Chapter Seven !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?" , Junsu shouted . 
Okay , let me remind you , this guy over here , is a dolphin and he was sitting next to me . What would you feel if you are here at my place ?
"FOR GOD'S SAKE KIM JUNSU , DON'T MAKE ME DEAF !" , I shouted back . 
"S-sorry . But 798.5 million won ?! MILLION WON ?!" , he still couldn't believe it . 
"Yes , Junsu . 798.5 million won ."
"How ?"
"You can say that Jung Corp is mine now ." 
"JUNG CORP ????! Oh My Duck !!!" , again , he shouted .
"I am right here Kim Junsu . You don't have to shout !" , I glared at him . 
"S-sorry . But , Jaejoong-ah , are you sure ? I find it a little bit impossible . I know you like that Jung Yunho but-"
"You know ? HOLY DOLPHIN !" , now , I'm the one who shouted .
"Y-yes ."
"Am I that obvious ?"
"Not really . Thanks to that long bangs of yours . I just know because I hapened to took your math notebook and I saw thousands of Yunho's name in it ."
I blushed .
"KYAAAAAAAA WHY YOU SO BEAUTIFUL ?" , Junsu squealed as he saw my pink cheeks . "I swear Kim Jaejoong , if you're not my cousin , I'll marry you ." , he said . 
I gave him my what-the- look and he just grinned . 
"Now , can I continue ?" 
"Of course ."
Then , I told him everything that happened in Jung's mansion . EVERYTHING . The contain of the will , my marriage with Yunho , the Jung Family reaction , the invitation of Mr and Mrs Jung about me staying with them , Yunho's outburst and the moment when Mrs Jung's saw my face . Junsu kept quiet at the whole time . I knew that he had thousands of question , but he knew that I hated someone who cut off my words . 
"... Then , I ran out of the meeting room before she said something . Or worse , showed my face to Mr Jung and Yunho ." , I ended my story . 
"The end ?" , he asked . 
"Yup , the end . Now , questions ?"
"Jaejoong-ah , we're cousins right ? Do share some of your wealth with me , okay ? And why didn't you want to marry Jung Yunho ? You like him , don't you ? Oh well , I support you , if you don't want to . He's such a damn bastard . I don't like him . Besides , you can own Jung Corp just like that . Don't mind him . WHY ON EARTH DID YOU WANT TO RETURN THE WEALTH ? Something is wrong with your brain dude . Oh and , are you gonna stay with the Jungs ? Don't leave me alone Jae . Oh why the hell did you run away ? She love your face right ? Oh trust me Kim Jaejoong , Mrs Jung gonna ask for divorce from his husband just to be with you . Plus , why did -"
"We'll continue this matter tomorrow okay ? Let's go to sleep . It's late . We got school tomorrow . Good night ." , I said as I yawned and left to my room . 
"JAE !" , he shouted , just before I slammed my door shut .
Geez , that cousin of mine , sure do talk AND SHOUT a lot , right ? It's not like I hate the dolphin voice of his :)
The next day !
We got off the bus and I tried to ignore Junsu who kept on bugging on me like a bug .
"Jae , come on . You didn't answer my question yet . You said that we would talk about that today ." , he whined . 
I still ignore him and walked towards the entrance of Dong Bang High School . There , I saw Jung Yunho , the heir of Jung Corp , the Kingka of Dong Bang High School , my crush and my maybe soon-to-be husband . He was talking with his best friend , the one who helped me up yesterday .
Wait !
"Junsu-ah , do you know that he knows you ?"
"Huh ? Who ?"
"Yunho . He knows you ."
"EEEPP , the Kingka knows me ?" , he said , quite loud . Thank god there's no one around us .
"Yah ! Quiet down . Yes , well , not that he knows you . He said that his bestfriend always talk about you . That's how he knows a bit about you ." , I said , tried to explain . 
He nodded . "That one ?" , he asked wile pointing to the guy beside Yunho .
"I don't know . I guess so ."
"I hope he's the one . He's kind of cute ." , he giggled like a fangirl . 
"Awwww Kim Junsu , I thought you like me ." , I pouted playfully .
"Not now . With that nerdy look of yours , everyone will run away . Trust me ." , he said , rolling his eyes . 
"But you don't ."
"Because I'm an angel in disguise ." , he winked . 
It's my turn to rolled my eyes . "Let's go to class ."
Yunho's POV : 
I was talking with Yoochun when I happened to see the nerd boy walked into the school compound with his friend , I guess . 
Or is that Kim Junsu , his cousin ? I remembered him mentioned about his cousin yesterday . 
"Yoochun-ah , that is your duckbutt , right ?" , I asked . 
Yoochun quickly turned to the direction I was looking at and he squealed . 
"Oh my ducky dolphin . He's so cute !" 
"Dolphin ?" , I asked . "I get the duck part , but dolphin ?"
"Haven't you hear his voice ? His voice just like a dolphin ."
I rolled my eyes . "And I believe the nerd guy that I knocked over yesterday is his cousin , right ?"
"You mean the one that is walking with my Junsu ?"
I nodded . 
"I don't know . Maybe ?" 
"Well , that is his cousin . I know that nerd boy ." , I said . 
"You do ?" 
"Yeah , I'll tell you later . Let's go to class ." , I said , as I dragged him to class . 
Lunch break ! At the cafeteria !
"You have to marry that nerd boy ?" , Yoochun asked as soon as I ended my story-telling . 
I sighed and nodded . 
"Or else , you're gonna lose the company ?"
I nodded again . 
"And you said those harsh word and he heard you ?"
I nodded again . 
"Man , I pity your life ."
I sighed again . 
"Told you , your life partner will be decided ." , he said . 
"Shut up Chun ." , I glared at him . "But , what should I do ? If you were me , what will you do ?" , I asked . 
"Just now you asked me to shut up and now you're asking my opinion ."
"Just answer me ."
"If I was you , I'll agree to it ."
"What ? Are you freaking insane ?" , I asked , quite loud that gain many attentions . "Why ?" , I whispered . 
"Firstly , based on his attitude yesterday and your story , I can see that he's a nice guy . Plus , your father was right Yunho , if it was someone else , that person won't think twice about taking the offer . Second , if you don't agree to it , you'll become poor just in a blink of an eye . If you only depend on the assets , it's not enough . The source of income in your family is the company . Besides , you don't want the Jung Corp to turn into Kim Corp , right ? Third , who knows that behind those thick glasses and long bangs , he actually not that bad ? Don't judge him by his current appearance . Fourth , he is Junsu's cousin ." , he said and grinned at his last sentence . 
"What ? You agree to marry him because he is Junsu's cousin ? Not because he is Junsu ? I thought you like Junsu ." , I gave him a look . 
"Ah ! That's right ! Stupid me . Oh but you're wrong . I don't like him . I love him ."
"Whatever . But thanks buddy . You kind of helped me ."
"No problem dude , oh look ! That soon-to-be husband of yours ! With my baby !" , he said as he looked at the cafeteria's door . 
I turned around and saw them . I looked at the nerd boy and I don't know what has got into me , I shouted his name . 
"Kim Jaejoong !"
The cafeteria fell into total silence at once . I guess everyone was shocked because , I , the Kingka of the school just called him , a freaking nerd looking guy . 
He looked back at me . I couldn't read his expression because of his long bangs that cover up half of his face . And those thick glasses didn't even help me . 
He looked to his cousin and his cousin kind of motioned him to come to me . He shook his head but his cousin grabbed his hand and dragged him to my table . By the corner of my eyes , I could see that Yoochun was extremely happy . 
"Hey !" , Junsu greeted . 
"H-hi ." , Yoochun stuttered while grinning like an idiot . I rolled my eyes and smiled at Junsu . 
Then , I looked at Jaejoong and smiled at him . Still , I couldn't see his reaction , thanks to his long bangs . "Look , I want to apologise for my harsh word yesterday . Forgive me , okay ?" 
The nerd boy gasped . I guess he was shocked . Then , slowly he nodded . 
And again , I didn't know what has got into me , I stood up . And I hugged him . Gasped could heard everywhere .
Yes , I freaking hug this nerd boy !
With my arms wrapped around his slender waist and his face n my chest , I thought that I just hugged a girl . I took a deep breath and his scent came into my nose . 
Vanilla . Sweet Vanilla . I like it . 
"*coughcough*" , Yoochun faked a cough and I hurriedly broke the hug . 
"Err sorry . Thanks for forgiving me ." , I said as flashed out my famous smile .
His lips curved upwards and he bowed down . Then , he dragged Junsu and left our table . 
"Man , what was that for ?" , Yoochun asked as they left the cafeteria . 
"As a gratitude for him , since he frogive me ." , I answered . 
"Yunho , I know you . Tell me , that's not it , right ?" , he asked . 
I sighed . "I don't know Chun . There's suddenly this feeling inside me . A very weird feeling that made me want to hug him ." , I said . 
"Usually , I would say that it was love . But in your situation , it's kind of impossible for it to be love ."
"I know right . Come on , finish up your food . Lunch break almost over ." , I said . 
Yoochun nodded and continue to eat . 
What has got into me actually ?

I just feel like it was lacked of Yunjae-ness , so I put that moments ;)

Sorry of this chapter took long enough . 

I tried to update a new chapter , okay ? :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(