Chapter 18

You can't leave us

The shinee members still continued to visit jinki at the hospital.They called him by his real name 'jinki'.

They haven't told him that the 5 of them,including him,were idols.They were told not make pressure him to remember his past as that will worsen his health.He has to remember by himself.His memories,the one that they spent together,has to return on it's own.

It hurts them that their leader can't remember them.But they were willing to be patient.

Jonghyun always made sure that onew got enough rest and get whatever he needs.

Key always made sure that onew was well feed and ate his medicine on time.

Minho always helped him if he wnated to go somewhere like the park and help to support him,since he isn't fully recovered.

Taemin always talks to onew,making sure he doesn't feel lonely.


Jinki thought of them as kind and thoughtful people.If only he could remember.They seemed to know him really well.

He was really touched that they always came to visit him,eventhough he can't remember who they were.

"Who are they?why are they being so kind to me?"

He tried hard to remember but everytime he did,his head began to hurt.

Who were they to him?Why did it felt as though they meant something to him?Why did it felt as though he had a connection to them?Why did it felt as though the 5 of the had a special bond and relationship?

What made him confused was the look on their faces.Everytime they visited him,they faces showed sadness and dissapointment.He didn't understand why they looked so upset.

"Am i being a burden to them?"he thought to himself one night.

He didn't want to be a weight to them.He didn't want to cause pain to such wonderful people who had treated him so well.

He didn't know why but he felt like that wasn't the first time he had such a feeling.It felt like as though he always had this unpleasent feeling of being not good enough and feeling a burden to the people around him.

He didn't want to hurt them.He didn't want to hurt the people who showed nothing but kindnest to him,caring for him and taking well care of him when he was in such a state.


Jinki woke up one morning and felt his throat dry.He tried to get up but everytime he did,he felt as though he was hit by a 1000 kilowat of electric.

He tried to get up to reach the glass of water next to him but it was useless.

But he didn't give up.He tried strech his hand further.


The glass dropped and broke into pieces while he fell down from the bed.


He let out a scream.The pain was unbearable.

Mrs lee quickly entered the room.She rushed to jinki and lifted him back up to his bed.

"Jinki,what were you thinking?you know your not in yoor not fully recovered."she scolded him.

"I...i'm sorry."

Jinki's voice was so full of guilt that she can't stay mad at him.She hugged him while sobbing.

"Please,don't ever scare me like that again."

Jinki sat there,frozen and paralyzed.He never knew that she cared for him that much.

He felt so comforted and safe when his with a son felt towards his mother.And no person would care for him that much unless he has an inner connection with that person.

"Maybe she really is my umma."he thought and hugged her back.


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darkangel211 #1
Chapter 31: Love the story :)
aurelia-shawol #2
this story is so beautiful..
author nim you success make me cry three times T^T

thanks for making ths story :)
Chapter 30: love this <3
Chapter 31: i liked this story..
do the story liked this more..
naznew #5
Chapter 31: Such a beautiful and heartbreaking success make me cry twice...
Chapter 31: I really love all your story and alwaus crying read this story..anw it's a good atory
Chapter 33: *trying hard to hold tears*
I love your story! Very much!
Min123 #8
Chapter 31: I cried so many times while I was reading. Love the story, love shinee!!!