Chapter ::27

Of A Dancer's Romance...


“Oh, we have visitors!” Appa said cheerfully. “What about you all stay for dinner, get to know each other?” He suggested.

My EXO oppas looked at Suho. “Wait- I’ll just call manager hyung…” He walked off muttering to himself while pulling out his phone. I was laughing on the inside. He came back a few minutes later, bearing bad news. “Guys, we can’t stay. Manager hyung said we have training early tomorrow. We need our sleep.” Suho sheepishly said.

I sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll see you guys at school.” They nodded and proceeded towards the door. I pouted because Sehun didn’t say bye. All of a sudden he stopped in his tracks and walked straight up to appa with a determined look on his face. Sehun, what in the world are you doing?!

He stopped and bowed before saying, “Sir, I am Oh Sehun of EXO-K. I would like to ask for your blessing on my relationship with Sammy.” I audibly gasped. No, wait. What?

I looked at appa’s face, searching for signs of anger. Instead, he laughed out loud. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. “Sammy, you should have told me! This boy looks like a fine young man. Tell me,” he said, while looking at Sehun, “How old are you?”

“17, Sir.”

“And how long have you been seeing my daughter?”

“Three months, Sir.”

“What do you plan to do with your career?”

“Well, I want to travel around the world performing for people, like Super Junior sunbaes. My hyungs and I are currently training for our debut at S.M, Sir.”

“S.M! I’m impressed! You boys must be incredibly talented. And rather attractive, if I do say so myself. You have my blessing.”

They all bowed and thanked him while Seohyun and I looked on in amusement. Kai sent us a death glare. Suho’s phone began ringing again, and the manager was telling them to hurry up as the van was waiting outside.

“AH!” We all looked at Kai in confusion. “What?” I said.

He walked up to Seohyun with a small bear and gave it to her. “Will you… you know, be my girlfriend?”

We were all shocked. So was Seohyun, except her cheeks were slowly becoming red. “I… um. Yes!” she squealed. Kai gave her huge hug and pecked her on the cheek, smiling incredibly widely. Sehun walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up at him with a bored look on my face.

“Do you like wrapping your arms around my waist that much?” I asked.

He laughed and said, “Well, you can’t exactly run away like this, now can you?”

I pressed my back into his chest. Appa had already went upstairs with his suitcases to unpack. I tilted my head backwards and Sehun kissed my forehead. The other oppas sighed. “We need girlfriends. Look at those two.” We all laughed.

The oppas walked out the door. I saw Sehun wink at me and I felt my face go red. Seohyun sent me a sidewards glance. I rolled my eyes at her and went to the dining room to sit for dinner.. We were allowed to help ourselves to the food. Appa came down after a while. “Sammy, why didn’t you tell me? Sehun is… how do I say this… upright?” I laughed. “Appa, I thought you’d get angry and disapprove.” I scratched the back of my head.

He plopped himself down onto the seat at the head of the table. “Well, good thing he’s approvable.”

“Speaking of which,” Seohyun said, nudging me, “I believe you have something to tell your appa.”

He looked at me expectantly. “Appa, I got accepted early into S.M.” he choked on his food. “Bwoh?!”

“I… got into S.M. Early.” He started clapping. “Congratulations, Sammy-ah! Would you look at this, my daughter, is going to become a superstar!”

I smiled. The dinner was fun. Umma had prepared my favourite dishes. We teased Seohyun about Kai, much to her chagrin. “You know Kai’s real name is Jongin, right?” Her eyes bugged out. “Really?”

I nodded. “Kai is his ‘preferred nickname’.” I said in a dopey voice. She poked my forehead.

Seohyun got to sleep over that night. We stayed up and talked about our boyfriends. “Since when did you like Kai?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Well, you know that time when Minji came over and sat on his lap and started to flirt with him?” I nodded.

“We went for a walk after that. He’s really funny, you know that? He did everything he could to cheer me up.”

I looked at her in puzzlement. Her eyes had gone shiny and there was this look on her face that only a person in love could have. I wonder if I look like that when I talk about Sehun.

“Kai is a sarcastic brat sometimes, you know that.” She rolled her eyes at me. “What about you and Sehun, huh, Sammy? When did you start liking him?”

I thought hard. “It- It’s hard to say. Maybe when we went for that ice cream date?” Seohyun squealed. “You guys are like a couple from a freaking drama! So cute!”

She pounced on me and gave me huge hug. “Yah. Ahjusshi.” She gave me an angry face. I laughed at her expression. “I want to go dance right now…” I said wistfully, staring in the direction of my personal studio. Seohyun laughed.

“You really can’t live without dancing, can you?” she said. I shook my head. “Maybe you shouldn’t though. I don’t want you to be tried for our trip tomorrow.”

I nodded reluctantly. We spent the rest of the night chatting, surfing the internet, and listening to music before we were actually tired enough to go to sleep.


I was thinking about Sammy’s appa on the way home. If I break up with her… chances are I’ll probably die and be sent through the seven levels of hell. Also, I’ll be really lonely. Life will be quiet. In conclusion… I’m really incredibly lucky to have her. A small smile came over my face. She’s so bright. I want her to meet my family soon. Her eyes are just… wow. And when she dances? I can’t help but stare. Her singing voice? Like an angel’s. I wonder if she really did fall from heaven. Do I deserve her? She’s so pretty. Sammy neomu yeppeo~ She looked really good in those shorts, though… her legs are really nice…

I slapped both of my cheeks. I thought you promised not to think those thoughts about her anymore.

Kai gave me weird look. I shrugged, saying that I was tired.

We arrived back at the dorms. The elevators weren’t working. We had to drag ourselves up the stairs and through the door. Manager hyung got us all to sit down at the dining table while he made us dinner. We were all excited about Sammy coming to S.M, especially me.

“Hey, don’t you think it was a given that Sammy passed the auditions early? I mean, her performance at the school competition moved the judges to tears. They’re usually like stone gargoyles!” We all laughed at Chanyeol’s observation.

“I guess so . Do you think she’ll be in a group?” Suho asked.

“She’s talented enough to debut on her own. Maybe she’ll be like BoA sunbaenim. She told me a while ago that she really admires her.” D.O observed.

I just sat there grinning. “Sehun, is that girl they’re talking about your girlfriend?” Manager hyung had poked his head out of the kitchen. I nodded, still smiling. “By the way, hyung.” He stopped. “Nice apron.” I pointed to the pink apron he was wearing.

He rolled his eyes and resumed cooking. Soon enough, dinner was ready. We were having mandu and ddukbeokki with a side of kimchi. “This is a very… diverse dinner, hyung. I didn’t know you could cook.” Kai said. He placed his spatula proudly across his chest. “Thank my umma.”

We all sat down to eat. I ate quite a lot… I’ll probably have to work that off in the morning.

“Kids,” manager hyung said (it’s his favourite nickname for us), “I have some very good news for you.”

We looked at him curiously.

“EXO-M is coming back to live in their dorms. They’ll be here tomorrow morning.” He said.

The table was silent, and then all of a sudden we broke into loud cheers. Chanyeol even ran over to the manager and gave him a huge hug.

--Author’s POV--

That night, Sammy, Seohyun and all of EXO-K went to sleep happily, each anticipating the events of the next day.







Hi everyone! I’ve missed you so much! Did you miss me? I hope you did.

Sorry for not updating lately, I’ve been busy with my life outside of AFF. (I know, right? Oh my gosh, she has a life?) Ahaha~ I’ve been busy training at dancing and studying since school started again. Also, tumblr has been distracting me from functioning lately lol.

So, Sammy’s appa has approved of the relationship!



So, please anticipate the next chapter!

Don’t forget to comment~ it earns chapters!

sammyBee xx.




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{OADR} guys the the next chapter will be the last chapter and then the final chapter will be an epilogue.


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Chapter 35: My name is Sammy too!!!
So cuteee!!!!

Chapter 36: author-nim your story is extreamly DAEBAK i can spazzz abt tis story for like the whole day!!^^
Chapter 35: Aww... The ending is just so beautiful!!! Author-nim DAEBAK!! ^-^
Chapter 34: Kyaa... I LOVE THIS STOWIE!!! It's just so adorable that i can't stop squealing and spazzing!! ^-^ Please do a sequel =D
Chapter 35: *cries forever* so so so adorable
Jermainey #6
Chapter 35: Sammy's motherly love and sweet words to Minhyun were so sweet. I want sammy to be my mother too. This story is so fluffy and thats why i liked it. Hope to read Another wonderful story from Youh! ^^
Mannu98 #7
Chapter 35: This story is amazing :)
Chapter 32: soooo cuuuute ahhh