Chapter 16::

Of A Dancer's Romance...



I woke up in Sehun’s arms this morning. I thought back to last night and blushed. He was so close to me, with one arm around my waist and the other one being used as my pillow. I felt safe and decided to go back to sleep.

I was halfway from here to dreamland when I felt Sehun stir. “Sehun, are you awake?” All I got from him was an ‘ummpf’. I giggled and pinched his nose, and he woke up. “Yah! What was that for?!” I put on my best aegyo and said, “Oppa wasn’t waking up, so I thought I would pinch your nose. Sorry ~”

He smirked. “Wha- what?” I asked, definitely not ready for what came next.

“This is my revenge.” I didn’t react quickly enough when he wrapped his arms even tighter around me and proceeded to tickle my sides. I squealed and begged him to stop, but he wouldn’t. Sehun kept on doing that for another five minutes and somehow ended on top of me. We were both breathing heavily, and suddenly the atmosphere felt...heavier?

We looked into each other’s eyes. Sehun’s eyes were the deepest shade of chocolate brown, and I lost myself for a minute- his eyes were so fascinating. “You like my eyes?” I nodded. “They’re beautiful, oppa.” I breathed. He looked taken aback for a second, and then his features rearranged into a smile.

“Just like you.” He whispered. My ears turned red. I looked around the room (don’t forget, he’s still on top of me) and I looked back into his eyes. “Thank you, Sehun.” He started moving his face closer to mine, supporting his body with his arms so he didn’t crush me. My eyes fluttered closed and I lifted my face up, and my lips met his.

My arms wrapped around Sehun’s neck. I wanted more of his kisses, which were so sweet and passionate and lovely. He pressed his lips harder against mine, and I accepted it all. I pushed back and then the air around us seemed charged with electricity.

I don’t know if you could call that a make out session, but we were kissing for quite a bit. We pulled away for air, and we were panting and somewhat out of breath. “…Wow.” That was all I could say. Wow? Really, Sammy? You pabo.

Sehun chuckled. “Sammy, have you already had your first kiss?” I was shocked by that question, but decided to answer it. I wanted to see how he’d react. “Actually, oppa, the kiss you gave me last night? It was my… first.”


I was Sammy’s first kiss! She’s so pretty, I thought I would have been her second! I was so happy when she said that. Her lips were plump and pink and soft, and she tasted like vanilla and strawberries. “I’m your first~ I’m your first~” I sang that over and over while she giggled shyly.

“Isn’t time to get up? I can smell something cooking in the kitchen.”

Sammy pulled me back down next to her and clung to me. My eyes widened a little bit. Sammy isn’t usually this bold.

“Oppa, can we stay like this for a little bit longer? Five minutes?” she begged. We had a staring contest, and I finally gave in. I should probably work on that.

I pulled the covers up to our shoulders and she snuggled into my chest. We fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Just then I heard a little rumble. I looked down at Sammy, whose face was a light shade of pink.

“Oppa- ah, um… I know I said five minutes, but… are you hungry too?” she looked up at me with innocent eyes. (ßA/N: I think that’s the name of a Kelly Clarkson album…awkward.)

I chuckled. “You’re so cute. Sure, let’s go have breakfast.”


Sehun and I walked into the kitchen holding hands, and as soon as we arrived, everyone stared at us. “Good morning, oppas.” I shyly said. They all burst out laughing. I was puzzled, and a little bit embarrassed, so I hid behind Sehun. “Hyuungs! Why are you laughing?”

“Sorry, maknae,” said Suho while wiping away a tear. “We just thought that you two looked so cute!”

Sehun narrowed his eyes at the leader. “Usually, hyung, people go, ‘Awww!’ They don’t laugh.” He said with a hint of annoyance. Suho’s expression turned to a serious one. I was worried. Were they going to argue?

I held my breath while they stared each other down. Suddenly they both burst out laughing. “Huh?” Sehun made eye contact with me. “Sammy, Suho hyung and I never, ever, ever fight. He’s not the type to get angry about something little.” He hugged me closer to him. I nodded, reassured that there weren’t going to be any fights whatsoever. Sighing, I sat down, with Sehun still holding my hand.

The smell of fried rice wafted over to me. “Fried rice! ~” I squealed in delight. “Made by me.” D.O proudly stated. “Uh, could I please have some?” The whole table chuckled. “Of course you can. Not feeding you would be inhumane, and besides that, Sehun would get mad at us.” D.O reassured me. Sehun took the scoop and started to put some into my bowl and his bowl. “Thank you!” I immediately started to dig in.

“This is… really tasty. Where did you learn how to cook?” I asked D.O. “When living in a dorm, one must at least know the basics of cooking. So my umma taught me how cook stuff like this, and kimchi soup and kimchi pancakes and other things.” I sat there in awe. “I think we should cook together sometime, oppa.”

“You know how to cook?” he asked, obviously surprised. I nodded, slightly amused. “My umma teaches me how to cook stuff every weekend. It’s been like that since I was… what, ten?”

“And how old are you now?” Kai asked. “Seventeen.”

They stared at me with their mouths open. “Sammy, welcome to EXO-K’s dorm, which houses freaks who cannot cook.” I heard D.O say.


“You’re… EXO-K?” I asked. I did not know that. This was a surprise. All of the gazes turned to Sehun.

“YAH! Maknae, you didn’t tell her?”

“No… I thought she knew, hyung.”

I sat there in a daze. “You know, Sammy can actually sing excellently. And she’s not stiff at all, there’s a lot of feeling in her voice.” I heard D.O say.

I immediately shook my head quickly. “No, no, I’m not as good as everyone thinks. D.O oppa, you’re exaggerating!” I exclaimed.

“Sing for us, Sammy, please?” I heard Baekhyun ask. I was not going to get out of this. “Fine, but it’s not my fault when your ears bleed or fall off.” I threatened. They stared at me, expecting me to sing. I took a deep breath and started to sing.

Nam-ja-chin-gu-ga saeng-gi-myeon ha-go ship-deon il neo-mu-na manh-a nan neul ggum-eul ggu-eoss-eo,

Cheot beon-jjae gil-geo-ri-e-seo ki-seu-hae bo-gi du beon-jjaen mal-ya chun-cheon-haeng sae-byeok gi-cheo.

Se beon-jjae so-pung ga-gi ne beon-jjae deung-e eobs-hi-gi da-seot beon-jjae keo-peul-ring-eun gi-bun,

Boo boo boo jeong-mal dal-kom-hal geo-ya

Wae i-reoh-ge du-geun du-geun du-geun ddwi-ni saeng-gak-man hae-do

Han ga-ji-sshik mae-il mae-il mae-il neo-wa da hae bol geo-ya


Nan ne-ga iss-eo ha-ru-ga jeul-geo-weo i-je-neun dul-i-ra-neun ge

Nae so-jung-han neo baby baby baby baby boo~


If I have a boy friend, there’ll be so many things I want to do.
I’ve dream I have a boy friend like that.

The first, kissing him in the street.
The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him.
The third, going on a picnic with him.
The fourth, the piggy back ride.
The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love.

boo boo boo It’ll be really sweet.

The thought of it makes my heart flutter.
I’ll try to do every one a day with you.

I’m so happy to be with you.
I’m so happy we both are together.
You’re a real treasure to me.
Baby baby baby baby baby boo

This song made sense now that I had found Sehun. About him being a treasure to me, and the thoughts of him making my heart flutter. I looked over at Sehun when I sang the chorus, and he smiled at me.

As soon as I had finished singing, the table erupted in applause.

“Waaah! Sammy-ah, you should have told us how good you were!”

“Again, again, again!”

“I’m impressed! Go on and audition for some talent company, preferably S.M!”

“I knew this would lead to something good. Good work, you’re amazing!”

“Sammy-ah, that’s our song now.” I looked over at Sehun and nodded, glad to have found a song. “Look at the lyrics. There’s a list of things I want to do with you on there, okay?” Sehun quickly nodded and ran to the resident computer.

“Kissing on the street…early train to Chuncheon…picnic…piggy back…couple rings…movies…amusement park….surprise event.” Sehun turned around, but I was blushing and focusing hard on my feet because of the ‘kissing on the street’ thing.

“Of course we can do all of this. I’d be glad to.” Sehun said. He grabbed me and pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. “Starting with the piggy back.” He whispered. I squealed as he suddenly turned around and put me on his back and started to run around the dorm. “Yah! Sehun-ah, she’s just eaten!”

I only laughed happily and held onto Sehun’s shoulders. They were broad and strong.

“Sammy-ah, if it’s not a bother, would you please compete in the singing audition with me?” D.O begged. “Sure, oppa. I’m surprised that you actually thought my voice was that good.”

He gave me his signature owl stare. “Are you kidding me? I don’t know how anyone hasn’t picked you up and put you into a talent agency already.”

I blushed. “D.O hyung, don’t spend too much time with her~ she’s mine!” Sehun shouted. “Maknae, I’m not going to do anything with her. Getting jealous already?” Sehun huffed at him and s his arms around my waist, back-hugging me. I put my hands over his and smiled.


Just then manager hyung walked in, and his gaze immediately went over to me and Sammy. “Sehun-ssi, I told you, if you have a girlfriend, you will be kicked out.”

Sammy stiffened in my arms and tried to pull away, but I held tightly onto her. “Sehun, I don’t want you getting kicked out of the dorm, or EXO-K.” she whispered.

“Hold on.” I whispered back. I knelt down on the floor, put my forehead to the ground, and begged. “Manager hyung, I really love her. I promise I will keep our relationship a secret if we come into contact with anyone from S.M and I promise she will not interfere with group activities. Please!”

He kept silent.


This girl seemed very important to Sehun. If I took her away from him, he would be very depressed and not function in the group well. But, they certainly looked and seemed in love. I’m not one to take away somebody else’s happiness. I had no choice but to give in.

“Fine.” I said. “But you must keep all those conditions you said.”

Sehun looked up from the ground and rushed to the girl, picked her up in the air, and spun her around. I couldn’t help but to smile at their open display of affection. I guess I’m just a huge softie.

“Manager hyung? Would you consider listening to Sammy-ah sing at a competition we’re competing in?” I looked at D.O. This girl has talent? Hmm. I’ll be waiting.

I nodded to D.O and walked out of the dorm.




Anyway, you guys know the drill, comments, questions, and frustrated screaming are all welcome. I just realised that dance doesn’t really come up in the story much….yeah. I’m sorry! By the way, there shall be some drama coming soon.

I wanted you guys to know that comments are my motivation. If you love this story, you shall comment. And, please don’t make those comments that just ask me to update soon. Let’s make it from here on out, if even one person comments, this story will be updated the very next day.

I love you guys to EXO planet and back. This chapter took up six pages on word.

sammyBee xx.





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{OADR} guys the the next chapter will be the last chapter and then the final chapter will be an epilogue.


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Chapter 35: My name is Sammy too!!!
So cuteee!!!!

Chapter 36: author-nim your story is extreamly DAEBAK i can spazzz abt tis story for like the whole day!!^^
Chapter 35: Aww... The ending is just so beautiful!!! Author-nim DAEBAK!! ^-^
Chapter 34: Kyaa... I LOVE THIS STOWIE!!! It's just so adorable that i can't stop squealing and spazzing!! ^-^ Please do a sequel =D
Chapter 35: *cries forever* so so so adorable
Jermainey #6
Chapter 35: Sammy's motherly love and sweet words to Minhyun were so sweet. I want sammy to be my mother too. This story is so fluffy and thats why i liked it. Hope to read Another wonderful story from Youh! ^^
Mannu98 #7
Chapter 35: This story is amazing :)
Chapter 32: soooo cuuuute ahhh