Chapter Twenty-Two !

Two-Timer ! O.o

Jaejoong’s POV :


Did I hear correctly ?


“Yunho-ah , what did you mean?” , I asked with fear in my voice .


“Jae , I don’t want to pretend anymore alright ? When we are alone , let’s stop pretending like we are some happily married couple . We are not . I’m doing this just to save my family’s company . God knows what will happen if it falls into your hand.”


I stood there , shocked . I just couldn’t believe how could he be so cold ?


Where is the Yunho I thought I knew ? Where is the guys who said wanted to be my friend ? Where is the guy who admitted I was his fiancée in front of Yoochun ? Where is the guy who protected me in front of the entire school ? Where is the guy who was so caring towards me ? Where is that considerate guy ? Where is he ?


“Yunho-ah ..” , I was just speechless .


“Look , I like you . You’re .. nice , I think . But I just know you . For like four-five days . It’s not even a week . Let’s be realistic . I’m a school’s jock . Future CEO of Jung Corp . I can’t be married to some nerd with no reputation or title or .. physical attraction . You do realise ..”


“Yeah I’m aware of that alright . But ..” , I cut him off .


“Good . End of discussion . Let’s go to bed . I’m beat .” , he cut me back , obviously pleased that he thought I understood him perfectly .


But no , I didn’t . I just couldn’t understand . Less than 10 minutes ago , I thought I had a chance with him . He was so .. sweet back then in the church . I just couldn’t believe this .


As he walked towards what I assumed , his room , he turned back around to look at me .


“I know it hurts and I know you sort of has a crush on me , but I just can’t accept you . You should be glad that I’m not some heartless bastard who won’t tend to you any possible way . I like you as my friend and let’s be just that okay ? Just that . So .. that means , I really don’t want anyone to know ..”


“That you are married to me .” , I said , voice full of emotions .


“Yeah .”


“Because you are embarrassed of me ?” , I asked , wanting to know the truth .


“Well .. It’s just .. You see ..”


“You are . Because I’m not some rich popular kid and I am no qualify to stand right beside you . You’ve said enough . But now , listen to me Jung Yunho , are you listening ?” , I said as I strolled to his way .


He nodded , kinda surprised with this new side of me .


“I am perfectly aware that I am no rich popular guy who have everything . No looks , no money , no family , no title , nothing that you have . You are my husband and I don’t even have you . But you know what ? I feel sorry more for you . You have no idea what you missed . You have no idea what you just threw away .”


He opened his mouth to retort back but I held up my hand to stop him . I wasn’t finished .


“You are exactly what I used to think of . Exactly . But then these past few days proved me wrong . I wasn’t . I wasn’t wrong . You are hypocritically judgmental ..”


“Hey !”


“What ? You just admit that you don’t want me , Mr Jung . Because my outside is waaaaaay off than what you want . What about my inside than ? I’m not trying to brag but isn’t my inside beautiful enough for you ?”


He said nothing .


“Yeah , I thought so . You think I’m so nice that you can do anything to me ? I’m gonna prove you wrong Jung Yunho . Oh you’re gonna regret it when you know enough about me . By that time we’ll see what am I going to do about you . Not the other way around .” , I said , confidently .


There must be something mischievous in my eyes that Yunho was taken aback . He narrowed his gorgeous green eyes at me and said , “What the are you talking about ?”


I shrugged and simply said , “You’ll see .”


With that , I made my way to my room . His voice stopped me though .


Damn , I was tired already with all this emotional roller coaster but I turned around nonetheless . I quirked an eyebrow to him – not that he could see it due to my long bangs and huge glasses .


“Where .. where are you going ?”


“To my room – duh ! You’re not expecting us to sleep together aren’t you ?” , I just couldn’t help but ask . Maybe ..


“Pfft no . No ! I’m not gonna have my morning woods with you next to me . No offense but ..”


“I took offense in it , Yunho . Look , I’m grateful that you still wanna be my friend . You are not treating me like some kinda slave or housemaid in those typical drama . You are not treating me badly . But do you have any idea how much you words hurt me tonight ? It feels like I died ten times already with your words and I can’t take any more of your bulls . You can take me as your friend and not as your partner . I get that . Because I’m just a school nerd with ugly appearance . But you don’t know me Yunho . You don’t . And I really am tired .”


Dejectedly , I stopped talking and turned back around . I just enter some random guest room and closed the door , leaving Yunho with one thousand and five thoughts .


Yunho’s POV :


What the was that all about ? What the hell was he talking about ? Was that really Kim Jaejoong ? Where did he get the balls to say all those stuffs to me ? I would smirk if I wasn’t too pissed .


‘.. Oh you’re gonna regret it when you know enough about me .. ’


What did he mean by that ?


I should have just let it go and shrugged it off , but instead I found myself repeating those words . As I walked to my room , I couldn’t help but hoped that Jaejoong would come out and apologize to me .


What for ?


For attacking me with all those words of craps of course .


But then I realized , it wasn’t his fault . Although I couldn’t understand most of the things he said about me regretting my attitude , I found myself with guilt clenching my heart . I was right , I was not some heartless bastard , I actually liked being his friend but he was right too . I was embarrassed to admit that he was my husband .


I had a very bright future ahead of me . Of course I need someone that I could be proud of . I wanted to bring my partner and showered him/her with my love in public without anyone looked at me like I was some kind of a freak . Showing off Jaejoong to other people would bring mocking laughters and sneers pointed at me . I didn’t want that . I couldn’t have that .


Besides , I’ve made my mind .


I’m gonna find the girl I fell in love with . I’m gonna find that baby girl in the picture at Jaejoong’s apartment .  I’m gonna find Jaejoong’s cousin .


I loved her . It sounded like I was completely out my mind , but I knew that there was something between us . I knew it . The first time I laid my eyes on her picture , I felt like I was under some spells . Ridiculous right ? But it was true .


Slap !


I slapped my own forehead .


How could I be so stupid ? Why didn’t I ask her name ? Of all things , I didn’t even know her name ! I was too busy asking ridiculous questions and concentrating on how to make her mine that I forgot to ask for her name . I wonder if Jae would tell me now .


I knew I hurt Jaejoong by telling him I loved his cousin . But what could I do ? I couldn’t fall in love with him . Not now , not ever . He was just not suitable for me .


I’m sorry Jaejoong-ah . But really , I deserve better .


The next day (Sunday) !


I woke up with a massive headache . It felt like I just drunk a whole bottle of JB and had with a horrible hangover . I laid down for a while and my mind wondered to the event of yesterday .


I got married to a nerd with a hideous appearance . A nerd who was a cousin of the love of my life . A nerd who dared to talk back to me . A nerd who talked nonsense .


‘.. Oh you’re gonna regret it when you know enough about me .. ’


What the did he mean by that ?


I groaned and got up and made my way to the bathroom . A cold shower was needed . I needed to get over these kind of things .


After a long shower , I went to the kitchen with just towel around my waist and was greeted with an unpleasant sight . There he was , facing the sink with hs back on me , wearing  baggy clothes on , huge ugly-betty kind of glasses that covered his eyes and long bangs that practically covered half of his face . I sighed heavily .


I thought about how he looked like yesterday , a tux and shades with his hair neatly combed . He looked so much better than now .


“Why can’t you just wear shades ?” , I mumbled unconsciously .

He turned around when he heard my voice and stood still for a moment . He just stared at me , hands clenching on a coffee mug . I suddenly remembered that I was a little bit underdressed and felt a little bit self-conscious .


But what could I do ? I couldn’t go back to my room and wear some clothes without him know that I was affected with his stares .


He shook his head briefly and took a deep breath , “What was that ?” , he asked me .


“Nothing . So how was your night ?” , I asked , trying to make a conversation .


“You mean my first night as a married guy ? Well it . I have to sleep alone – not that I got any sleep .”


I winced . I didn’t need to be reminded that I was married to him . I knew that . I knew that I just left my husband to spend a night alone on his wedding night . But hearing them coming out his mouth made me really uncomfortable .


But then , did you really expect me to spend a night with him ? To tell you the truth , I hated the way he looked like . It was an eyesore . But he was nice . Jaejoong was perhaps the most kindhearted person I’ve ever met . He probably had a heart and soul of an angel but life was unfair . His outer appearance didn’t even mirror the angel of death .


But he was still my friend . And I needed him to get the love of my life .


“Look Jae , I’m sorry okay ? For last night . I know I said terrible things to you and all and I don’t even have an excuse for that . I’m an . You are such a good friend and I don’t want to lose you . We made a deal remember ? No strings attached . We are still gonna act like nothing happened and after six months we are getting a divorce and you’re gonna help me with your cousin . Do you remember that ?”


He looked down and I could see that his shoulders were shaking a little bit .


After a couple of minutes , he looked up – though I couldn’t see his eyes – and smiled at me . He nodded his head briefly and left to his room .


That was it . No genius retorts or anything . I wondered what happened . I wondered if I said something wrong .


He was a freaking bipolar . One second he talked a lot like he was so damn good but next he was like some kind of mute .


I shrugged my shoulder and went to the coffee machine . I was trying so hard not to think of a certain nerd in this apartment . 



Heyy everyone !

Again I'm so deeply honestly sorry. I wish I could have expressed more , but now I gotta run . 

But I have a question to ask you guys ;


Tell me what you think , I'm up with majority . 


p/s : If you noticed , my writing style has changed a little bit compared to my last update , yeah well , I've grown up and changed . If you have any comments or complaints or ideas or feedbacks or anything , just tell me . I'm all ears :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(