a surprise ending
I didn't see that coming! You have no idea how hard I was crying. I was so shocked. I mean I was so happy that they finally are together and got married and then BOOM, Soobin died. :'( I love the story though! Aish, I'm so sad it's over. It was and still is my favorite story here and I'm definitely gonna read it again! Thank you so much for such an amazing story, you did a fantastic job! <3
gabie_16 #3
omo.... i'm crying hard now in my room :'(<br />
SuperPeaceZ #4
Awww :'( did not see that comming! Lovee the story though!
One more chapter and it's the end. Anticipate for it. It's coming soon.
Finally they are married. I'm so happy for them. ^-^ I started to cry as soon as I read the first sentence. It was so touching. T^T I feel like reading it over and over again. <3
Donghae and Soobin are always taking care of each other, I love that. ^-^ I really loved this chapter. <3
@ParkSang-Hee <br />
Thanks! Knowing that I have loyal supporters I'll do my very best! <br />
<br />
@honeydewname<br />
I'm kind of sad that this story is coming to an end. But it means that there's a new story!
Awww~ Donghae is very cheeky indeed!! xP >< *btw lol the eating scene makes me hungry..<br />
of course I'll support this fic! good luck in writing the last chapter!! ^^
Another great chapter. It was so cute. ^-^ & of course you will have my continous support. (: