Good News/Bad Day

Picture Perfect

a/n   Pink = your thoughts    Red = L. joe's thoughts    Blue = Chunji's thoughts


After school ended you went straight to your part-time job, a small family owned restaurant. Like most of the time, business was slow. You went into the back to help the chef peel some potatoes, until the owner called you out. He told you that someone requested you to take their order.

Who could that be?

You walked closer and saw that there were 7 guys at the table, 6 of them however had sunglasses on. When they took off their sunglasses you immediately recognized them. It was BEAST! The new idol group who's the new hit in Korea.

"Oh! Annyeonghaseyo!" You said excitedly. "How can I help you... or I mean what would you like to drink?" You were so happy that you couldn't stop fidgeting! They were your favorite kpop idol group.

"We actually came here for a favor." the manager said. "We would like you to be our photographer for their new album. Is that alright with you?"

"EHHH!?!?" You yelled. "But... but how did you know that I'm a photographer?"

"I knew your father before he died. We were the best of friends. I'm really sorry for your loss." He said. "I met you once before, but you probably don't remember me. Then one day, I saw you walking on the street with your camera, taking pictures of everything, and I knew that you were your dad's daughter. You're just like him. I saw you photos in the art festival. You're more famous than you know it, even though you didn't get first place."

"I'll... I'll DO IT!!" You yelled. "But I have school."

"That's no problem, we could work around you schedule. Work starts tomorrow around 7 pm. Here's my business card, call me if there's any problem." The manager said.

They left, and you held the card up high. You couldn't believe it! It was your first real job as a photographer. Your dad was a famous photographer. He took photos of models, nature, almost everything you could think of.

Dad, I'm one step closer in becoming just like you.


You could barely sleep at night, so you decided to go to school earlier than usual. When you reached the class room you notice L.Joe sitting on a desk looking outside the window with. You grabbed your camera to take a photo but when you did, the shutter of the camera was loud enough that L. Joe could hear it. He immediately tuned around, but you ducked your head. You slowly tried to crawl your way out, but that didn't work. He opened the door and saw you crawling on the floor. 

"Yah! New girl!" He yelled out. You turned your head toward him and smiled awkwardly and ran away. As you ran he started to chase you.

Why is he chasing me?!?

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!" L. Joe shouted. Ignoring his command, you kept running, losing him in the end. When trying to find your way back, you bumped into Chunji.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see where I was going." You said. You left up your head to see Chunji and his friends, who calls themselves Teen Top, along with L. Joe. You turned around hoping that he didn't see your face, hoping that he didn't recognize you. But how could he? You lost weight, had big nerdy glasses, and even dyed your hair.

"Excuse me, but what is your name?" Chunji asked.

"Sorry, I have to go, class is starting soon." You said.

You ran back to the classroom, but suddenly someone pulled you into a corner. L. Joe grabbed your arm, pushed you against the wall, and placed his hand above your head.

"What the hell is that!?" L. Joe screamed.

"What's what?" You asked.

"Those pictures! Don't acted innocent! I caught you taking pictures of me in the classroom! You posted those pictures of me in the classroom so that everyone can see it, didn't you!"

"I don't know what your talking about! But I do admit I did take one, only ONE, picture of you. That's it!"

"Then how do explain the other pictures of me posted in the room! HUH?!"

When you and L. Joe walked back to the class, everyone was gathered to the front, looking at the pictures. You took a look at the pictures and saw that L. Joe and Soojin were in the pictures. They were kissing! All the girls were upset, everyone was making a big deal of it!

"Erase It." L. Joe said.


"I said erase it. The picture you took of me, erase it!"

"No!" You yelled. "I won't erase it!" You thought it was too good of a picture for it to be erased, so you told him no. 

"Fine! You can keep it, but if you don't clear up this situation, I'll tell everyone here you secret." 

"What secret?"

"That your poor, that you came here on a full scholarship. You know that is everyone finds out, not only will you be made fun of, but you will also face some of the worse consequences." 

You imagined what would happened to you, and you couldn't let that happed. You quickly thought of a plan and went to the front of the classroom.

"This can't be true!" You yelled out. "Look at this picture! It's so fake! Even I could do this using Photoshop! Someone must be using it trying to get the attention, don't you think. Your 'charming prince' would never do this, right?"

There was a moment of silence, but everyone started to agree with me. The girls shouted in joy, screaming "Yeah, that's right, There's no way L. Joe would ever do that." I looked over at Soojin. She didn't look very happy.

Impressive! Who would've thought she could handle this situation. This is going to be more fun than I thought.


After trying to chase you, L. Joe stopped. He spotted Soojin from afar.

"Yah, Soojin... Kang Soojin!" L. Joe yelled. "I know that you kissed me and took a picture of it!" Soojin came out from hiding and approached L.Joe.

"You can keep the picture, but under one condition. You have to post it on the chalkboard in the classroom." He said.

"W...Why?" Soojin asked.

"Because I have a new toy to play with."

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Picture Perfect had ended, say what! But thank you all for reading, subscribing, and commenting!!!


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Chapter 30: Yeah happy is so sweet. His grandma is so cool wkwkwwk
Greyljoe #2
Chapter 30: Omo!!! this story really cute and sweet...
And nice cute ending!!!
rockingangel #3
Chapter 30: Omg the ending is so cute!!!
Best asainfanfic I have read!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #4
Chapter 30: Aww~ That was so sweeet~ ^_^
I read it in one go! And OMG! It was...Wow!
Chapter 30: I manage to read this in a day!! It was the best fanfic ever!!! Hope you make your second fic great also!!! ^_^
parkjihoonsgirl #6
Chapter 30: Aww what a cute end!
Chapter 30: 아이고!! I love this story, it's cute^^
Chapter 30: That was so sweet!! I wish it was longer! but if it was longer something probably had to go wrong. It was really good!!! Such a cute ending!
JanRox #9
Chapter 30: That was so sweet :))) keep it up :)))