
I know what you're up to and it aint working!


I did what Myungsoo had told me to do and I layed down on his bed.

' Fine here you go! You got what you wanted now will you please leave me alone!'  I said but he shook his head and stepped closer to the bed. 

When he was about to say something the door opened, revealing a smiling Chaen.

Unfortunately, when the door opened the bowl of soup got kicked over and it spilled all over the floor.

' I'll look for a rag or something else I can use to clean this mess'  Myungsoo sighed and picked up te now empty bowl.

' I'll help you since it's mostly my fault' Chaen followed Myungsoo but when they were just around the corner Myungsoo's head popped in the room again.

' I'll close this door so you won't do anything stupid and now stay in that bed while I'm gone!' he gave me a warning glare and I smiled and nod innocently.

As soon as he closed the door I stood up as fast as I could and walked to the window.

Stupid Myungsoo....

I pushed the window open and jumped outside.

I was still dizzy so jumping wasn't really one of my best ideas of today.

I shook my head and concentrated myself on finding the boys. 

It would be pretty easy to find me if I went by car plus my keys are still in the house. 

After some time of walking in a slow pace I decided to go by bus. I went to Hongdae again and began to walk around.

I was already walking around for more than an hour but I still didn't see anyone from Infinite.

It began to rain only a few moments later and I kept looking around. Not wanting to give up and show them my weak side.

I had to be a good example to them and a great manager. 

I'll have to show people that I'm very good at taking care of my own and other people.

I'm not that stupid, ugly, naive and innocent girl I used to be a few years ago.



After Chaen and I had found something to clean the floor with we went back to my room, but when we came back Minyeon wasn't there.

' Where is she?'  Chaen asked and raised both his eyebrows.

I looked around for possible hiding places but there were none. But then the window caught my eyes.

' Don't tell me...'  I said and Chaen looked at me with a questioning face.

I stretched my arm out to point my finger at the window and he understood.

' You stay here and wait for the other members to come back and I'll go and search for Minyeon' I said and jumped out the window.

' Alright, the fact that she jumped out of the window doesn't mean you also have to!'  he shouted at me.

He had a pretty valid point, I shrugged and ran to a taxi that would take me to Hongdae. 

I thought that that would be the first place she would go to.

Stupid girl! You really are stupid Minyeon!

I got out of the car and payed the driver before running around the streets in Hongdae.

' MINYEON!!!!'  I kept screaming while people started to stare.

I ignored every single one of them. I get stared at a lot but most times because of the fangirls, not because people think I'm crazy....

After I don't know how long it started to rain. I ignored the weather also and still continued to run and look for Minyeon.

I saw a girl struggling to stand up straight like fifty meters from me. I saw the girl had the same clothes on as Minyeon, and as I looked closer I saw it was her!

I started to walk faster towards her and when I stood next to her I took her by her arm and dragged her into a restaurant closeby.

' Yah! Let go of me you ! You ugly a** motherf*ck*r'  Minyeon screamed and kicked my legs and feet.

' Yah! I didn't know you cursed that much!' I responded and she looked up.

' What are you doing here!?' she asked me.

' Is that how you greet the person that saved you?' I asked her and her eyes widened.

' Save me!? I wasn't even in danger!' she said and coughed after she had finished her sentence.

' You're still sick' I said and tried to hug her to keep her warm but she slapped my hands away.

' And I already said that you are also ugly! You don't have to rub it in a second time' she said and I chuckled.

' Seriously again? I meant sick! as is sneeze, cough, throw up, pale sick!' I said and summed up a few things that ressemble being sick.

' Oh...I feel stupid now' she mumbled and I chuckled.

She looked down on the floor before starting to talk again ' I have to find the boys' she said and tried to walk away from me but I pulled her back.

' Why it's pouring outside, you're sick, and you can't even stand up properly' I said to stop her, she shook her head.

' No! Let go of me! I am responsible of everyone in Infinite! I have to be a good example and good manager! Now let go of me!' she kept struggling which was bugging me so I pulled her closer to me and placed my arms around her.

' It's not to the time to hug people L-ame!' she said and I tightened my grip.

' I don't care now you and I are going back to the dorm and wait for the others members to arrive if they haven't already' 

' No! I am your manager and you should listen to me L-oner!' she said.

I ignored her and dragged her to the side of the road to stop a taxi. I pushed her in first and closed the door behind me.

She tried to get out by opening the other door. I hugged her again to stop her from escaping.

After some time she stopped to struggle but I kept hugging her.

' You can let me go now, I won't escape while the car is driving' she tried to convince me but I shook my head.

' Who knows what you'll do. I don't trust you anymore when you promise me something'  I said and she sighed.

' Or you just like me and you don't want to let me go because of that'  she said and that made me loosen my grip.

' Like I will ever like you!'  I said and kept one arm around her waist.

' As if you don't! You try to hit on me every single time you get!'  she said to defend herself which made me quiet.



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mahea_808 #1
Chapter 30: Please update soon
Alexlong #2
Chapter 30: Update it soooooooooon pls
MyungSooSweetie #3
Chapter 30: You're doing a great job author-nim! Please update soon~
Alexlong #4
Chapter 30: Update this soon pls ^^
Chapter 27: congrats with your new baby brother ^0^
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^^