Chapter 29::

Of A Dancer's Romance...

Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter, it would mean a lot to me. <3


I let out a deep breath as I stared up at the giant metal building before me. Futuristically built, with the gleaming S.M Entertainment sign being the first thing that caught my eye. It’s finally happening, isn’t it?

I felt him squeeze my hand. He was looking up at the building as well, except he was smiling. “We’re going to be able to see each other more often, Sammy.” He said.

“Yeah, I guess.” I answered. “Sehun, is it hard?”

Honestly, I was worried. What if I stuffed up on my first day of training? I had heard that the training here was especially hard. Could I be kicked out?

Sehun pressed his finger to the space between my eyebrows. “You were frowning. It’s not hard once you get used to it.”

We entered through the shiny glass doors and it was all the same. The same posters, the same foyer, the same everything. A lady with a bun was sitting behind a desk, typing. I walked up to her. Sehun had been called over by his hyungs, they had an urgent meeting to go to. “A- Annyeonghaseyeo. I’m Park Sammy. I’m here for my first day of training.”

She looked up from behind the desk. “Yes, we were expecting you. I believe you brought your folder with you?” I held it up with a smile that she returned. “Great. Your first teacher is waiting in the first vocal room. Do you know how the building is arranged?”

I shook my head. She then explained that the first floor was just a foyer and auditorium, the second floor was the vocal/music level, the third floor was the dance level, and the top floor were the chairman’s and the executive’s offices. Toilets and change rooms were located on every floor.

I made my way to the elevator. I had to go up to the first floor, and to the first vocal room. My bag’s weight seemed to be increasing as I went up. All I had in there was my dance outfit and a water bottle. I was carrying my folder.

The elevator reached the second floor. Vocal room 1 was right in front of me.

I stepped inside. Taeyeon was standing there. “Taeyeon unnie!!” I exclaimed and then quickly covered my mouth. “Mi- Mianhe.”

She laughed, an airy, light laugh that somehow reverberated through the room. “It’s fine, Sammy. Just call me unnie from now on. I don’t really like honorifics. Blech.” She said. I grinned.

“Well then, I am not your vocal teacher, Mrs Han is, but I’m filling in for her today. She wants me to get you to sing in the studio over there,” she said, gesturing to said studio, “and to pick out your weaknesses and strengths and somehow get the information over to her. We have prepared a song for you, so let’s practice a little first?”

I nodded. The song was ‘Love Me For Me’, a song by U.K artist Cher Lloyd. I had never heard of her. Taeyeon explained that they would do both an English and Korean song.

We practiced and listened to the instrumental for a bit before I got into the studio and started to sing. Taeyeon was taking notes, which I apparently did not notice her doing. I guess I get distracted easily.

The process was repeated and then I was allowed a little bit of rest before dance.


I could feel an air of anticipation coming from my hyungs, who were walking in front of me. I was kind of distracted though.

Distracted by worrying about Sammy.

I didn’t know that I was really dazing off until Jongin clapped me on the shoulder. “Guess who’s in there?” he said, using his head to gesture to the door in front of us. I grinned. “Do you want to prank them?”

He eyed me. “What do you have in mind?”

“Amnesia. Pretend we have amnesia and only remember the K hyungs.” I said. He nodded.

“Three. Two. One.” We pushed open the door and just stood there while the other hyungs pushed past us.

“Kyungsoo hyung,” I said, tugging on the said hyung’s sleeve, “Who are they?” I eyed them nervously.

Luhan’s jaw slammed onto the floor. “Sehunnie. Don’t you remember me? Your favourite hyung? Bubble tea?” He reached out to touch me and I shrunk back. “Kyungsoo hyung.” I whispered.

Meanwhile, Kai was in the corner acting cold to Lay. Lay looked positively shocked. “SUHO.” I heard a familiar stern voice say. Kris. “What in the world is going on?!”

Suho looked at me, bewildered. “Kris, I honestly don’t know either.” He looked at Kai with the same worried look.

“Jongin hyung…” I whispered. He immediately came to my side and glared at the people who stood in front of us. He scoffed. “You’re our other half? Stop making Sehun scared.”

Their jaws dropped to the ground as well. Jongin looked down at me, his eyes saying, ‘Should we tell them?’. I nodded. We straightened up and cleared our throats, making everybody look at us.

I grinned. “Welcome back, hyungs!” we said in unison. They bull rushed us.

You little-!” Luhan jumped on me and proceeded to give me a noogie. Kai and I laughed our heads off while our other hyungs stood back and shook their heads in a show of mock disapproval.

The noogie was starting to hurt. “Hyuuuung. Stop it!!” I cried out as he increased the pressure.

Finally he stopped. I walked up to the resident mirror and fixed up my hair before sending Luhan my deadliest death stare. He only grinned back.

Kai sidled up to me. “Hey, are you going to tell them about Sammy?”

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “Just asking.”

I shook my head. “Maybe when they’re settled in again. Consideration, Jongin. Learn it.” I smirked.

“Shut your face.”

He walked off to the couches where the gang was sitting. I felt emotional. We hadn’t seen our hyungs for such a long time. I felt like crying.

“Sehun-ah! Come over here!! We have catching up to do.” Kris waved me over.

I went over with a grin that I am sure was my biggest of the year.


If you thought vocal training was harsh, dance was harder, especially when you were the only one being picked on.

The choreographer, Mr Jang Sungjong was strict but nice. He had a gentle demeanour that had me at ease while he criticised my movements. In time, he stopped shouting out to me as I got into the flow of the choreography. It was a fast paced lyrical that I very much enjoyed.

At the end, I was exhausted and a sheet of sweat seemed to have formed all over my body. I downed water as the man started to talk to me. Apparently this dance piece was to be used as judgement for the trainees who actually make the cut and he wanted me to teach the trainees who were going to start their training next year.

He sent me off with pat on the back and a, ‘nice working with you. You’ve got talent, kid, don’t forget that.’

I had a small smile on my face as I went down to where Sehun said he’d meet me.


Sehun was walking in my direction with the other oppas and some other boys. They didn’t look like they were familiar with Korea. Were they international trainees?

Sehun looked over to where I was and smiled. He opened his arms for a hug. The other boys were watching me expectantly. I could feel myself blushing as I quickly walked right into his arms.

When Sehun hugged me, the boys were whooping and cheering. I could hear one of them say, “Good job maknae-ah!” and “Where’d you find such a pretty girl?”

The comments only made me blush further, and I dug my face even more into Sehun’s chest. “Sammy, there are people I’d really like you to meet.”

I looked up and then looked behind him.

The six strangers were talking and joking with my oppas like they were old friends. I returned my gaze back to Sehun. “Um, who are they, Sehunnie?”

New nickname. Cute, right?

He smiled. “They’re my beloved hyungs. They’re really precious to me.”

I had never seen Sehun talk this softly about anyone other than me. I didn’t feel jealousy. I just wanted to hug him. Instead, I peeked out from under his armpit.

The group was still chatting. “May- Maybe you could introduce me now?”

Sehun chuckled. “Sure thing. Hyungs!”

The whole group turned to look at us. “Introduce yourselves, please.”

A tall blonde guy with very defined eyebrows walked up and held out his hand. “I’m Kris. The leader of EXO-M. Pleased to meet you. Are you and Sehun together?”

I was shocked by the straightforward way he said it. “Y-Yes. We are.” I felt proud to say that. “I’m Sammy by the way. Pleased to meet you too.” I smiled.

He returned the smile. “Another English speaker.” He said in English. I nodded. “I came from America.” I replied.

“Canada for me.” A round-cheeked person stepped in front of Kris and smiled.

“I’m Xiumin. My real name’s Minseok. Also, I’m older than Kris.” He said. My eyes widened. “Really?” I looked to Kris for confirmation. He nodded.

“Aaah, nice to meet you too!” I smiled. He gave me a childish smile. I giggled again.

“Xiumin. That’s Sehun’s girl.”

I looked towards to the direction of the voice. A slim, but built boy walked towards me. “I’m Lay. Or Yixing. Call me whatever you’d like.” He smiled. He looked at peace with himself, but also sharp and alert at the same time. “You’re pretty.”

I blushed. “Hypocrite.” I heard Xiumin mutter under his breath. Lay proceeded to squish Xiumin’s cheeks, much to his displeasure.

The next person introduced himself. “Chen. Or Jongdae, if you’d prefer.” He held out his hand and I shook it. “Pleased to meet you, Sammy.”

“Jongdae hyung’s total gentleman.” Kai said, rolling his eyes. I smiled. “Well then, pleased to make your acquaintance too, Jongdae. Oppa.” I added.


Kai was being held back by Lay and Kris. “Kim Jongin, please behave yourself.” I saw him imitate me and rolled my eyes.

A tall guy was standing in front of me, just off to the side and waiting. “Oh, sorry. I’m Sammy, it’s really nice to meet you.” I held out my hand.

He stood still for a moment and looked kind of scary. Then he broke out into a smile and said, “Hi I’m Tao. Do you have any food?”

All of a sudden, he did a ‘bbuing-bbuing’. I was lost for words. He was so cute.

He was looking at me expectantly. I finally cracked. “OH MY GOSH, you’re so cute, Tao! You look kind of like a panda, and who taught you that aegyo.”

He pointed at Sehun. I narrowed my eyes. “Really?”

“You know, I can be cute. Even you said that.”

“I think I should introduce myself.” Another voice sounded from behind the other boys.

A boy who didn’t look a day over sixteen walked towards me and enveloped me in a hug. “I’m Luhan.”

I didn’t hug him back. The other boys were looking at him speechless. Sehun looked kind of annoyed.

“H-hi Luhan. Um, I’m Sammy. Would you please let go of me? Sehun’s annoyed.” I said.

Luhan let go of me and placed his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. He was a baby face, with doe eyes and a cute nose and nice lips. “You’re pretty.”

“Argh, Luhan hyung let go of her!” Sehun pulled me towards him.

“That, Sammy, is my favourite hyung. Who is regularly annoying.” Sehun said.

“Please, Sehun-ah. You love me, and you know it.”

“Sammy-ah.” Suho called. “This is our other half. EXO-M.”

I smiled. “What about we all have lunch together?”

“Sure!” the group chorused. “Kris hyung’s paying!” Kai shouted.

The group started to argue over who was paying and then they all agreed to pay for each of the dishes they ordered. We finally exited the S.M building and went to a mandu restaurant that had a noraebang next to it. We decided to go there later.

(A:N: For those who don’t know, mandu is the name for dumplings, and a noraebang is a Korean karaoke building-thing.)

People stared without conviction at us. Of course they would. Twelve INCREDIBLY good looking boys walk in, talking and chatting and being handsome. Even I’d do that.

Then there’s the whole, ‘why is that girl with them?’ thought process. Some of the girls in the restaurant were glaring at me. Girls are really scary sometimes.

Sehun, as usual, slipped an arm around my waist. “They’re jealous.”

I looked up at him. I said, “Excuse me but,” and kissed him on the jaw. I could hear some of the girls gasp in disgust or mutter obscenities under their breath.

I could hear Sehun chuckling to himself. Suho came and told us that the workers had found us a room with a long table that we could use. “Come on, we don’t want to keep them waiting!”

We followed him inside the room. It was brightly lit with a wooden table with thirteen chairs around it. I took the one closest to the back of the room. Everyone moved to their places accordingly. We ordered four mixed variety plates of mandu. (Their appetites were humungous.)

Everyone was talking across the table. Eventually, there was a hot topic that the boys were arguing about. Sehun and I just stayed out of the conversation to observe. Chanyeol was shouting across the table to Kris.

“Red cars obviously go faster, I mean, the colour is made for speed!”

“The colour of the car doesn’t matter, the engine does!”

“Red cars have awesome engines!”

“Unlike your brain!” Jongdae shouted.

We all started laughing while Chanyeol tried to come up with a comeback. He couldn’t, and went tomato red. I kind of needed to use the bathroom, so I quickly excused myself and did my business quickly, avoiding the girls who stared at my back or, if they were bold enough, right at my face.

I walked back to my seat. As I was lowering myself, Sehun grabbed my waist and I landed on his lap. I sighed. “Sehun-ah.”

I looked towards the voice. Luhan, I think, was speaking. “Let Sammy sit in her own seat.” I smiled at him and turned to look at Sehun. “We won’t be able to eat properly like this, Sehun-ah.”

“You’ve never called me that before.”

I felt my cheeks going red, and I looked down at my fingers. “Well… there’s nothing wrong with it, is there?”

Sehun let go of my waist and I plonked myself down in my seat.

“Our food’s here!” D.O shouted.

We all dug in gratefully. Practice and just talking had made us all hungry, so the meal was devoured in less than half an hour.

We went straight to the noraebang building next to it. The front of the building had loud lights, proclaiming that there were 2 rooms available and that there were free drinks to groups of three or more.

We grinned at our luck and made our way inside.

Annyeong~! I know I said I would be on hiatus and stocking up chapters, but I had just finished this and I felt so guilty for not updating then going straight on hiatus that I just had to. (I have a very guilty conscience.) 

Also, I am planning a new fanfiction that is, again, you and Sehun. My bias is getting more irresistable by the day~ I think you'll like this fanfic more, but it will not be released until this one is finished. Maybe next year? Stay with me, pretty please~?

xoxo, sammyBee.

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{OADR} guys the the next chapter will be the last chapter and then the final chapter will be an epilogue.


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Chapter 35: My name is Sammy too!!!
So cuteee!!!!

Chapter 36: author-nim your story is extreamly DAEBAK i can spazzz abt tis story for like the whole day!!^^
Chapter 35: Aww... The ending is just so beautiful!!! Author-nim DAEBAK!! ^-^
Chapter 34: Kyaa... I LOVE THIS STOWIE!!! It's just so adorable that i can't stop squealing and spazzing!! ^-^ Please do a sequel =D
Chapter 35: *cries forever* so so so adorable
Jermainey #6
Chapter 35: Sammy's motherly love and sweet words to Minhyun were so sweet. I want sammy to be my mother too. This story is so fluffy and thats why i liked it. Hope to read Another wonderful story from Youh! ^^
Mannu98 #7
Chapter 35: This story is amazing :)
Chapter 32: soooo cuuuute ahhh