Sugar Daddy

Me & My Honey

"He's taking you on a vacation?" Jae said, looking up from the his third baby, raising his eyebrow. 

"Yeah," you said awkwardly, looking down at Taehyun who was busy playing with a plastic rocket. "Is that weird?"

"Where to?" he asked, slipping the diaper under Youngsoo and quickly putting it together. 

"I don't really know," you said quietly, reaching over to pat Aecha's head. 

The little girl smiled up at you before looking back down at her book, struggling to read the words. Jae sighed and stood straight, adjusting Youngsoo's small pants before picking him up. You opened your arms hastily as he dropped the baby into them, walking off to look out the window dramatically. Taehyun looked over at his father, raising his eyebrow before scrambling away. Aecha looked up as well and wrinkled her nose, snapping her book shut and running out the room behind Taehyun. 

You snickered, knowing that it was because they knew how dramatic Jae could get. Youngsoo grabbed your attention when he sneezed and you quickly wiped his nose, pinching his cheek tenderly when he yawned. Jae glanced over at you and quickly typed into his phone. A minute later, Soojin was in the room, taking Youngsoo from you. She slipped out of the room, closing it behind her and Jae looked out the window again.

"Daughter," he said and you rolled your eyes, ready for his stupid speech. "You have to be careful when you're out there with this man. I... I trust you enough to let you go by yourself, but you must promise to not do anything your appa wouldn't do."

"There's not a lot you wouldn't do, though," you mumbled, looking to the side.

"Yah!" Jae yelled. "This is serious! Figure out where he's taking you."

"Why is it so important?!" you yelled, standing up and pointing a finger at him. 

"I want to see how much money he's willing to spend on you," Jae said, smirking slightly.

You sighed and hung your head, massaging your temples with a groan. Jae walked to your side and dropped his hand on your shoulder, peeking down at you by tilting his head down. 

"Does it really matter?" you asked.

"Of course it does," Jae said. "So find out, and then come talk to me again. Are you staying for dinner? The kimchi Soojin made is delicious, let me tell you."

You shook your head with a smile and walked after him as he headed to the kitchen. 

"You're being discharged," Seunghyun said, grinning when he found you standing by a window with Seungsuk, the two of you staring down at the city. 

"That's a relief," you said, slightly afraid of letting Seungsuk out of the building he had been living in for seven months.

"It'll be nice, no?" Seunghyun asked, standing next to you, slipping his arm around your shoulders. "Going home together. We can finally let Seungsuk sleep in his room, and our bed won't be lonely anymore."

"Yeah," you chuckled, nodding slightly and glancing down at Seungsuk who was still staring out the window. "Do you like it, Seungsuk-ah?"

Seunghyun laughed when Seungsuk replied to you with a string of gibberish, pointing outside. 

"I know," you said, nodding with a smile. "We get to go outside soon. Ah, it's scary!"

Seungsuk giggled and glanced out the window again before hiding his face in your neck. You smiled and rubbed the back of his head gently, rearranging his hair so it was neat. Seunghyun squeezed you with his arm and the two of you sighed at the same time, looking around the busy city.

"Have you kept the place clean at least?" you asked, looking up at Seunghyun. 

"Yeah," Seunghyun nodded. "I had someone go in to clean it for us."

"Alright," you smiled. "When can we leave?"

"In an hour or two, we have to sign papers and get instructions from the doctor," Seunghyun said, leaning down to kiss you gently. "I'm really happy we get to go home."

"Me too," you mumbled softly. 

"WHERE?!" Jae yelled, shaking you by the shoulders. 

"I KNOW!" you shrieked, closing your eyes tightly. 

"WHOA!" Jae laughed, wrapping you up in a tight hug. "Damn, girl. I want a sugar daddy like that."

"Yah," you yelled, shoving him back. "Don't call him that."

"But he is one," Jae said. "He's a sugar daddy."

"I said stop!" you whined, stomping your foot. 

"Ah," Jae sighed, looking at the ceiling. "I wish I could go to Bali. He's really spending a lot on you. Get pregnant and force him to marry you."

"Idiot," you glared at him, looking at the computer and scrolling through your bank account activity. "I'm not doing that."

"Sajangnim," Jae said. "I'm telling you right now. A guy like that, you have to quickly tie him up before he leaves. I mean, what will your mother think if you don't? Has he even met her yet?!"

"They... they met," you said, frowning at the total amount of money you had. "I need to donate again. This is too much."

"He met eomeoni?" Jae asked, gasping quietly. "What... what was his reaction?"

"They fell in love with each other," you said, setting up the transaction to the hospital. "Umma really likes him, and he liked her as well."

"So he finally knows, hmm?" Jae nodded, resting his head on your desk. "What did he say about her condition?"

"What is there to say when you find yourself in a situation like that?" you asked, sending the money to the hospital's account. "He was supportive of me donating my marrow and being there for her."

"And her condition?"

"It's under control right now," you said. 

"Ah, Soojin and I should visit her while you're gone," Jae nodded. "So she won't be too lonely, huh?"

"That would be nice," you nodded at him, shutting off your computer.

"Does she know he's taking you out?" Jae asked.

"He visits her often," you frowned, patting Jae's head. "Of course she knows."

"He does?"



"I don't really know," you shook your head. "But, I don't mind."

"Of course not, this is about your mom," Jae laughed, standing up. "But really, you're lucky he cares about you like that, eomeoni as well."

"I know," you nodded, running your hands through your hair.

"When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Well, go in," Seunghyun said, gesturing into the house. 

"Tell me something, Tabi," you said, looking into the Be@rbrick decorated hall. "Do we have ice cream this time?"

"We do," Seunghyun said softly, pushing you inside gently with Seungsuk in his arms. 

You stumbled inside and looked around, the comforting scent your home had wrapping you up in a hug. You took it in, already feeling yourself relax. Seunghyun smiled when you kicked off your shoes, spreading your arms and running around the villa like you used to all the time before you got pregnant. He closed the door behind him, slipping off his shoes and taking off Seungsuk's beanie. 

Seungsuk looked around immediately with wide eyes, his mouth slightly open as he stared at the giant and small toys. He turned to look at Seunghyun who listened attentively as Seungsuk blabbed to himself, hitting Seunghyun's chest gently to get his attention. 

"Yeah, buddy," Seunghyun laughed. "Do you like them?"

Seungsuk looked around again, and smiled. Seunghyun sighed softly and began to walk forward, listening to your steps across the entire villa. He came to a stop in front of Seungsuk's room and pushed the door open, flipping on the light switch. Seungsuk cooed when he saw the bright colors and multiple toys around. Placing him in the crib, Seunghyun stood straight and looked around quickly. 

"Don't move, okay," he said to Seungsuk, taking a step back. "Appa will be back soon with mommy. Alright?"

Seungsuk ignored him and sat up with difficulty, reaching for a stuffed bear that was waiting for his attention at the end of his crib. He pulled it forward and immediately began to on his ear, looking around the room again with wide eyes. 

"Ah, already not paying attention to me," Seunghyun mumbled to himself, walking out of the room to look for you. 

He ran across the rooms, throwing the doors open to find you. He tried knocking on the bathroom, and checked the kitchen. When he couldn't find a single indication that you had been there at all, he decided to go into the living room. He looked around carefully, pulling up blankets and pillows from the couches to no avail. 


Your scream made him shoot up from the ground and he looked around wildly, scrambling out of the room when he realized where you were. He dashed through the halls and threw the door to the guest room open, looking at you with wide eyes as you stood in front of the closet, shrieking loudly.

"What?!" he yelled. "WHAT?!"

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO THROW THAT AWAY!" you yelled, pointing at the clown statue inside the closet, his creepy smile making you shudder. "TABI!!!"

Seunghyun laughed and walked to your side, closing the door slowly. You pouted when he turned you around and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. He chuckled softly and tilted your chin up, kissing the tip of your nose.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'll throw it away tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," you mumbled quietly, hiding your face in his chest again. 

You took a deep breath, letting your body fill up with his personal scent. He held you close, resting his cheek on top of your head and your arms went around his back, holding him close against you as well. Seunghyun closed his eyes, rubbing the tip of his nose against your hair as you kept taking in deep breaths of his scent, trying to commit it to memory again. 

When you pulled apart, Seunghyun reached for your hand and dragged you down the hall to Seungsuk's room. You peeked inside when he did and grinned when the two of you saw Seungsuk curled up inside his crib fast asleep, clutching a teddy bear in his arms. Seunghyun walked inside and flipped on the night lights, shutting off the main lights when he joined you back at the door. 

You looked around at the stars and planets floating around Seungsuk's room, pursing your lips together at the Be@rbrick shaped light Seunghyun had demanded for him to have. You blew a kiss to Seungsuk as Seunghyun closed the door slowly, just leaving behind a slight crack for light from the hall to slip into the room as well. 

You started to skip away, pushing the door to your room open and running to the bed. You threw yourself on it with a delighted sigh and curled up around the pillows, pulling the covers over your head. The crisp smell of the sheets making you sigh in content. The bed sank slightly when Seunghyun joined you and you soon felt his arms around you, feet tangling with yours. 

"Shall we sleep?" you asked, turning around to snuggle into his chest, suppressing a yawn.

"I have a better idea," Seunghyun whispered, his lips finding yours in the dark. 

You dropped your bag when you walked into the hotel room, looking around with wary eyes as Seunghyun slipped in behind you. He set down the rest of your luggage and looked around as well, nodding in satisfaction at the quality of the room. Walking past you, he began to look around. You stood still, unsure of what to do while he was inspecting the room. When he came back, he was holding an orange in his hand.

"Well, come on," Seunghyun said. "Let's go rest before we do anything."

Seunghyun's chest rose and fell steadily, your head rising up and down with it. You tilted your head up to look at him again, smiling when you found him fast asleep. He shifted slightly, wrapping his arms closer around you before settling back down into his slumber. You grabbed the remote from the table in front of you and shut off the television, closing your eyes as well.

"Is this what you do when you're on vacation?" you asked softly. "Aish, how boring."

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bb2ne1jp #1
Chapter 12: I remembered this story all of a sudden and am so
Glad it’s still here on aff. So so so good. One of the reasons why I made an aff account tbh
Damn. I remember reading this back in the day. It was one of my favorite stories on here. You were always one of my favorite authors. Hope you're doing well and I'm glad I can still indulge in this gem!
What a pity that this is the only story on your profile... So uniqe. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Hope everything will be fine. He misses her so much...
WhisperingWhy #5
Chapter 7: On Chapter 7 and enjoying this story very much. Thank you.
Mikelai #6
Chapter 42: Very unique story! I enjoy it very much!
Riesta #7
Chapter 2: Still at the 2nd page but i can tell already that your story is amazing. I'll read it nicely ^^
topwife #8
Chapter 19: Gawd!This is amazing!
please write more stories...
jamadzhi #9
Chapter 40: This is really interesting. Different kind of story narration. The past, the present and the future all in one. Sometimes this type of narration will be confusing but yours didn't. From the 1st chap up to the last connected to each other and I can felt the changing of emotions in each chapter. Keep up a good work authornim.
Chapter 40: yay it's ended! ^^ thankyou for posting it up again! will you poat other stories too?