Chapter 13::

Of A Dancer's Romance...



Why am I making sad chapters? Hmm~ I hope you enjoy this one. It’s another chance for Sammy and Sehun to get closer. Literally. Closer.


I looked for Sehun, I was missing his presence. I found him sitting on a nearby bench apparently thinking very hard about something. Suddenly, I noticed a tear run down his cheek. My eyes widened. Sehun, why are you crying? Did I do something?

I rushed over to him and caught the tear in mid-air. “Sehun oppa, have I done something to upset you?” I was so scared that I had done something that my voice had gone soft and timid. I wrung my hands together as I waited for his answer. He finally snapped out of his thoughts. “Huh? I was…crying.” He seemed puzzled and then a look of pure melancholy made its way on to his face. “Oppa? What’s wrong?” he didn’t answer this question answer, but he looked like he was pondering on how to answer it. “I was just thinking about stuff that happened in the past.” Sehun sighed and ran a hand through his soft hair. He looked as though he was about to cry again. We sat there in complete silence until I saw another tear come out.

Without thinking, I hugged him tightly. To my surprise, he buried his face into the crook of my neck and wrapped his arms around me. I heard him try to stifle a sob, but when I said, “Let it all out,” he proceeded to wet my shoulder. Sehun seemed so fragile, not like the strong, happy person that I knew him to be. Sehun, what’s making you so sad??

Right then, a huge bolt of lightning flashed and there was a loud crack of thunder. I flinched and whimpered. Damn me and my fear of thunderstorms. I have to be strong for Sehun, but I’m ready to cry myself.

I noticed Sehun had stopped crying. He looked at me with a sad smile. “Thanks, Sammy-ah.” He ruffled my hair. I just nodded and looked around at his hyungs. They were all on their phones, with the exception of Kai and Chanyeol, who looked like they were planning something. Suspicious. “Y-you’re welco- aaah!!” I let out a sharp scream and curled up into a ball the second I heard thunder. My phone vibrated in my hand, but I was too jumpy to answer it.


Sammy’s scared of thunder? I gently prised her vibrating phone out of her hands. I touched ‘answer’ and held the phone to my ear. “Hello, Sammy’s phone, Sehun speaking.” Her umma’s voice came out of the speaker. “Sehun! Thank goodness. Sammy’s curled into a ball right now, isn’t she?” she asked. Before I could answer, she rambled on. “Could you please comfort her somehow? Sing her a calming song, or just holding her is fine. By the way, the roads are closed. How are you kids getting home?” Her voice was full of concern for us. I smiled a small smile. “Mrs Park, we’ll be fine. There’s an indoor entrance from the mall that goes to the subway station. We’ll take the subway. And we didn’t forget our umbrellas. Don’t worry about us.”

“Good.” She said. The only problem is that our house is nowhere near a subway stop. Do you think she could stay at your place or one of your hyung’s places? Just for tonight.” My eyes widened. Sammy, staying in the dorm? “I- I guess it should be fine.” She said a bazillion thanks and then hung up.

“Sehun-ah. Was that her umma?” I nodded. “Suho hyung, look at her. She needs to be calmed down, she really scared. I looked back at Sammy, who was still curled up into a ball. “And…I need to speak to you first.” We walked to a place out of earshot. “Sammy’s umma said that she can’t pick Sammy up, so we have to bring her back to the dorm. Their house is nowhere near a subway station.” Suho hyung looked worried for a moment, but nodded. “I’ll explain everything to manager hyung. Now, we need to get singing.”

I went to Sammy and held her close to me, and she gripped my shirt. Her breathing was quick, and her heartbeat was even faster. I murmured comforting words to her and her hair like she did to me. Finally, the hyungs came over and started to sing the song that Sammy and I danced to when we first met: ‘Angel’.

Sammy’s breathing slowed down along with her heartbeat and her grip on my shirt loosened. I gave the hyungs a thumbs up and continued to hold her close. Sammy, do you know how fast my heart is beating right now? Do you have any idea of what you’re doing to me?

Sammy started to lean against me, and her eyelids were starting to flutter. I brushed her bags out of her face and just stared at her. She had strikingly long eyelashes that almost touched her cheeks. I don’t think Sammy would ever need to use that stuff that girls call ‘mascara’. My hyungs finished singing. “Sehun, let’s go to the subway.” I nodded and followed the hyungs, carrying Sammy bridal style.



We were lucky to have made it to the subway just in time for our train. We boarded it and sat down in the comfy seats. Sammy’s head was in my lap. She looks so tired. It must have been a big day for her. We had a whole three-seater to ourselves. Suho, D.O, and Baekhyun hyung were sitting opposite us. Kai and Chanyeol hyung were seated opposite each other in the two seaters. They got my attention and started wiggling their eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and stared out of the large windows of our carriage, and my lips curved into a subtle smile.


Sehun and Sammy suit each other so well. Too bad they’re not together. Sometimes I wish that that old man would let us date. We arrived at our stop and Sammy was still drowsy, so Sehun piggy backed her to the exit, where the rain had eased up a little, but was still pouring in vicious, sharp sheets. We rushed into the car. Sammy and Sehun went first, then Chanyeol and Kai, then Suho and D.O and finally me. Manager hyung asked why there was a girl in the van with us, and Suho hyung quickly explained. The roads had opened up again.

When we entered the dorm, we collapsed with our shopping bags scattered around us. “Well. Wasn’t that the weirdest shopping trip I’ve ever been on?” We all stared at Chanyeol for a moment then burst out laughing. Sehun escorted Sammy to his room, to make sure that she was okay. He emerged a moment later, saying, “She’s still sleepy, so she’s sleeping in my bed for tonight. I’ll take the couch. Suho, hyung do you mind if Sammy sleeps in our room tonight?” Sehun asked. Suho hyung shook his head and said, “Actually, I’m taking the couch tonight. Sehun, sleep in my bed.” Sehun’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape and then he nodded. “Thank you hyung.” He then went and sat down with Chanyeol and Kai to play an intense card game.

Suho hyung stood up and stretched. “I’m going to get started on dinner. Who’s helping me cook?” D.O and I glanced at each other and played ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. He lost, so I went into the room that Chanyeol and I shared to have a nap. I peeked into Sehun’s room to check on Sammy, and she wasn’t asleep, but staring and smiling at a picture on her phone. “Sammy-ah, I thought you were going to sleep again.” She giggled and said, “Sorry oppa, but I keep on staring at this picture of Sehun. He looks…perfect in it.” She showed me the picture and blushed. It was a picture of Sehun smiling with a grey striped beanie on his head. I chuckled. “Sammy-ah, can I ask you a question?” She nodded. “Do you like Sehun?” She opened to answer.


Cliff-hanger muahahahahaa. But I’m pretty sure you guys already know the answer. (nudge nudge wink wink)

Look forward to the next chapter!! Comment, ask questions, whatever!

sammyBee xx.

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{OADR} guys the the next chapter will be the last chapter and then the final chapter will be an epilogue.


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Chapter 35: My name is Sammy too!!!
So cuteee!!!!

Chapter 36: author-nim your story is extreamly DAEBAK i can spazzz abt tis story for like the whole day!!^^
Chapter 35: Aww... The ending is just so beautiful!!! Author-nim DAEBAK!! ^-^
Chapter 34: Kyaa... I LOVE THIS STOWIE!!! It's just so adorable that i can't stop squealing and spazzing!! ^-^ Please do a sequel =D
Chapter 35: *cries forever* so so so adorable
Jermainey #6
Chapter 35: Sammy's motherly love and sweet words to Minhyun were so sweet. I want sammy to be my mother too. This story is so fluffy and thats why i liked it. Hope to read Another wonderful story from Youh! ^^
Mannu98 #7
Chapter 35: This story is amazing :)
Chapter 32: soooo cuuuute ahhh