Chapter Eighteen !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
"I think , I have fallen in love with someone who I never met ." ,  he said while he looked at me . With calm and ... love .
I was shocked of course . And hurt . "Yah ! Jung Yunho ! If you love somebody then why the hell are you planning to marry me ?"
"Like I said Jae , I never met her . I don't even know her . It's just that , when I saw her picture , my heart was beating extremely fast . It was like I knew that she is the one for me ."
"Picture ?" , I asked him .
He nodded . 
"Hmmm that's weird . You fell in love with somone by looking at her picture . Dramatic but sweet . Do you know anything about her that can help you look for her ? I'll help you ."
I can't believe that I want to help him getting his love , when I'm hurting inside . 
"I don't , but you do ."
I looked at him puzzled . "What do you mean ?" 
"Jae-ah , I fell in love with your cousin ."
I gasped . No , don't tell me that picture he meant is the picture of me when I was a baby !
"I fell in love with the baby girl in that picture hanging on your wall at the apartment ."
I was right .. Yunho , he loves me ..
"She's just a baby back then Yunho-ah .." , I said . 
"But she's so beautiful . Just like an angel . My heart was beating so fast when I saw her picture just now ."
But ! This is wrong . I don't want this . How could he ! How could he judge a book by its cover ? How could he judge someone physically ?? He loves me just because I was beautiful when I was a baby . Just because of my appearance ! Why ? Why Yunho-ah .. I thought you're different . I thought that maybe , just maybe I'll get the chance to be loved by you when we get married soon . I thought I can get your love for who I actually am . 
But no .. You're just like the others , Yunho-ah . I made the right decision to not show my face . That's right Yunho , I won't show you my face . I want you to love me for who I am . 
"Jae ?" , Yunho called for me after he didn't get any response . 
"Oh sorry . Yes Yunho . She is beautiful . Until now in fact ."
"Can you introduce me to her ? You said you want to help me right ?"
"Huh ? Oh err , well , ermmm she's not here . My aunt and uncle took her away 2 years ago and I don't know where she is now ."
"Really ?" , he sounded disappointed . 
"I'll let you know when she comes back , okay ?" , I said , tried to lift up his mood . 
"Make sure you do . I hope she comes back after we divorced ." , his hopes light up again . 
While me , my heart was crashing into thousands of pieces . My head was spinning around . My hands were trembling . My eyes were tearing . My throat was drying . I just wish that the ground will eat me alive . 
"O-of c-course ." , I stuttered . 
"Yah ! Never tell your cousin that we're married okay ?" , he threaten me playfully . 
I nodded . Couldn't voice out my voice , scared if he knew that I was holding back my tears . 
After a moment of silence .. "Hey , is there any way that I can see your face . We're getting married ." , he asked me a question that I always want to avoid . 
"Huh ? N-no ." , I stuttered in shock .
No . No way . Not after I know that he is just the same as others . Judging people based on their appearances . No . I want him to love me , to see me , to judge for who I am . Not by my face . 
"Oh come on , it can't be that bad ." , Yunho persuaded me . Slowly , his hands were hanging in the air , approaching my face . 
"Jung Yunho ! Jaejoong-ah ! Hurry get in . Dinner is ready ." , Mrs Jung voice was heard from inside the house . 
Secretly , I let out a relieved sigh . Thank god .
"Coming Umma !" , Yunho shouted back . "Let's get in Jae . Let's tell them the news that they want to hear ."
I nodded and stood up . He walked into the house with me following him from behind . Before we reached the dining room , Yunho said to me with a soft voice . 
"Thanks Jae . For sacrificing your 6 months for us . For my family . You are such a great friend ."
Friend .. 
"Yeah , it's nothing . That's what friends are for , right ?" , I fake a smile . 
He smiled back at me and we enter the dining room . Mr Jung , Mrs Jung , Yoochun and Junsu were already waiting for us . 
I'll try Yunho . I'll try my best to make you fall in love with me for who I am . Umma , Appa , I've found my love already . Please guide me . 
"What were you guys doing at the garden huh ?" , Yoochun asked , teasingly , raising his eyebrows .
"We're discussing ." , Yunho answered while taking his place next to Yoochun . 
"About what ? Your first night after marriage ?" , Yoochun nudged Yunho's arm slightly . 
I blushed . Hard . 
"Yah ! Park Yoochun ! Want to die ?!" , Yunho smacked Yoochun's head . 
"What ? Did I say something wrong ? Well , if I were you , I would think about it now . Who wouldn't , huh ? Jae is so damn bea- OWWW !"
Before he could finish his sentence , I gave him a hard kick under the table . He looked at me with 'what the hell' look . I replied with 'say another word , I'll skin you alive' face . He replied me back with 'he didn't know ?' questioned face . I shook my head and mouthed 'no' to him . 
I didn't know since when did I have this telepathy power with Yoochun but we did it excellently . Everyone there looked at us weirdly . Both of just grinned .
"Yah ! What's wrong with you guys ?" , Yunho asked . 
"Yeah , Jae , what's wrong with the stare that you gave to Yoochun ?" , Junsu who kept quiet all this while asked me . 
"Nothing ." , Yoochun and I answered in unison . 
"Okay kids . Stop talking and eat . Yunho , Jaejoong , meet me in the meeting room after dinner ." , Mr Jung said . 
I nodded and Yunho replied with 'okay' . 
Dinner went on safely and ended 20 minutes later . Mr Jung stood up and started to make his way to the meeting room . Not long after that , Mrs Jung also stood up . 
"Umma , you'll be there too ?" , Yunho asked . 
"Of course . Come in quickly , okay ? Don't make us wait too long ." , Mrs Jung said and went to the same direction as Mr Jung .
I let out a deep sigh . And that caught the three's attention . 
"Don't worry Jae . Everthing's gonna be fine ."
I nodded . 
"So , what's the decision ?" , Yoochun asked .
"You'll see tomorrow . Now go to bed and Yoochun , kindly please show Junsu the guest room that Jae stayed over last night . And Junsu-ah , make yourself at home , okay ? If there's anything you can ask Yoochun or the maids ." , Yunho said . 
"Oh Yunho-ah , can Junsu stay with me ? You know , maybe he's scared to be alone ." , Yoochun grinned . 
Me and Yunho smirked . I opened my mouth and said , "Yoochun-ah , I know that you are 'worried' about Junsu , but there's no need for you to be . Junsu will be staying with me ." , clearly , I was teasing him . 
"Yeah , and Park Yoochun , you'll spend your night with me . In my room . Like we always did ." , Yunho winked at Yoochun . 
Yoochun just sat there , crossed his arms and pouted . 
"Junsu-ah , wait for me in our room , okay ?" , I said as I walked towards Junsu and hugged him from behind before planting a kiss on his cheek .
Junsu blushed . Yunho was shocked at first but quickly recovered . And Yoochun-
"YAH !"
I looked at him innocently . 
"What's wrong Yoochun-ah ? Junsu is his cousin . He did nothing wrong ." , Yunho smirked . 
"Yeah , it's not like you never did it to me before . You kissed my cheek yesterday , remember ?" , it's my turn to smirk . 
"YAH !" , and it's Yunho's turn to shout .
"What ?" , I asked . 
"N-nothing .." , he mumbled . 
"Go to the meeting room already . Uncle and Aunty are waiting for you ." , Yoochun said , tried to avoid the subject . 
With that , both Yunho and I widen our eyes and ran to the meeting room .

Haha Tada ! So I got my dear beloved sweet and juicy Chapter 18 back !! :D

You know what this means ? This means I'll continue update the story like I usually did . 

Wait for the updates , will you ? Please ? I'll update tomorrow . I'll try to update as much as I can ..

I'm so so sorry for everything :'(

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(