
Me & My Honey

"What are you doing?" you asked, watching as Seunghyun tapped the cigarette, making the ashes at the end fall off. 

"Yeobo!" Seunghyun smiled when he saw you, taking a step back when he saw your glare.

"What are you doing?" you repeated, crossing your arms. 

"I..." Seunghyun seemed at a loss for words. "I was... just... waiting for you and smoking?"

You sighed, hanging your head slightly. Walking his direction, you stood in front of him with a glare. Seunghyun flinched when you snatched the cigarette from his hand, throwing it on the floor. You stomped on it angrily and twisted your foot around until you were sure that not even a speck of it would be left behind.

"Uh..." Seunghyun murmured.

"Are you crazy?" you yelled, smacking his arm. "Do you know how many years of your life you're taking away with that?!"

"What?" Seunghyun frowned.

"Don't smoke again," you scowled, holding your hand out to him.

"O... okay. What is it?" Seunghyun looked at your hand.

"Give me whatever you have left," you demanded.

Seunghyun sighed, but reached into his pocket regardless, handing over the pack he had left. You threw them into a trash can and turned to look at him again, waving away the left over smell. You briefly wondered why you never knew that he smoked. Seunghyun pursed his lips together, reaching for your hand when you began the walk into the building. 

"Are you upset?" Seunghyun asked, nudging your shoulder with his.

"Yes," you answered. "You're slowly killing yourself. Who wouldn't be upset?"

"Yah," Seunghyun grinned, wrapping his arms around you from behind when you slipped into a hall. "Don't be upset. I'll stop, okay?"

"Okay," you stopped, looking at the display of YG artists.

"Isn't that really cool?" Seunghyun asked you, pointing at the pictures. "I love walking through here. It's like looking at family portraits."

"That was the idea," you mumbled.


"I made that," you nodded. "I... remember 2NE1 and you guys walking past being... loud."

"You... were here then?"

"Of course," you rolled your eyes. "I've been here four years"

You began to walk again and Seunghyun looked down at your feet, he began to move his accordingly. You heard him whispering the steps to himself softly, his chin resting on your shoulder. 

"You should have yelled at us," Seunghyun murmured.

"Jae wouldn't let me," you sighed, turning your head to the side to look at him.

"We could have met sooner," Seunghyun said.

"I'm sure that if you went down the line of our entire lives, there would have been many more opportunities for us to meet," you told him, shaking your head.

"In our next life," Seunghyun whispered queitly. "Let's meet again."

"Seunghyun," you whimpered, trying to step forward. "I can't. I'll fall."

"I'll catch you," he said, squeezing your hand. "I won't let you fall."

You took a deep breath, determined to take at least one step. Seunghyun kept his eyes on yours, smiling when you stumbled forward one step. The doctors and nurses quickly jotted down notes and you kept walking. Seunghyun was practically carrying you, his hands on your hips and yours on his shoulders. You were about to step out of the room with him when Seungsuk began to cry.

"Bring him, please," Seunghyun told Youngbae and the latter rushed forward to pick him up. 

Youngbae rocked Seungsuk back and forth, keeping his eyes on you and Seunghyun. Seungsuk continued to cry, and Seunghyun sighed. You panicked when he let go of you but quickly relaxed when he wrapped his arms around you from behind, his feet sliding into place behind yours. 

"Youngbae," Seunghyun said and Youngbae quickly walked over. "Carry him."

You hesitated for a second, but reached for Seungsuk regardless. You supported his bottom with one hand, the other going to the back of his head. Seunghyun rested his chin on your shoulder, making sure you were holding him correctly before whispering in your ear. 

"Ready?" he asked and you nodded, kissing Seungsuk's temple as his cries stopped. "Right, left, right, left..."

Seunghyun continued to mumble the steps softly into your ear as you made your way down the hall. He smiled when you began to get the hang of it again, your knees still wobbly, but arms strong around Seungsuk. Eventually, he decided to play with Seungsuk, making silly faces at him and rubbing the tip of his nose again Seungsuk's, causing the latter to break into giggles. You chuckled and kept walking at the pace Seunghyun had set, grinning like an idiot as Seunghyun and Seungsuk laughed together.

Seungsuk's giggles stopped abruptly and he grunted, throwing his head back against your hand as he looked for his appa. Seunghyun chuckled and peeked at Seungsuk's back over the other side of your head. You let Seungsuk lean his head back and he giggled when he noticed Seunghyun again. A small frown settled on his face when Seunghyun hid behind you again and Seungsuk threw himself forward, giggling and shrieking when he saw Seunghyun. They continued with their game for the entire walk until Seungsuk got bored of Seunghyun's face and decided to look at you instead.

He placed both of his hands on your cheek, and you smiled at him, leaning forward to rub the tip of your nose against his. Seungsuk giggled slightly and you cooed at him, making him slap your cheeks gently with his palms. Seunghyun chuckled next to you, keeping a close eye on both of you. He laughed when Seungsuk laughed, and in not time, you were back at the door of your room. 

"See," Seunghyun said. "It wasn't that difficult."

"Because I had you two," you said, rolling your eyes. 

"Oh, you're blonde this week?" you said as Seunghyun walked into the room. 

"What does that mean?" Seunghyun laughed, running your direction like a little kid. 

You smiled and sat back, dropping your pencil when he sat next to you. Seunghyun ruffled his hair slightly and you looked up at it, nodding your head.

"I like it."

"It's just for a little while, I think," Seunghyun said.

"That's cool," you said, reaching up to ruffle his hair as well. 

"I was... wondering," Seunghyun said quietly and you looked up at him. "When will you finish at JYP?"

"Why?" you asked, glancing down at your status reports from Jae. 

"Well," Seunghyun said quietly, clearing his throat. "I was wondering if you'd like to go with me on a small vacation?"

"Huh?" you asked, looking at him with wide eyes. 

"The thing is," Seunghyun smiled awkwardly, looking down at his hands. "I'm getting some days off, and I wanted to take you somewhere... you know, spend it together."

"Wh-when?" you asked, glancing back at your plans again. 

"Ah," Seunghyun sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "When you finish. I can set it up for those days."

"Uh," you chewed on your bottom lip and turned to look at the reports again, flipping through the pages and quickly calculating how much time your workers would take to finish up the lounge. "Two point five days..."

"Really?" Seunghyun said excitedly, grabbing your papers and flipping through them even though he had no idea what they said. 

"Yeah," you laughed, taking them back and slipping them into a folder. "Is that all you wanted?"

"Of course not," Seunghyun chuckled, scooting closer to you with his chair. "Let's make plans now. Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not good with that stuff," you mumbled, glancing at your watch. 

"Is there somewhere you need to be?" Seunghyun asked, pouting slightly. 

"I..." you hesitated, sighing slightly. "Yeah. I'm going to go see my lover."

"WHAT?!" Seunghyun shrieked and you laughed, making him sit down again.

"I was kidding," you rolled your eyes. "I was going to visit my mom."

"Oh," Seunghyun said, breathing heavily as he tried to calm down. "I.. Can I go?"

"Would you... like to?" you asked, scratching your arm. 

"Yeah," Seunghyun said quietly and you stood up, grabbing your keys. 

Seunghyun clung to your side, his head bowed low so no one would recognize him. You signed in at the front office of the hospital, walking to the elevators with Seunghyun close to your back. Once you were inside, he let go long enough to adjust a cap over his eyes. You smiled at him anxiously, accepting his hand when he offered it to you. 

"Are you nervous?" he asked, looking slightly guilty. "I didn't mean to pry."

"No," you shook your hand, taking a deep breath. "It's just... you're going to be the first person that I bring for her to meet. She's going to think you're something special."

"Oh, and I'm not?" Seunghyun whined, pouting at you.

"You're special enough, I guess," you laughed, looking away as the door opened. 

Seunghyun frowned when he saw the name of the ward, glancing at you. You kept your eyes straight, relieved that she was doing better and didn't have to be in a special room. Seunghyun followed behind you, bowing his head once again when he saw nurses and doctors about. You reached your mother's room and stood outside, looking at her name in the stupid piece of paper, glaring at it. 

With shaky fingers, you reached over to open the door, pushing it slowly and peeking inside to make sure she was awake. Her head turned slowly when she heard the door open and you slipped inside, bowing your head in greeting. 

"You came?" she asked, and you nodded, grabbing Seunghyun's hand again, pulling him inside. 

"Yes, mother," you said, looking back at Seunghyun. "This is my frie-"

"Friend?" Seunghyun scoffed, pushing you to the side. "That's boyfriend, eomeoni."

You scoffed when he sat by her bed, watching as your mother laughed. She glanced over at you and you looked away before smiling over at Seunghyun who was busy studying her face. When your mother looked at Seunghyun again your lips twitched into a smile, and you sat on the edge. 

"Boyfriend, huh?" she said, her voice holding a hint of fatigue. "How can you stand her?"

"Ah, so you know what a handful she is too, eomeoni?" Seunghyun asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Of course," your mother nodded her head, sitting up with difficulty, smiling when Seunghyun helped her. "I'm telling you right now, dump her and go live your life happily. Ah, I like your hair."

"Yah!" you scowled, pointing at her. "Who... who are you to say something like that?"

"Your mother, idiot," she scoffed, turning back to Seunghyun. "Your name, young man?"

"Young," you scoffed. 

"Choi Seunghyun," Seunghyun said, shooting you a glance before looking back at your mother. "Eomeoni, now I see where your daughter gets her good looks from. You're like a goddess."

"That's why you should stay with her, she'll grow up beautifully like me," your mother said. 

"What..." you scoffed. "You told him to dump me first and now you tell him to stay with me?"

"Do you mind?" she scolded you. "I'm talking to a handsome young man here."

"You think I'm handsome, eomeoni?" Seunghyun grinned like a fool, gripping her frail hand in both of his. 

"How long have you been hiding him, selfish daughter?" your mother scowled, looking back at Seunghyun. "He looks rather familiar."

"I do?" Seunghyun asked, surprised that she would know about him when you didn't.

"Ah," you threw your head back, looking at the ceiling as you thought. "Remember when President Yang asked me to build a walk way in a special way through his new building?"

"Hm," your mother nodded, staring at Seunghyun's features intently. 

"Seunghyun-ah was in one of those pictures," you said. "He works for President Yang. He's one of his artists."

"Is that so?" your mother asked, humming in approval. "And what do you do?"

"I'm in a band," Seunghyun said, bowing his head slightly. "BIGBANG, but I also do a little bit of acting, and modeling."

"An actor, model, and singer," your mother narrowed her eyes. 

"Rapper, eomeoni," Seunghyun said quietly, feeling under her intense stare, for once finding one that matched his.

"Rapper," your mother said. "Like those punks you used to go look at when you were a teenager."

"Yah," you scowled. "That was a long time ago."

"I changed my mind," your mother said, glancing at Seunghyun. "Go ahead and dump her while you can. How long have you been dating her?"

"A year and six months," Seunghyun answered immediately and your eyes widened in surprise. 

You turned away from them and started to count with your fingers, gasping quietly when you realized he was right. You had indeed spent over a year at his side. Slowly, you turned around and found your mother whispering into Seunghyun's ear as the latter laughed. Your head tilted to the side and you sighed slightly, smiling when you saw your mother laughing. In that moment, you hoped Seunghyun would stay with you forever. And if not, at least until your mother died. 

"But, eomeoni," Seunghyun said hesitantly. "How are you doing lately?"

"It's under control," she said, the smile never wiping off her lips. "Thanks to my daughter, that is. If it weren't for he-"

"Yah," you said quietly. "I didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anything?" your mother glared at you, raising her free hand and shaking her finger at you. "If it weren't for you working, and your donations... I wouldn't be alive."

"I told you it's nothing," you insisted.

"Donations?" Seunghyun asked.

"Yes, Seunghyun-ah," your mother said, turning to look at him again. "Because of her bone marrow, I'm alive."

"So," Seunghyun mumbled. "When you disappear for a day or two, this is what you're doing?"

"Hm," you nodded, looking down at your hands. 

Seunghyun didn't say anything, turning to look back at your mother who squeezed his hand gently in hers. He bowed his head to her level, listening closely as she took a deep breath. 

"Take care of her, Seunghyun-ah," your mother said. "I don't know how much longer I will be here. Even when she claims to be strong, and independent... a woman needs someone to fall back on." Seunghyun looked at you for a second, nodding his head slightly. "You don't have to promise me you'll stay with her forever... just take care of her for now. And when I'm gone, I wouldn't mind if you checked on her once in a while."

You kept your eyes on the ground, barely catching whispers of their conversation. 

"I think I'll stay forever, eomeoni," Seunghyun mumbled, smiling kindly at your mother. "If she'll let me."

"You're a good man," your mother smiled.

"I think I'm still in the process of becoming one," Seunghyun chuckled. "But thank you."

You visited with her for a few more hours, attending to her every need. Seunghyun would joke around with her often, treating her as if there was nothing wrong. When it came time for the two of you to leave, she clung to Seunghyun's hand, asking him earnestly to treat you right.

"Even though she's stupid, ugly, a handful, and weird," you rolled your eyes as your mother jokingly insulted you. "She's worth a try, no?"

"Ne, eomeoni," Seunghyun laughed.

"So please treat her well," your mother continued. "Even when she makes you angry. You were able to stand her for a year and six months already. A bit more won't be that difficult."

You rolled your eyes and said goodbye to her, wrapping your arms around her in a hug and telling her you would be back soon. She nodded and patted your head, ruffling your hair the way she used to when you were younger. Once you were outside, Seunghyun slipped his cap back on and you walked to the front desk, quickly making arrangements to come donate more marrow for her treatment in case she needed it suddenly. 

"How's her progress, though?" you asked, looking down at the paper before handing it back.

"The cancer as of right now stopped spreading," the nurse told you. "Her immune system went back to normal, and she has been able to keep full meals down longer than she used to. Right now, we just have her under supervision. There's a high chance the cancer will begin to spread again, but we're doing everything we can."

"And the rest of the patients?" you asked.

"Thanks to your generous donations," the nurse smiled. "We have been able to keep patients here, and thanks to your help in making people aware of the situation, a steady stream of donors have been coming in and out of the facility."

"That's good," you smiled, nodding to yourself. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," the nurse said, bowing to you as you left. 

"You're a really good person," Seunghyun mumbled later that night, squeezing you tightly in his arms.

"No," you shook your head, looking over his shoulder. "I wouldn't even care if it weren't for mom."

"I like her," Seunghyun said instead, knowing you wouldn't admit to it. "She's funny, like you."

"She's horrible," you scoffed, pulling away and looking at your door. 

"I don't agree," Seunghyun said, grabbing your chin, making you turn your head. "She's really strong. You really are a lot like her."

"That's not a compliment," you chuckled.

"You should take it as one, though," Seunghyun said. "Is... is that why you were upset with me when you saw me smoking? Because of your mom?"

"It's already bad dealing with cancer once," you said. "Why would I want to do it twice?"

You wordlessly opened your door and Seunghyun followed behind, the two of you walking to your room.

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bb2ne1jp #1
Chapter 12: I remembered this story all of a sudden and am so
Glad it’s still here on aff. So so so good. One of the reasons why I made an aff account tbh
Damn. I remember reading this back in the day. It was one of my favorite stories on here. You were always one of my favorite authors. Hope you're doing well and I'm glad I can still indulge in this gem!
What a pity that this is the only story on your profile... So uniqe. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Hope everything will be fine. He misses her so much...
WhisperingWhy #5
Chapter 7: On Chapter 7 and enjoying this story very much. Thank you.
Mikelai #6
Chapter 42: Very unique story! I enjoy it very much!
Riesta #7
Chapter 2: Still at the 2nd page but i can tell already that your story is amazing. I'll read it nicely ^^
topwife #8
Chapter 19: Gawd!This is amazing!
please write more stories...
jamadzhi #9
Chapter 40: This is really interesting. Different kind of story narration. The past, the present and the future all in one. Sometimes this type of narration will be confusing but yours didn't. From the 1st chap up to the last connected to each other and I can felt the changing of emotions in each chapter. Keep up a good work authornim.
Chapter 40: yay it's ended! ^^ thankyou for posting it up again! will you poat other stories too?