Chapter Twenty-One !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
I arrived in front of the church's main door . Mrs Jung was already inside . Then , I heard a music playing and I knew it was time for me to enter the church and also a new world - with Jung Yunho in it .
I walked down the aisle towards Yunho who waiting for me at the altar . He stood there with an old man who I believed was the priest . I felt my knees weaken and I felt like I wanted to faint when I saw how handsome and gorgeous Yunho was . He looked just like a prince charming . I forgot how to breathe at the sight and I thought I just flew to cloud nine at the thought of me was going to marry him . 
After it seemed forever , I reached the altar . Yunho took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine . Then , we looked at the priest together . 
"We welcome you tonight as we gather in joy to bear witness to this happy and sacred event , and to offer our love and support to this union. Tonight we celebrate the joining of these two men , Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong in the age-old ceremony of marriage ..." 
Bla bla bla bla bla .. That's all I heard from the priest . My mind was not there . I was deeply in thought of Yunho's hand in mine . In thought of Yunho who was standing handsomely beside me . In thought of there's a priest in fornt of me and Yunho . In thought of I was actually marrying him . In thought of Yunho was actually will be mine very soon . There was only Yunho in my mind . Just Yunho . 
"....  Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong , have you come here freely and without reservations to give yourselves to each other in marriage?" , the priest ended his speech with a question . 
Thank god I heard it . 
"We have ." , both Yunho and I said in unison . 
Then , we turned to face each other and he read his vow .
"I , Jung Yunho , take you , Kim Jaejoong , to be my lawfully wedded wife , my constant friend , my faithful partner and my love from this day forward . In the presence of God , our family and friends , I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health , in good times and in bad , and in joy as well as in sorrow . I promise to love you unconditionally , to support you in your goals , to honor and respect you , to laugh with you and cry with you , and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live ."
I teared up . I made a mental note to thanks Yoochun for lending me his sunglasses .
Then , I sighed . If only the wedding vow comes from his heart and he really mean it ..
"I , Kim Jaejoong , take you ,  Jung Yunho , to be my lawfully wedded husband , my constant friend , my faithful partner and my love from this day forward . In the presence of God , our family and friends , I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health , in good times and in bad , and in joy as well as in sorrow . I promise to love you unconditionally , to support you in your goals , to honor and respect you , to laugh with you and cry with you , and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live ."
I read out my vow . Exactly the same as his . I actually did not prepare any vows . I just planned to use the normal and simple one . But Yunho's vow capture my heart . Every sentence , every word , went straight to my heart and stayed there . My mind remembered every single word by heart . I was touched by his sweet 'fake' words . 
"Now , you may exchange the rings ." 
I never saw our wedding ring until that day . It was a simple wedding ring made from platinum with a diamonds around it . Surprisingly , it fits me perfectly . 
"And now that you have spoken the words and performed the rites that unite your lives , we now , by the power of your love and the commitment you have made , declare your marriage to be valid and declare you Yunho and Jaejoong , husband and wife . You may kiss the bride ."
Kiss ! 
Kiss ! 
Kiss !
The only word that was playing around in my mind . 
I'm going to lose my first kiss ! My love of my life was going to take my first kiss ! My secretly crush was going to take my first kiss ! My husband was going to take my first my first kiss ! 
"Jae ? May I ?" , Yunho asked softly as he leaned down to capture my lips . His hands were wrapped around my skinny waist and his face were just inches away .
I nodded unconsciously and closed my eyes slowly . 
It was just a peck . Just a peck . Just a peck . Just a peck . Just his lips touching mine . No big deal . Kim Jaejoong , relax ! No wait , it's Jung Jaejoong now ..
And there , Chup ! His lips were on mine . But what happened next was totally unexpected . I could feel that Yunho was biting my lips softly and it - asking for entrance . I opened my eyes in shock and let out a gasp . Yunho took this chance to slide in his tongue and explore my mouth . After a few moments , I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss . My arms were wrapped around his neck to deepen the kiss . We were totally in our own world until-
"Ehem ! *coughcough*" , ... there was a distraction from the priest . 
I broke the kiss abruptly but still in Yunho's arms as he held me tightly . There was a string of saliva connecting our lips that made me blushed . He wiped it with his thumb and a smirk was on his face . I quickly pushed him away and looked down . Felt completely embarrassed because we were making out in front of the priest and the guests . 
"Ladies and gentlemen , I now present to you , Jung Yunho and Jung Jaejoong ."
With that , both Yunho and I turned around to face the guests - Mr Jung Jinwoon , Mrs Jung Jessica , Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu . 
Mrs Jung and Junsu was tearing and as soon as I reached them , they quickly pulled me into a bone-crashing hug . I was nearly choke to death but I was happy . 
Happy because I could make other people happy . Happy because I have these people in my life now . Happy because I'm married to the love of my life . Happy because I thought I could finally have my happily ever after .. Or so I thought . 
"Jaejoong-ah , thank you so much . I don't know how to thank you more . You save Jung Corp . You are such an angel to my family . You make me so happy Jaejoong-ah . Thank you . I promised that Yunho will take a very good care of you . If he does not want to , I'll force him to !" , Mrs Jung said in tears . 
"Umma .." , Yunho whined . "I'll take care of him Umma . He's my wife now ." , he said while wrapped his arm around my shoulders . 
I blushed in happiness . 
"Make sure you do ." , with that , Mrs Jung left and went to his husband side .
"Jae-ah , you're married now . You'll live with your husband . You're going to leave me alone . How am I going to live without you Jae ? You do know how much I hate to be alone right ?" , Junsu said to me - sobbing hard . 
"You'll be fine Junsu . I promise . Besides , we will see each other at school . And you can come visit us every weekend . Don't cry . I feel really bad ." , I said as I hugged him .
I'm going to miss this dolphin of mine . He was the one who always there for me through thick and thin . I started to tear up once again .
"Pabo . Always feel bad for others . Be a badass sometimes Jae ."
I chuckeled .
"I'm going to miss you Jae ." , he said after we broke the hug .
"I'm going to miss you more ." , I said as I wiped his tears . Suddenly , an idea came across my mind . "Oh ! What if you invite Yoochun to live with you so that you won't be alone anymore ? I can see that you guys have become closer ." , I suggested . 
Yoochun was smiling widely at my suggestion while Junsu was thinking about it . "Yoochun-ah , can you ?" , Junsu asked after a moment . 
"Of course !" , Yoochun answered without a second thought . 
"It's settled then ." , I smiled at both of them .
"Congratulations Jae ." , Yoochun said as he hugged me . "Thank you , my friend ." , he whispered at my ear . 
I smiled . "You better take good care of him , Park ." 
"I will Kim . Oh wait , what I meant was 'Jung' ." , he chuckeled . 
I hit his back a bit hard . "Shut up !" , I blushed and snuggled deeper on his shoulder to hid it - even though there was no one who can actually saw it .
"Okay okay , I think that's enough . He is my wife now Park Yoochun . Let go of him ." , Yunho's voice was finally heard . 
Wait , is that jealousy in his voice ?
I broke the hug and Yoochun turned to face his best friend . "Whoa ! Dude ! Jealous ? Awwww looks like the almighty Jung Yunho has finally fall in love ." , Yoochun said playfully . 
"Shut up Park ! Or I'll beat the crap out of you ." , Yunho glared at Yoochun . 
"Haha chill man ! Anyway , congratulation . I never thought that you would actually married this early ." , Yoochun said . Then he turned to look at me and back to Yunho . "I hope both of you will get your happy endings . Cherish your partner forever . Good luck for your new lives ." , Yoochun wished us . 
"Thank you Yoochun-ah ." , I said . 
"Thanks Chun ." , Yunho said as he hugged me from behind . 
With that , Yoosu left us to I-don't-care-where . Still in that position - with Yunho hugging me from behind , Yunho whispered to me . "I took the vow from the internet . I could not believe that you actually prepare the same vow ." , he chuckeled . 
I was right . The vow did not come from his heart . 
My heart shattered . I felt like crying . But I didn't . Instead , I smiled at him . " I was shocked too ."
"And Jaejoong-ah , that must be your first kiss , right ?" , he smirked . 
I looked down , blushing hard once again . 
"Don't be shy . Oh , I must say that I enjoyed it ."
I blushed even harder . My heart was beating uncotrollably . Damn heart . I struggled to get out of his arms . 
"Okay okay . I'm sorry ." , he said , and I stopped struggling . I sighed . 
I always lose to him ..
"Oh , Jung Jaejoong , you look great . I wonder how do you actually look behind the sunglasses and the long bangs .."
That's it , my knees weaken at the compliment and at the name he called me . Thank god he was wrapping his arms around me tight , or else , I would be on the floor . 
"Okay Romeo and Julliete . Stop the mushiness . We're heading back home now . Yunho , take your wife to your new home ." , Mr Jung said to us , breaking the romantic environment .
"Yes Appa ."
After an hour , we arrived at our new home . Before , we stopped at my apartment first to take my things . Yunho kept on begging me to enter my apartment but I forced him to wait for me outside . There was no way in hell I would let him enter my apartment again ..
As we entered the house , I could sense a change in Yunho's face . 
"What's wrong Yunho ?" , I asked . 
"There's no need for me to act anymore . We will act only in front of my parents and others ." , he turned to me expressionless . 
I could feel the world around me stop . I forgot how to breathe . My heart forgot how to beat . My mind forgot how to think . 
"A-act ? W-what d-do you m-mean ?"

Haha I just love cliffhangers ;)

I'll update again soon . Wait for it okay ? :)

Oh , this is how Yunho looks like :

And this is their wedding rings :


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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(