I knew it

I know what you're up to and it aint working!

Ahn Minyung

I walked to the next class when suddenly Hyunji pulled my arm.

'You are the manager of Infinite?' she asked still not believing me.

'Yes, my parents asked me so I decided to do it' I said very simple.

'And why did you tell them your parents who are apparently the songwriters of Infinite their boss gave you that contract' she said in one breath.

'Same reason I use the name Ahn Minyung instead of Choi Minyeon. I don't want people to find out who I once was' I thought of the fat and ugly version of me only one year ago. I worked two whole years to get to the point I am right now.

'I see. But not trying to be mean or anything but you have to be carefull because if you continue lying this bad you will get discovered sooner or later' she said reffering to what just happened.

'I know...I at lying' I said with my hands in front of my face. Hyunji just laughed. 'By the way do you want me to help you unpack you things in your new house?' she asked a few seconds later.

'Haha I am not going to fall for that!' I said bursting out in laughter. 

'What?' she tried to act innocent.

'You want to come with me so you can meet Infinite at their dorm. Am I right?' I turned my head to her side.

'Pff nooooo I would neve- yes...' she said giving up.

'You can but I don't think you'll want to go today because a few of them have to go to a radio schedule. And before you ask yes Sungjong is one of them' I said and she pouted.

'I still want to help'  she said smiling this time and I nod.

' Oh about that radio schedule I have got to go tell the boys, please tell the teacher I forgot to get my books from my locker' I said quickly running to the cafeteria because this was their first break of the day.

'I think that girl is hiding something from us' I heard Myungsoo say and I hid behind one of the pillars in the cafeteria.

'I think it's not only from us but more people' I think it was Woohyun who said this, not really sure since I didn't see them.

'I will prove that I was right all along about that girl. She probably wants popularity or something' I went blank for a moment.

Popularity? Omg...this is the reason I don't trust boys. Always thinking for someone else instead of just asking.

'I knew you would not be able to do win her over' Sungyeol said in a victorious way and I smirked creepy to myself.

'You know nothing yet! I'll get her just wait!' Myungsoo said a little louder than before.

I decided to show myself and walked to the boys 'I forgot to tell you all that, Woohyun, Hoya, Sunggyu and Sungjong have a radio schedule this afternoon. I'll send someone else this time to pick you up' 

Hi Minyung!' Myungsoo said rather awkward.

I decided to act a little bit and sat down on his lap bringing my face closer to his.

' What's this? You were not like this a few seconds ago, are your nervous already?' I said whispering into his ear and he shivered.

Myungsoo was obviously nervous and didn't say anyhthing. 

Oh so we're going to play it like this

Myungsoo's face was totally stiff, no emotion at all and just staring forward.

' So now that I'm here I have got exciting news for you all but I will keep that a secret till this evening'  I said being my total self again.

' If you want to keep it a secret untill then, why did you tell us?'  Sunggyu asked and I chuckled.

' To make you guys curious' 

' So childish, how can this girl be our manager she's probably younger than me!' Sunggyu said and the rest of the boys started laughing at him.

' I am eighteen and almost nineteen' I said smiling at how I was younger than all of them. Except Sungjong I think?

' Well at least you're not a mean manager' Sunggyu said again.

' Well I've got to go but the boys of which I just said their names please wait at the gate because there will be a car waiting for you guys'  was the last thing I said before walking away again. I took one last glance at the table and saw Myungsoo still totally frozen.

I know what you're up to and it ain't working!


So she knows XD But doesn't really care about it though...=.= I hope you will all like this chapter. Still not sure if I made the storyline correct and if it is good but yeah ^^



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mahea_808 #1
Chapter 30: Please update soon
Alexlong #2
Chapter 30: Update it soooooooooon pls
MyungSooSweetie #3
Chapter 30: You're doing a great job author-nim! Please update soon~
Alexlong #4
Chapter 30: Update this soon pls ^^
Chapter 27: congrats with your new baby brother ^0^
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^^