Chapter 12

You can't leave us

To my dearest dongsaengs,

I'm sorry for keeping my illnesse a secret from all of you.I didn't want to make you guys worry about me.You each have enough to deal with already without me,your useless leader,becoming a burden to you.I'm sorry i couldn't help you guys with everything your facing.There's nothing that hurts me more than to see you guys in pain.You guys mean so much to me.Every single one of you is very precious to me.You're not only my friends and bandmates,you're my family,my brothers.Each and every one of you is so special to me that i couldn't imagine living without any one of you.We have came far together.We became shining shinee together.We worked hard to get where we are now.Each of you are you unique in your on way.

Jonghyun,your the second oldest after me.Whenever i'm not around,i always trust you to look after the others and up till now,you never failed me.You are one of the best vocalist i ever heard.Keep on doing what you do best,singing.You might be childish but your heart is one of the nicest one i ever see.Your sensitive but that's because you have a big heart and caring for others.Your a great hyung to our dongsaengs.I know it must have been hard for you to leave your mom but trust me,i'm really sure she's proud of you.She's lucky to have a son like you.

Key,your a very unique person.Not everyone can have your strength and courage.Thanks for taking such great care of us,cooking for us,cleaning up after our mess.Your a warm and strong person.You might be a diva but a sweet and and loving one.Your always patient with us.I know the reason you always nag is because you care about us and didn''t one any of us to get hurt.I hope you can continue to look after them.Be the umma that we all love.Just know that your grandma is really lucky to have grandson like you.And no matter how busy your parents are,i'm sure they always love you.

Minho,we don't usually interect that much since your very quite.But you have one of the purest heart i ever known.Your competitive but that's what makes you so great.You always tried hard to improve and becoming better.You always tried to work hard.Your always there to comfort us when we feal dowm.Your rapping skill is one of the best i ever heard.Just know that your talented in every way.

Taemin,thank you for taking care of me this pass few weeks.Your our maknae,i should be the one taking care of you,not the other way around.Your kind,caring and lovable.Your also one of the most friendliest person i ever meet.You are brave for auditioning at such a young age.You must be confident in yourself.I know you will be one of the best singer the world has ever heard.I always wanted to protect you,all of you,but i feal as though i failed.

I failed a being your leader.I'm sorry i wasn't able to take care of you like you did for me.I don't deserve your kindness.I'm sorry if i hurt you.Please forgive me for everything i did to you.

But just so you know,i'm proud of you guys.I know your family is as well.Don't ever change for anyone.

You might be wondering why i didn't want to take the surgery?The reason why was because i was afraid.I was afraid that if the surgery failed,my time with you guys might be shorter.I wanted to spent as much time i can with you guys.I cherish every single moment we had together.

The best moment of my life was when we debuted.We were nervous but we managed to pull it off and did our very best.We were so happy when we got accepted by the people and gained many fans.

No matter what happens,stick together and always look out for each other.Be strong for each and always continue to support each other.

I love you guys.Saranghae.



Hot tears began to fall from each of them.They had no idea that was how their leader felt for them.They began to comfort each other,hugging each other,trying to convince themselves that onew will be alright.

Suddenly,something else fell from the envelope.Key picked it up and stare at it,his eyes still full of tears.

It was picture of their debut.They were smiling,laughing and joking around.They had their arms around each other.

5 shining boys.Thats what they were called.

Below the picture was a word that made the tears even harder to stop.

I'll always remember this day

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darkangel211 #1
Chapter 31: Love the story :)
aurelia-shawol #2
this story is so beautiful..
author nim you success make me cry three times T^T

thanks for making ths story :)
Chapter 30: love this <3
Chapter 31: i liked this story..
do the story liked this more..
naznew #5
Chapter 31: Such a beautiful and heartbreaking success make me cry twice...
Chapter 31: I really love all your story and alwaus crying read this story..anw it's a good atory
Chapter 33: *trying hard to hold tears*
I love your story! Very much!
Min123 #8
Chapter 31: I cried so many times while I was reading. Love the story, love shinee!!!