Chapter Two !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
"You're late !" , Junsu said as soon as I put down the books on the table . 
"Sorry . There's an accident ." 
"What accident ?"
"Nothing . It's not that big ."
"O-oh .."
Hey ! My name is Kim Jaejoong . A senior student of Dong Bang High . God , I can't wait to get out of the school . Why ? Because I feel like somehow I am unwanted here . Thanks to this nerdy look of mine . 
The only one who accept me the way I am , is Kim Junsu . The dolphin guy over here . My bestfriend . And also , my cousin . His parents , which is my Uncle and Aunty are currently in Gwangju . They are so nice . 
My parents ? Died already . 
So , I'm living with my dear cousin and took a part-time job as a waiter in Mirotic's cafe . But my cousin over here , didn't have to work . His parents send us money every month . The money is enough for both of us actually . But I just feel like I don't want to burden them more . 
Love life ? None . Well , who wants a nerd like me ? Everyone prefers someone gorgeous and hot plus rich , like Jung Yunho . 
Yes , the guy that just knocked over me at the hallway just now . Well , it's his fault actually . Seriously . I feel like I want to shout right in front of his face that I'm not the one that should be blamed . 
But , I didn't . Why ? Because I have this tiny crush on him .
Yup , that's right . This nerd like the Kingka . 
However , I never ever ever ever ever think of going out with him . Never ! Since I know who I am . 
"KIM JAEJOONG !" , Junsu shouted . 
"Whoa !" , I was shocked and fall backwards . "Ouch !"
"SHHHHHHH !" , a librarian warned us . 
Junsu smiled at her and bowed , as a sign of being sorry . 
"What the hell ?" , I whispered angrily as I sat back down on the chair . 
"I was calling for you since forever . I thought you were dead , with a grin on your face . Plus that big , round eyes of yours widely opened ."
I grinned . 
"Stop grinning . What the hell were you thinking ?" , he asked . 
"Nothing ."
"Come on , let's go . The class will start in 5 minutes ."
I nodded . Then , both of us went outside of the library and heading to our class . 
Skip , skip , skip , skip , skip and the school is finally over !
Junsu and I were making our way to the bus stop . We were chatting happily , until a limousine stopped in front of us . 
I looked at Junsu with a strange look across my face and he looked back at me with the same expression . After the limousine parked nicely at the roadside , a guy with a black suit and a sunglasses stepped out . He made his way towards us . 
"Kim Jaejoong ?" , he asked . 
I shook my head , but this dumb cousin of mine was pointing at me . I glared at him . 
"What are you doing ?" , I whispered , with anger .
"What ? He was looking for you , right ?"
"What if this guy wants to kidnap me ?"
"Jae , there's no kidnapper came out from a limousine !" 
"Excuse me , you're Kim Jaejoong , right ?" , the guy asked again .
This time , I nodded slowly . 
"Please come with me . I have to bring you to meet my master . They are all waiting for you ."
I looked at Junsu . Asking for help . 
"Go . I think you should go ."
"But I have to work ."
"I'll cover up for you ."
"Really ?" 
He nodded . 
"Will you be fine , going back alone ?" 
He nodded again . 
"But what if something bad happen to me later ?" 
"I have a good feeling about this , Jae ."
"O-okay then . Be careful Junsu . I'll meet you later ."
"Yeah . See ya !" 
Then the guy in the black suit lead me towards the limousine and I get on it . 
Dear god , please protect me . Don't let anything bad happen to me please . 
Not long after that , the limo stopped . I looked out of the window and saw a mansion , no , castle in front of me . 
"Whoa !" , I said , outloud . 
The same guy just now , opened the door for me and I stepped out . "Where are we ?" , I asked . 
"You'll find out soon . Now , please follow me ." 
He lead me into the mansion and I just followed him , obediently . I looked around when we walked pass through a very very big living room . There was s a piano placed beside a window overlooking a magnificent flower garden . A big chandelier was hang firmly at the ceiling . And there was a flight staircase made of a fine wood which shone in the light . 
I kept on following the guy until we arrived in front of a big door . 
"Wait here please ." , he said .
I nodded . 
Then , he knocked the door twice and opened it , "Excuse me , Mr Kim Jaejoong is here ."
"Send him in ." , a man's deep voice was heard . 
Then , the guy looked at me and gestured me to come in . 
I slowly walked in with my head facing the floor . 
"Nerd boy ?" , a voice said . 
I looked up and saw him . 
Yes , him . Jung Yunho . 

Chapter two ! :D

Enjoy :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(