Chapter Seventeen !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Yunho's POV : 
All for of us - Me , Jaejoong , Yoochun and Junsu were sitting in a limousint that was belong to my family . Oh wait , should I say Jaejoong's since all the wealth belongs to him now aside from the assets . The journey was so quiet . Yoochun , who couldn't stop teasing and talking was shockingly quiet . Jaejoong and Junsu too . I didn't know what they were thinking and I didn't even bother to know . Why ? Because my mind and my heart couldn't stop thinking about that baby . 
Yes , the baby girl that just stole my heart . Call me a freak , I don't care . I love her . I love that baby . I love her so much . And I don't even know why ..
I sighed before I turned to face Jaejoong . "Jae-ah , can I ask you something ?"
"Sure . What is it ?"
"Who is that baby ?" 
"Baby ?"
"Yeah , I saw a picture of a baby girl in your living room just now ." 
"A baby girl ?"
I nodded . 
He seemed to be in a very deep thought before he gasped out loud . He looked shocked . Very shocked . And I couldn't understand why .. He turned to look at Junsu who was having the same expression . 
"What's wrong ?" , I asked . 
"Uhhh .. Nothing . Yunho-ah , that baby is my cousin ." , he said softly . 
"She's beautiful . When was the picture taken ? How old is she now ?" , I asked . 
Jaejoong was sitting uncomfortably . He kept on glancing at Junsu . Junsu also looked .. I don't know .. Nervous ? I didn't understand why . 
Jaejoong's POV : 
"She's beautiful . When was the picture taken ? How old is she now ?" , Yunho asked . 
I looked at Junsu - gave him a what-should-I-answer face . He just sat there , shifting uncomfortably . 
Gosh , what should I do ? What should I answer ? Should I just admit that the baby is me ? Should I just reveal my face to him ? Can he be trusted ? 
"She's around our age . The picture was taken around 17 to 18 years ago ." , I answered him , stating the truth . 
Sigh . Thank god that the picture of me when I was a baby . I wonder what will happen if there's a picture of me being a 18 years old teenager at the living room . 
"Really ?" , Yunho grinned . "Where is she now then ?" , he asked with a tint of happiness in his voice . I wonder why ..
I didn't get a chance to answer because the driver pulled off the limo , telling us that we have reached Jung's mansion . I let out a sigh of relief . 
Lesson of the day : Do not let anyone , I repeat ANYONE enter the apartment again . 
We walked towards the living room and found Mr and Mrs Jung sitting with the family lawyer , Mr Lee Donghae . All four of us greeted them and take a seat . I looked at Mr and Mrs Jung's face - not too good . And Yunho noticed it too . 
"What's wrong Umma ? Appa ?" , Yunho asked . 
"Let the lawyer explained it to you ." , Mr Jung said . 
"Let's start shall we ? Mr Kim Jaejoong .." , the lawyer started , but I cut him off . 
"Jaejoong is fine ." 
He nodded . "Jaejoong , Mr Jung told me that you want to sell all of your shares to Jung Yunho . Is that right ?"
"Yes ."
"With a very low price . Is that right ?" , he asked again . 
I nodded .
"I'm sorry , but you can't . According to the BOLOJC , the shares .."
Again , I cut him off . But now , with Yunho . "To the what ?" , we asked in unison . 
"BOLOJC . Book Of Law Of Jung Corp . Can I continue ?"
"Ooh .. Yeah . Sure . Sorry ." , I said . 
"According to the BOLOJC , the shares have to be sold with its price . If you want to sell all shares of Jung Corp , you have to sell it with 798.5 million won . Not more not less . It's in the book of law ." , the lawyer said . 
I gasped . "So that means .."
"Yes , the Jung Family has to buy it from you with that price ."
I closed my eyes and slumped my body deeper into the sofa . I sighed . "And that means .."
"You have to marry Yunho , dear ." , Mrs Jung said softly . 
I feel like cying . It's not that I don't want to marry Yunho . But it's Yunho who doesn't want to marry me . I don't want to waste a person's future . Yunho deserves a better life . God ! What should I do ?
I asked myself as I looked at Yunho who was in a very deep thought . Then , I turned to Junsu and Yoochun . They were looking at me too . But no words escaped our lips at that moment . 
"Mr Lee , is there any other way ? Both me and Yunho are just 18 . We don't want to get marry at this age ." , I asked the lawyer . 
"I'm afraid Jaejoong , there's no other way ." 
"What if we let the company under my name , but let the Jungs handle it ?" , I asked . 
"Meaning ?" 
"I mean let me sign few papers stating that I let the Jungs handle the company . The company will stay under my name but the Jungs will have a full power in it . I know nothing about bussiness and I don't want Jung Corp to fall down ."
"You can do that .." , the lawyer said . 
I started to smile . 
"But after you get married ." 
I frowned . And then , a sigh came out from my lips . 
"I'll marry Jaejoong ." , Yunho's voice , Yunho's words , Yunho's sentence made me jumped off my seat .
"What ??" , I asked , ignoring the stares that I got from everyone . 
"Jae , let's have a talk . Outside . At the garden . Now ." , he said as he walked out of the living room . 
I looked at the lawyer , Mr Jung , Mrs Jung , Junsu and Yoochun . Slowly , I got up and walked out - heading to where Yunho had left . But Mrs Jung's voice stopped me for a while ..
"Jaejoong-ah , I really hope that you can help us . I know that I'm being selfish , but please Jaejoong-ah .."
"I'll try my best , Aunty ."
With that , I headed out to the garden . When I reached there , I saw Yunho sitting on a bench , looking at sunset . It's very beautiful scenery . 
"Come , sit here beside me ." , he said , without looking at me . 
I walked towards him and sat down . 
"Jaejoong-ah , let's get married ." 
"What ? Why ?"
"I don't want to lose the company that my grandfather and my parents worked so hard to build it up . Besides , Jung Corp is our source of income ."
"What about your future ? My future ? Our future ?"
"The will said , I'll get the 70% of the shares after our sixth month of wedding , right ?"
I nodded . 
"I'll let you go after I get the shares ." , he said , surprisingly calm . 
Anger filled up my mind . "What the ?"
"We'll divorce on our sixth month being husband and wife ."
"I didn't know that you are so mean Jung Yunho ." 
"Let me explain first . You are a nice guy Kim Jaejoong . And I think you deserve someone better than me . That's why I want to let you go . Both of us will be 19 on the next six months . We are too young for a serious marriage . I don't think both of us will be happy if we keep this marriage on until forever . You don't love me and I don't love you ..."
You are wrong Jung Yunho . I do love you . 
"So please , for my sake , for my family's sake , please sacrifice your six months and marry me ."
"Yunho-ah .."
"Besides , I don't think it'll be that bad since we're friends . We know each other even though for a short period . So , Kim Jaejoong , will you marry me ?"
Did he just proposed me ? , I looked at him who still kept his eyes to the front . 
"Please ? Will you marry me ?" , he repeated . 
"Yes Yunho . I will marry you ." , I answered him with a low voice . 
For the first time since we've been here , he turned to look at me . He hugged me tight and whispered , "thank you ."
I just nodded at his shoulder . 
Sigh . This is not that kind of proposal I've been dreaming of . I want a guy to propose me romantically , with full of love . Or maybe me , proposing a girl that I love with all my heart .
After a long moment of silence , Yunho broke the ice . "You know Jae , you are one of the kindest human being I've ever met .."
Then why didn't you fall in love with me ? 
"Thanks for being my friend . I never thought that a jerk like me will get someone like you as a friend ."
I smiled at him . 
"And since you are my friend , I want to share a secret with you ."
"Really ? Tell me ."
"I think , I have fallen in love with someone who I never met ."

@kuranyuuki : Thanks for everything :)

@ShiraeMizuka : Let's just pretend that the picture at chapter 16 is the baby Jae's picture , kay ? :)

And to all my readers , commenters , subscribers , supporters , everyone , thanks for everything ! I am so sorry to keep you all waiting ..

See you tomorrow , okay ?

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(