You Have Me

Me & My Honey


"Shh," Seunghyun murmured softly, setting your baby down on the bed and kissing his forehead gently. "Don't cry. Don't you know that appa's here with you? We both have to be strong, you know? So when umma wakes up, she can see us smiling happily. Don't you want her to see your smile?"

The bed dipped slightly as Seunghyun laid next to the baby, who still had no name. 


"Just name her Stacy and let's get it over with!" Seunghyun groaned, giving you an exasperated look as you your growing stomach.

"I'm telling you," you insisted, glaring at him. "It's a boy. I'm winning this bet. Mother's know their children."


He sighed, his heart breaking as your son continued to cry, his wails like a stab into his heart. Remembering your tips, he carefully turned the baby over, helping him lay on his stomach. Seunghyun turned the baby's head carefully to the side, pulling his arms above his small body before rubbing soothing circles into the child's back. The baby's wails slowly came to a halt, settling for broken sobs which Seunghyun would hush away patiently. 

"I'm sorry, my son," Seunghyun murmured. "Appa should have been more careful."

Seunghyun waited until the baby fell asleep, his hand stopping the soothing movements. When he stepped out of the room, Jiyong looked up from his phone and gave him a quick grin before walking into the room.

"Be careful with him, punk," Seunghyun told him. "If I see a single tear, you're dead."

"Come on," Jiyong chuckled, patting his back. "I just have to look at him. It can't be that difficult."

"Thanks, Ji," Seunghyun said after hesitating slightly. "It's already bad enough that he can't be with her."

"Just hold on until her immune system becomes stable," Jiyong sighed, turning the knob. "How long will you be?"

"Not long," Seunghyun replied, already heading to your hospital room. "I just want to see her before going to bed."

When he walked inside, Seunghyun took a deep breath, approaching the thick piece of glass that separated both of you. The nurse that had been changing your IV bag stepped out, giving Seunghyun a sympathetic smile. He kept his eyes on you, though, pressing his fingertips to the cold glass. He traced your lovely features with his eyes, sighing at the bruises that were covering your arms and cheeks, and as far as he could see.

"Hey, baby," he began, even though you couldn't hear him through the thick glass. "It's just the second night, but you're still sleeping. I know I shouldn't be getting impatient yet, but... well, you... you have to see him."

He stopped, tapping the glass gently in an attempt to receive a response from you, feeling as if he was trying to get the attention of a caged animal. After seeing that you weren't about to reply, he became unreasonably angry. 

"Yah!" he yelled. "Wake up right now! I'm not going to let you do whatever you want this time! No way! You carried him around for almost nine months, so you better ing wake up and go see him, damn it!"

"That's not going to wake her up," the doctor next to Seunghyun sighed. "In cases like these, all you can do is wait patiently." 

Seunghyun scoffed, his anger fading almost instantly. The doctor snapped on gloves, pulling a mask over his mouth before stepping into the glass box. Seunghyun watched closely as he examined you and waited until he completely left the room again.

"I love you," he murmured. "Don't leave us alone for too long. He's really beautiful, you know? I think he looks like you, but when the guys saw him they told me he has more of me in him."

Seunghyun paused, wiping his eyes as tears started to trickle down his cheeks. He took a long moment to calm himself down before speaking up.

"It's funny," he mumbled, resting his forehead on the cool glass. "I think... I think he knows you're not around," his voice was freely breaking by now. "I mean, how could you leave him like that? Your heartbeat, voice, breath, it's all been with him for so long. My presence doesn't seem to cut it."

He stood there longer, chewing on his bottom lip harshly before blowing you a kiss. When he his heel, he wiped off his tears and walked back to the room that held Jiyong and your baby. When he opened the door he found your son awake, staring up at Jiyong as the latter spoke to him.

"And the dragon took off flying, taking with him all the gold and fashion sense in the world."

Seunghyun grinned when the baby made a soft noise before clutching Jiyong's finger with all his strength. Jiyong cooed at him, tickling his tummy before he looked up at Seunghyun.

"He's so cute," Jiyong told him, prying the tiny fingers away from his own finger. "I don't know what Daesung was going on about, if he's cute he clearly looks like her."

"I know," Seunghyun nodded. "I think he looks exactly like her."

"Hm," Jiyong laughed as he walked out of the room. "He has your eyes."

Seunghyun got back on the bed, pulling the now active baby back into his arms before starting up again. 

"So, as mommy dragged daddy away..."

"She's with me," Seunghyun told the guard posted by the front desk. "We just need to see YG real quick."

"She looks awfully familiar," the guard grunted, staring intently at your face.

"Yes," you nodded. "We met yesterday."

"The lady with the broken thing that thing thing," the guard nodded. "Well, what are you doin' round here again?"

"She lost her deal because I broke the thi-"


"Right, model," Seunghyun nodded. "I broke her model so I'm going to beg sajangnim for another chance. Can I please just take her up there?"

"If you get yelled at," the guard grinned. "I won't take any responsibility."

"I'll take it all," Seunghyun reassured him before grabbing your wrist this time, dragging you away to the elevator. 

You went up to the familiar floor, humming the entire way, completely carefree.

"Do you think this will work?" you asked, looking over at Seunghyun as the elevator stopped.

"Maybe," Seunghyun shrugged. "It's worth a shot, no?"

"Sure," you shrugged, walking straight to the office and waiting for Seunghyun to knock. 

He looked at you hesitantly one more time before knocking on the door and cracking it open. You peeked over his shoulder and saw one of your top enemies speaking with the president, showing him a 3D model. You growled quietly under your breath, knowing that your model had been a million times better before the idiot in front of you destroyed it. Seunghyun gave you a quick panicked glance before clenching his fists and bursting into the room.

"SAJANGNIM!" he yelled, startling the two people inside. "WE JUST GOT ROBBED!"

"What?" you saw YG stand up, raising his eyebrow.




"What's the real reason you're here?" YG sighed, shaking his head at Seunghyun.

"Ah, you caught me," Seunghyun laughed awkwardly before looking back at you. "Yesterday, I ruined her model. Please give her a second chance. You can punish me any way you want."

YG looked up at you, his eyebrow raised and knowing smile settled upon his lips when he recognized you. You looked at him for only a second, though, your sight going back to the enemy standing in the same room as your top client. 

"Sorry," YG turned to your enemy and bowed his head. "But I think there's a better offer at my door."

You saw as he scoffed, packing up his belongings and pushing his way past you. With a smirk, you waved goodbye at him, strolling into the room casually. YG sat behind his desk and started to pull out a folder, quickly, he had a pen and a contract in front of you.

"Since you disappointed me yesterday," he told you seriously, looking directly into your eyes. "You have a penalty. I'm deducting some money to the final pay."

"That's unfair," you glared. "Take it away from his pay."

"I don't think that's fair to Seunghyun," YG said with a frown. "He works very hard."

"He's not going to be supervising the remodeling for your building," you turned to look at Seunghyun who flinched. 

"Take it from mine," Seunghyun said quickly and you blinked at YG.

"Noob," you scoffed. "I did this to him earlier, and he fell for it again."

"Tell me about it," YG shook his head, handing over the pen. "He's too gullible."

"So we're still good?"

"Down to the last cent," YG nodded. "I'll let Minji know."

"Kay, cool," you nodded, signing the paper quickly and handing it back to him. "We have a deal for the next year."

"Then you leave and never come back, right?" YG smirked.

"You couldn't survive without me two weeks!" you stuck your tongue out at the president before waving goodbye to him and a very stunned Seunghyun. 


"She was quite arrogant, if I think about it now," Seunghyun sighed, kissing the tip of your baby's nose. "She liked to play many pranks on me. Up until this day actually."

Seunghyun offered his finger to the fiddling child, watching as he gripped it, pride swelling through him when the boy held his finger tightly. He wasn't sure how the whole father thing was supposed to feel, so the feelings floating through him filled him with surprise. He didn't expect to love someone as much as he loved the baby after just a few days. If someone asked him to chose between you and the baby now, he would probably end up shooting them just so he wouldn't have to answer. It was impossible to pick one or the other. 

"You're not bored with my useless talking yet?" Seunghyun asked the baby, watching as he tried to pull his finger up to his little mouth. Shaking his head, Seunghyun gently pried his finger away from the baby, reaching for the warm bottle besides him. Gently prodding the baby's mouth with the bottle, he waited until it took it and began on it greedily. 

"So," Seunghyun sighed, his eyes trained on his child. 

The next two weeks were filled with you working hard to hire

the right people, set up the space, and kick out anyone that tried to come close to the first dance rooms you were to remodel. The process was one that took a long time and it was tedious to say the least. You always got off work extremely late at night, and this time when you were walking out of the building, digging into your bag for your keys, you met someone you had not seen since that day at the office.

"Phone, phone," you blinked as Seunghyun dug around his pockets for his phone. "ChoomTOP... the best."

"You only know how to drink, huh?" you asked, standing in front of him. 

"What?" Seunghyun looked up, squinting as he stared at you before he recognized you. "No.. I... I don't drink all the time."

"You're drunk again," you pointed out. 

"That's just... I just..." Seunghyun sighed and leaned against the wall, sliding the entire way down. "I'm just so alone... so jealous."

"Of what?" you asked, sliding down next to him just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid that would possibly alter your income. 

"Of all the guys, of everyone," Seunghyun sighed. "All of them have a girlfriend, they're making families... and I'm... stuck here."

You felt your heart drop at his words, knowing exactly what he meant. You felt that way as well. Suddenly, you felt much closer to a person you had only met twice in your life than you did to your own family. With a sigh, you poked his arm and he turned to look at you, his eyes reflecting all that sadness you were too familiar with. 

"From now on," you said quietly. "You have me to drink with. So, let's go."

He furrowed his eyebrows before smiling, standing up shakily after you. 

"Is soju okay?" you asked, looking back at him.

"Is this an appropriate thing to tell you?" Seunghyun asked, smiling as he looked down at the baby again. "Well... you're sleeping now, so it doesn't make a difference." 

He laid more comfortably on the bed, adjusting the baby so he was laying on his chest, his head nuzzled comfortably under Seunghyun's neck. The latter wrapped his arms around the baby, making sure he was warm before continuing to speak, his deep voice keeping the baby in a deep sleep. 


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bb2ne1jp #1
Chapter 12: I remembered this story all of a sudden and am so
Glad it’s still here on aff. So so so good. One of the reasons why I made an aff account tbh
Damn. I remember reading this back in the day. It was one of my favorite stories on here. You were always one of my favorite authors. Hope you're doing well and I'm glad I can still indulge in this gem!
What a pity that this is the only story on your profile... So uniqe. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Hope everything will be fine. He misses her so much...
WhisperingWhy #5
Chapter 7: On Chapter 7 and enjoying this story very much. Thank you.
Mikelai #6
Chapter 42: Very unique story! I enjoy it very much!
Riesta #7
Chapter 2: Still at the 2nd page but i can tell already that your story is amazing. I'll read it nicely ^^
topwife #8
Chapter 19: Gawd!This is amazing!
please write more stories...
jamadzhi #9
Chapter 40: This is really interesting. Different kind of story narration. The past, the present and the future all in one. Sometimes this type of narration will be confusing but yours didn't. From the 1st chap up to the last connected to each other and I can felt the changing of emotions in each chapter. Keep up a good work authornim.
Chapter 40: yay it's ended! ^^ thankyou for posting it up again! will you poat other stories too?