
Me & My Honey


You and Seunghyun took a seat in the open stall, already ready to order as many bottles of soju as it took for you to forget. He sniffled at the cold and smirked when the first two bottles were set in front of you. You couldn't deny the fact that you were looking forward to drinking as well, smiling as you reached for your own bottle. Seunghyun opened his, holding it up, his already slurred speech about to get worse.

"To... To being alone," he proclaimed, cackling before taking a swig so long half the bottle was gone. 

"To Tabi," you settled, startling him. "For having someone who understands."

Seunghyun smiled, actually taking decent shots by now. You both sat comfortably in front of one another, enjoying the silence. Seunghyun didn't seem to be a person of many words, and neither were you. It seemed as if you had found the perfect drinking buddy. As soon as you both lost yourselves to the alcohol, you would know. 

"You know what I hate?" Seunghyun slurred when he was in the middle of his third bottle. "Dust."

You quietly sniggered, taking a few more shots before answering, your mind finally out of it. 

"Me too," you sniffled. "I mean. I hate sneezing."

"Yeah," Seunghyun nodded. "You know how difficult it is for me? I.. I get the urge on stage sometimes. That would..."

"Embarrassing," you slurred. "I did it at a presentation once. Thankfully, they said it was 'charming.'"

"You're annoying," Seunghyun said bluntly. "What's charming about you?"



Seunghyun stopped, laughing silently and looked down at the baby. the little hair he had back carefully and shifted on the bed. 

"Don't believe that, though," Seunghyun told him. "You know mommy is really charming, don't you? Ahh, I'm so jealous." The baby blinked, lazily on his bottle. "You got to be with her all day every day, nights as well. How long did you make us wait? Eight months and a half?" 

When the baby let go of the bottle, Seunghyun set it to the side, wrapping the blanket closely around him. 

"Shall we go see how's she's doing today?" he asked, standing up already. "I hear she'll be able to come out of her box soon. Isn't that great news?"

When they reached the room, Seunghyun carefully pushed open the door, slipping inside with your baby. He stood with him in front of you and listened attentively as your baby made gurgling sounds before tapping the glass.

"You miss her?" Seunghyun asked. "I miss her." 



"Well, what about you?" you asked, pointing a finger at him. "I researched you, you know? I don't see what everyone is on about. You're awkward."

"I am," Seunghyun wailed, sobbing into the table. "I'm worthless."

"You're not, no," you sang. "You... made many happy."


"Yes!" you nodded. "You gave them strength!"

Seunghyun stopped crying, looking up at you through blurry eyes. He nodded slightly, offering you the first true smile you had seen from him in person. The type of smile he wore around his friends in videos where they didn't know they were being filmed. 

"Don't you... have your mother to go back to?" Seunghyun asked, making you flinch.

"My mom," you said. "She's... she's been hospitalized for a year already. I have no one."

"Me either."

You both looked into each other's eyes, the intoxication already spread throughout your bodies. 



"Am I allowed to tell him what happened next?" Seunghyun chuckled, looking up at you through the glass again. "It wasn't that bad, was it?" 

Seunghyun quickly ran out of the room, an instant reaction when he brought up that morning, or else you would beat him until he begged for mercy. 

"It was crazy, my baby," Seunghyun smirked. 




"You can... you can stay there," you pointed at the couch, stumbling past your still broken model on the floor. "I... bed."

Seunghyun stared down at the couch before stumbling after you, slipping off his shoes on the way. You collapsed on top of your bed, Seunghyun following right after you. Completely tired, drunk, and with heavy hearts, the two of you fell into a deep sleep.

At some point before the sun had a chance to even peek out from under your blinds, you woke up soaked in your own sweat. A pair of arms were locked around you, preventing you from moving. Instantly, you panicked, trying to remember the night before. Tiny flashes went through your mind and you breathed a sigh of relief when you were assured that nothing had happened. 

"So warm," a deep voice, heavy with sleep, mumbled into your ear, followed by a snore.

"Hot, you  mean," you scoffed, trying once again to pry Seunghyun's arms off you.

Eventually, you managed to slip out, making a run for the bathroom since you felt dirty. You closed the door behind you, already slipping out of your clothes. The shower started to warm up and you jumped inside, relieved that you could finally wash off all the grime. You massaged the shampoo through your hair, scrubbing down your body with the soap, before shutting off the water. You opened the curtain, stepping out of the shower and reaching blindly for a towel when you heard your door slam open, a squeak and a slap following after. 

Your eyes snapped open and you quickly pulled the towel over your body, staring at Seunghyun with wide eyes as he covered his eyes with both hands, his face turning an alarming shade of red. Hastily wrapping the towel around you, you stormed past him angrily, wanting to yell curses at him. You bit your tongue though, ordering him to shut the door and lock himself inside until you were decent.

"So-sorry," he whimpered as the door closed. 

You sighed and quickly walked to your closet, pulling out a pair of jeans, change of underwear, and a fresh shirt. When you were done, you started to dry your hair and walked to the door of the bathroom, knocking on it harshly. It swung open slowly and you glared up at Seunghyun, his expression going back to that mix of disgust and anxiety. Maybe it was a habit? 

"Well, ert," you said. "What do you think you were doing?" 

"I'm sorry... I... I didn't think you were in there," Seunghyun whimpered, finally looking at you.

"How much did you see?" you asked, raising your eyebrow and standing on your tip toes to get closer to him. 

"N-not a-"

"How much?"

"Everything!" Seunghyun wailed, pushing past you and running out of the room. 

You scoffed, laughing slightly as you finished towel drying your hair, strolling into the bathroom casually. The poor man had probably never seen a woman in his life if he was acting this way. You finished getting ready for the day and when you walked out to the living room, you found Seunghyun staring at the blank television with wide eyes.

"Stop remembering it," you snickered, plopping down next to him. "It'll just make it worse for you. Must have been a horrible experience, huh?"

Seunghyun only turned to look at you, his expression caught up between embarrassment and confusion. He eventually sighed and clutched his head, making you notice your own headache. 

"It wasn't horrible," you heard him mumble quietly, and not knowing what to say, you made him an offer.

"I heard noodles are good for hangovers," you said, nudging his arm. "Want to go get some?"

"Can't we just order them?" he asked, and you thought about it for a second before nodding. 




"You're not allowed to drink," Seunghyun told your baby, tapping the tip of his tiny nose with his index finger. "Ever. Not even when you're of age. Got it?" 

He didn't expect a reply from him, so he slowly leaned back on the couch and readjusted the baby's position. 

"You really need a name, huh?" Seunghyun asked. "I've been calling you my baby all this time. I remember your mommy wanted it to have half of my name. You can be Seungie for now, huh? Until she wakes up or we're forced to register you. Then let's pick the other half out of a bowl, yes?" 

He knew that if you were awake you would probably start yelling at him, demanding for him to be more responsible and have a bit of pride while naming his first born. He was somewhat kidding, but if he was forced to register little Seungie, he didn't know how he could possibly come up with the other half of the name. 

"I got your other half," Seunghyun glanced up, finding the president of YG Entertainment in front of him with a grim smile. "But first... how is she doing?"

"Still nothing," Seunghyun replied, hanging his head.

"She'll wake up," Hyunsuk said, sitting down next to Seunghyun and looking down at the baby. "Anyway, here's something we were going to show you before the baby came."

Seunghyun looked down at the phone Hyunsuk was holding, giving him a confused look before looking back down at the phone.

"You have to promise," he saw Hyunsuk on the screen, sitting across from you on a table as you held his baby, Yoojin, in your arms. "It's a deal, right?"

"We're getting you on tape," Seunghyun heard Eunju say. 

"Fine," you nodded and kissed the top of Yoojin's head. "Since Seunghyun and I already picked the first half, because I know it's a boy even though he refuses to acknowledge it, we can call him Seungsuk." 

Seungsuk... Seunghyun sat back, looking down at the baby, trying it out a few times in his mind before saying it aloud. He smiled slightly when he noticed the baby kept his eyes on his as he said the name, probably already used to hearing it if you called him that when he was still inside of you. He raised his eyebrow at Hyunsuk before nodding. 

"Seungsuk," Seunghyun said, leaning down so the tip of his nose was resting on top of Seungsuk's. "That's your name, alright? She wanted it that way."

He felt Hyunsuk ruffle his hair before walking out of the room, whispering good wishes before he closed the hospital room behind him. 

"So where were we, 
Seungsuk-ah," Seunghyun asked, tilting his head to the side. 



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bb2ne1jp #1
Chapter 12: I remembered this story all of a sudden and am so
Glad it’s still here on aff. So so so good. One of the reasons why I made an aff account tbh
Damn. I remember reading this back in the day. It was one of my favorite stories on here. You were always one of my favorite authors. Hope you're doing well and I'm glad I can still indulge in this gem!
What a pity that this is the only story on your profile... So uniqe. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Hope everything will be fine. He misses her so much...
WhisperingWhy #5
Chapter 7: On Chapter 7 and enjoying this story very much. Thank you.
Mikelai #6
Chapter 42: Very unique story! I enjoy it very much!
Riesta #7
Chapter 2: Still at the 2nd page but i can tell already that your story is amazing. I'll read it nicely ^^
topwife #8
Chapter 19: Gawd!This is amazing!
please write more stories...
jamadzhi #9
Chapter 40: This is really interesting. Different kind of story narration. The past, the present and the future all in one. Sometimes this type of narration will be confusing but yours didn't. From the 1st chap up to the last connected to each other and I can felt the changing of emotions in each chapter. Keep up a good work authornim.
Chapter 40: yay it's ended! ^^ thankyou for posting it up again! will you poat other stories too?