Can't You Tell Me You Miss Me?

Me & My Honey

"Don't look so down, sajangnim," Jae chuckled, handing you over a drink. "It's not like you're going to die."

"What are you talking about?" you rolled your eyes, leaning your head against the wall. "I'm alright."

"Sajangnim," Jae rolled his eyes. "It's okay to miss him and be upset. Don't hold back. Do I ever hold back?"

"I don't miss anyone," you smiled, taking a sip of the water. "I'm okay."

Jae smiled knowingly, looking at your reflection through the mirror. He pursed his lips together, raising his eyebrow when you unconsciously pouted and pulled out your phone. You stuck it back in your pocket and looked up at the mirror, squeaking in surprise when you saw him staring at you. 

"Tell me," he pouted. "I'm here for this reason, sajangnim."

You pursed your lips together, glancing down at your hands before pudding air into your cheeks. 

"Fine," you nodded. "I miss Seunghyun."


"And it ," you sighed. "And I hate it, and I don't understand it. And Jae, I mean..."

Jae's eyes widened when you grabbed his hand and pressed it over your chest, against your heart. He shook his head with a smile when he felt your heart pounding rapidly. 

"What the hell is going on with me?" you pouted. "Every time I think about him this happens, and I want to cry when I know he can't come see me... Jae... it's scary."

"Yah," Jae rolled his eyes, pulling his hand away and wrapping his arms around  you in a hug. "It's not scary. It's good. This is good."

"No," you shook your head against his shoulder. "It's really scary, Jae. I don't... I don't know if I want this."

"Sajangnim," Jae said softly. "Trust me. You do want this. You've been looking for it and you didn't even know it... and now that you have it, you want to give it away?"

You closed your eyes tightly, trying to control the pounding of your heart. 

"For five years already, you've struggled with betrayal, and pain. For four years you've had me by your side, helping you up while you dominate the design market, yet we manage to keep humble and loyal. You've been working constantly, making a life for yourself and your mother and just now, for seven months you have allowed yourself to lov-"

"Don't say it," you shook your head, turning to glare at him before sitting down on a couch. "Don't say that word."

"As much as you deny it, try to say it's not true, and shake your head at me," Jae said. "It's true. And I can see it, Soojin can see it, Big Bang can see it, your workers, and even YG himself." 

"Jae," you sighed, standing up. "There's a difference between smitten, and lo... lo.."

"Love," Jae chuckled. "There is. And you crossed the line three months ago."

"Jae," you said. "No."

"Sajangnim," Jae said. "Happiness is right here. Grab it."

He grabbed your shoulders, pulling you into a hug. You kept your eyes on the mirror behind him, blinking at yourself. 

"Sajangnim," Jae sighed, squeezing you in his arms. "My dongsaeng. I'm not going to be here for you forever. I have to take care of my wife and babies. I'll be here, I'll work, but I can't always catch you. My arms are full."

"Then make room," you said angrily, pushing him away. "What's so difficult about that?"

"I don't want to make room," Jae said, and you turned around to look at him with wide eyes. 

"Jae..." you said quietly. 

"I can't, and I won't," Jae shook his head. "I have a wife, and three children already. I don't have room. There's an empty set of arms looking for you all the time and you want mine? No."

"Jae," you said, swallowing back the lump in your throat. "You know... I can't."

"Get it over it right now," Jae said, patting your cheek with his finger. "No one is going to wait for you. Seunghyun might get tired eventually."

"I know," you nodded. "I know." 

"I wish I dragged you around with me everywhere," Seunghyun said quietly. "Then you wouldn't have felt like that."

I can't believe Jae told you that.

"I'm glad you picked my arms to fall back on," Seunghyun chuckled, leaning back on his chair. "I'm glad I was there to catch you when you fell. Even though I was the reason."

You have a pretty good set of arms, so... I guess I don't regret it. 

You walked into your apartment with a frown, looking around once you flipped on the lights. You looked down to your right, shaking your head when you saw the broken model and papers with your plans. It had been there for the past seven months and you didn't bother on picking it up at all. With a sigh you knelt down by it and began to pick up the pieces, dragging them to the trash can before making three trips back to finish. 

"Clean," you mumbled, nodding when you saw the spot that was free of your genius work. "Now what?" 

You shook your head and dropped your keys on the ground, dragging yourself to your room. When you walked in you pulled out your phone from your bag and plopped down on the bed with a groan.

"This is so boring," you whined. "Why do I lead a boring life. Someone help me! NOOOOOOO!"

You did this for about three minutes before you finally stood up and got ready for bed. When you walked out of the bathroom you saw your phone vibrating and lighting up in the middle of the bed, with a huff you walked over to it and picked it up. You pressed the horrible device into your ear, and fell back on the bed.

"What?" you said angrily, kicking off the stuffed animal that was getting on your way. 

"Oh," the husky voice replied and your eyes widened. "Sorry. Did I call at a bad time? Are you still working?"

"Ta...Tabi?" you asked, sitting up and hugging a pillow. 

"Hey," he replied with a chuckle. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you said, smiling like an idiot. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," Seunghyun said quietly and you heard him move around before settling back down. "What are you doing?"

"I was just laying down," you said with smile. "Getting ready to sleep."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "Go to bed. I'm sure you need rest. Your deadline is soon, no?"

"I think I have plenty time," you said with a grin. "Don't worry about me. You should be the one sleeping. It must be horrible... flying back and forth."

"I'm used to it," Seunghyun said. 

"When will you be coming back?" you asked, blinking at the ceiling. 

"Hmm," Seunghyun hummed, and you could hear his smile through the phone. "When do you want me back?"

"I... I don't really care..." you said, obviously lying.

"Is that so?" Seunghyun sighed. "Then, I'm not sure."

"Ah," you sighed, unable to keep the disappointment from your voice. "Well... that's alright."

"I'll come back when you miss me and tell me so," Seunghyun said, chuckling slightly. 

"Then, we won't ever see each other, huh?" you asked, rolling your eyes as you rolled over and hugged a pillow that oddly smelled like him.

"You can't tell me you miss me?" Seunghyun sighed. "Is it so difficult?"

"Why would I miss you?" you asked instead, feeling your chest tighten. "I'm perfectly fine here."

"Liar," Seunghyun murmured and you heard something drop on his side of the line. 

You were both quiet for the next minute, listening to each other breathe. Your mind went back to your conversation with Jae and you closed your eyes tightly, taking in a shaky breath. 

"I do miss you," you whispered, unable to say it aloud since you knew your voice would shaky. "I miss your stupid, childish, idiotic self."

The line died and you felt your heart drop before speeding up. Your cheeks immediately turned red in embarrassment and you threw the phone at your wall, sitting up to grip your hair and tug on it tightly. You whimpered at the pain, but it wasn't as bad as the shame and rejection rushing through your body. A shriek was about to escape your lips when someone pounded on your front door. You shook your head quickly and forced the tears that were trying to make their way out back in. When you approached the door you cleared your throat, brushing your hair back and grabbed the doorknob. 

"Who is it?" you asked, leaning your cheek against the door. 

You got another persistent knock in reply, so you sighed and opened the door slowly. You peeked through the crack and shrieked when you saw Seunghyun standing outside, his phone on one hand and the other holding his luggage. 

"Wh.. what are you-" 

"Aren't you going to let me in?" he said, pushing the door open the rest of the way and slipping inside without your permission. 

"Ya.. Yah!" you said, crossing your arms as he knelt by his luggage and opened it to pull out his pajamas. "Seunghyun ssi!"

"Stop it with that," Seunghyun rolled his eyes, standing up. "I'll use your bathroom real quick okay? Where will you be?"

"Seu-" he stopped you by grabbing the back of your neck and pressing a quick kiss into your lips.

"Your room?" he asked, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. "Okay. I'll meet you there."

You stood there in shock as he walked away, humming to himself the entire way. Once he was inside the bathroom you reached up with your hand and touched your lips lightly with your fingertips, shuddering when you felt the tingly sensations that still remained from the kiss. You sighed quietly and looked down at his luggage, making sure it wasn't just your imagination. Making sure the door was locked, you turned back to your room and walked over hesitantly, slipping inside and plopping back down on your bed. 

"What the heck?" you mumbled, biting down on your thumb and glancing at your door. "Did he really just... show up?"

Seunghyun walked into the room as soon as the words were out of your mouth and you sat straight, looking at him nervously. He leaned against the door frame, raising his eyebrow at you. You blinked before looking away to the side, still unsure of what you were supposed to do. Seunghyun smiled to himself and closed the door once he was fully inside of your room, approaching you carefully. 

"Are you in that much shock?" he asked, sitting next to you on the bed. "Did you not expect me to be here? I told you I would come back if you told me you missed me."

"You hung up," you said, glaring at him.

"Sorry about that," he murmured, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Did I upset you?"

"I felt like an idiot," you admitted, turning your head to bite his hand. "I hate you."

"I missed you, too," Seunghyun said, wrapping his arms around you and pushing you back on the bed.

"I hate you," you said again.

"I love you, too," Seunghyun replied, kissing your shoulder.

"You're a punk."

"Why so beautiful?" 

"I'm going to punch you later," you growled. 

"Let me shower you with kisses," he said, grabbing your wrist and pulling your fingers up to his lips. 

You stayed quiet after that, watching as he set down your hand over his shoulder, propping himself up by the elbow to look at you. You glared at him but he smiled, reaching forward to brush away stray locks of hair from your face. You pouted and looked away, keeping your eyes on the lamp next to you. 

"Forgive me?" Seunghyun asked. "For whatever I did."

You glanced back at him and frowned when you saw the bags under his eyes, reaching up hesitantly to brush your fingers against them. He closed his eyes in return, a small smile coming into his lips. 

"You look tired," you said, shaking your head.

"I feel quite energetic right now, actually," Seunghyun said with a grin, opening his eyes. "Let's do something fun!"

"Sleep," you said, pushing him off you. "That's fun."

"Aww," Seunghyun pouted, rolling to his side to hug you again. "But I wanted to play with one of your little houses."

"Little houses are off limits until tomorrow," you mumbled, kicking the covers around until you managed to pull them up over the both of you. "Sleep now."

"You're no fun," Seunghyun mumbled, burying his face into your neck. "Promise we'll play tomorrow as soon as you wake up."

"What are you? Five?" you rolled your eyes, his hair lightly. "I promise."

"I really did miss you," Seunghyun mumbled, his lips brushing against your skin. "It's horrible, being away from you for so long."

"Ditto," you said, pulling your knees up slightly. 

"And..." Seunghyun hesitated, pulling back to look into your eyes. "I know you won't say it back, but... I love you."

You bit down on your bottom lip, feeling your heart swell up with the feeling you kept trying to push away. He smiled at you before laying his head back down on the pillow he had claimed as his, his entire body pressing against yours. 

"When I'm with you," Seunghyun said. "I swear I get the best sleep I've ever had in my life."

"Me too," you said quietly, snuggling down into the covers. "Me too."

Seunghyun hummed in response and you kept your eyes on him, admiring the shadows the soft light made on his features. His eyes were closed, lips still tilted into a smile, his thick eyebrows relaxed. You waited until his breathing evened out before reaching behind you to turn off the lamp. Seunghyun's arms unconsciously tightened around you as you shifted around, trying to hold you down in place. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes, listening attentively to his heart. 

"I love you, too," you whispered. 

"Umma is so pretty, no?" Seunghyun said, smiling as Seungsuk reached over to touch your cheek. "Isn't she perfect?"

Psh, what are you even saying? 

"She's gorgeous," Seunghyun continued. "Look, look, her cheek is as soft as yours."

Tabi, why are you so silly?

"You'll grow up to be very handsome you know, Seungsuk-ah?" Seunghyun asked, glancing down at Seungsuk who was still busy touching your cheek. "With a someone as pretty as her for your mommy, and someone as dashing as me for your father."

You're full of yourself. But, Seungsuk-ah will be very handsome. 

"Shall we beat off the girls with bats?" Seunghyun asked, kissing the top of Seungsuk's head. 

Seungsuk grunted and cooed in return, his fingers finally curling up into his hand again. Seunghyun chuckled and set him down on his stomach, reaching over to adjust the few locks of your hair that Seungsuk had managed to put out of place, fluffing the pillow under your head. He leaned down to press a kiss against your forehead. 

"They told me that the next time you wake," Seunghyun said. "You might be able to speak a little. I hope you can. I miss your voice."

I will try when the day comes. For you.

"I'm sure Seungsuk will be happy to hear it as well," Seunghyun grinned, patting Seungsuk's back. 

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bb2ne1jp #1
Chapter 12: I remembered this story all of a sudden and am so
Glad it’s still here on aff. So so so good. One of the reasons why I made an aff account tbh
Damn. I remember reading this back in the day. It was one of my favorite stories on here. You were always one of my favorite authors. Hope you're doing well and I'm glad I can still indulge in this gem!
What a pity that this is the only story on your profile... So uniqe. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Hope everything will be fine. He misses her so much...
WhisperingWhy #5
Chapter 7: On Chapter 7 and enjoying this story very much. Thank you.
Mikelai #6
Chapter 42: Very unique story! I enjoy it very much!
Riesta #7
Chapter 2: Still at the 2nd page but i can tell already that your story is amazing. I'll read it nicely ^^
topwife #8
Chapter 19: Gawd!This is amazing!
please write more stories...
jamadzhi #9
Chapter 40: This is really interesting. Different kind of story narration. The past, the present and the future all in one. Sometimes this type of narration will be confusing but yours didn't. From the 1st chap up to the last connected to each other and I can felt the changing of emotions in each chapter. Keep up a good work authornim.
Chapter 40: yay it's ended! ^^ thankyou for posting it up again! will you poat other stories too?