Chapter 3

My Guardians


“Hyung! Hyung!” Sehun ran down the hallway calling. Suho turned around and put a finger on his lips. Sehun bowed apologetically. “Mianhae hyung.” Suho ruffled the young boy’s hair.

“You should know better than to run around screaming when King KwangJoo is having a meeting with his council.” Suho scolded. His pretty face didn’t help deliver his urgency. Sehun bowed once again.

“Hyung, there was another attack by the Strikers yesterday.” Sehun said standing up straight. Suho’s face stiffened at the news.

“Who was attacked? How many killed?” Suho questioned.

“2 were attacked. 1 was killed. But they were human. Well, the one that died was. The other is half human, half vampire.” Suho thought for a while. There was only one half human, half vampire he could think of.

“You don’t think, by any chance, if it was the King’s daughter, do you?”

“It’s not just a possibility hyung. It is her.” Suho started to clench his hands into fists.

“So, Kim SooMi died?” Suho asked even though he already knew the answer. Sehun nodded hesitantly. “I’ll tell the King, you tell the others.” He ordered. His voice was cold. Sehun nodded and ran in the other direction. Suho took a few deep breaths on his way to the meeting room of the castle. He knocked 3 times and let himself in. All eyes shifted towards him.

“Suho, what is it?” The King said surprised. Suho rarely ever interrupted his meetings.

“Sir, something important has happened. I need to speak with you outside.” Suho said trying to sound as urgent as possible.

“We’re almost done here. Wait outside for a bit and I’ll be right out there with you in a moment. But I have a question for you before you leave.” KwangJoo said. He eyed the people in the room. “About Exo-M, what do you think we should do with them?” Suho perked up at the question. He was the leader of Exo-K so he was frequently asked for his opinion, but he thought the King would certainly convince the council to be on his side for this. Suho cleared his throat and answered,

“Well, sir, you have seen the powers they possess. I think if we train them well enough, they should be able to wield their powers better and guard the Exotics better also.” The King smiled, satisfied.

“See, even he has faith in them.” Suho bowed and let himself out to wait for the King. He didn’t have to wait for a very long time.

“What was the decision?” Suho asked as KwangJoo came out.

“Of course they’re staying! Do you think I would destroy innocent souls just for being inexperienced?” The King smiled. “Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?” Suho tensed.

“Sir, I believe your daughter was attacked by Strikers.” KwangJoo’s smile was immediately replaced with disbelief.

“How do you know for sure it was KwangMi?”

“Sehun told me that Strikers attacked a human and half vampire. What other half vampire do we know?” KwangJoo grew enraged and started to breath hard and rapidly in an attempt to not break his castle.

“Sir?” Suho called to bring KwangJoo out of his thoughts. The King cleared his throat,

“I guess it’s finally time for me to go back home.” He started to walk away.

“Wait! Sir! I can’t let you go. The Strikers could be anywhere. Take Kai with you. You can teleport there. It would be much safer.” Suho said to stop KwangJoo from walking any further.

“Suho, she doesn’t know about any of you. She’s probably mad at me for leaving her. Do you think teleporting into her house is going to solve any of that?” KwangJoo let out a sarcastic chuckle.

“A-Aniyo. Mianhaeyo.” Suho blushed embarrassed.

“However, I would gladly take the boy from Exo-M along with me, the one with telekinesis? What’s his name?”

“Luhan, sir.”

“Ah, yes. Call him and tell a car to come out front.” Suho nodded, bowed and went to follow the orders that were given to him.

‘KwangMi, I’m coming home. Don’t worry.’

“Sir, you called for me?” A voice said from behind. A very handsome boy with feminine features greeted his eyes.

“Yes, you must be Luhan.” The King smiled. Luhan bowed and nervously smiled. The king put a hand on Luhan’s back.

“Don’t be scared. I’m not going to do anything to you. I need your help though.” Luhan looked up at the King surprised.

“So, you’re not going to get rid of us?!” Luhan exclaimed. The King nodded. Luhan’s eyes sparkled in joy as he bowed continuously, thanking KwangJoo. The King chuckled. As they walked down to the car, KwangJoo told Luhan about where they were going and why. Luhan nodded at everything KwangJoo said.

‘KwangMi, I’m coming home.’ KwangJoo thought as the car pulled away from his castle. 

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love the ff! <3
Chapter 42: Jjang! Hehe, I thought Kai fell inlove with D.O. Hahahahahahaha xD Anyways thus is a great story author-nim! (Y)
Eunki23 #3
Chapter 42: Ahhh...
This story ^^
Thank you for this story
I really love it, i crying in class when read jongin part :'
New reader here!
bombomi #5
Chapter 21: OH! sequel pleaseee
bombomi #6
Chapter 21: love this story so much!!!
Chapter 42: So sweet I love this story
Love kyungsoo and kwangmi
Thank u for great story
Chapter 42: sequel juseyo author-nim??? :))
Chapter 42: This was a great fanfic. Thank you. You should DEFINITELY make a sequal when you have the time to! It ended to soon and abrupt.

Aw, I can't believe it's the end! It was such a good story!!