Chapter Fourteen !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Yunho's POV : 
What the hell is he doing ? It has been an hour since he got out to Jaejoong's room . He went there just to give clothes , right ? What took him so long ?
I groaned and stood up from my bed . I walked to out and head to the guest room where Jaejoong stayed . In front of his door , I stopped . 
Should I go in ? Should I knock first ? But Yoochun is in there , right ? It doesn't matter , because this is my house ! I guess I just barged in . But wait , what if he is changing right now ? But it has been an hour ! Besides , Yoochun is in there ! ...Right ? What if he's not ? Wait , this is my house . I can do whatever I want to . So I guess , I just go inside . But , it's a little inappropriate . Pssshh he's a man ! A MAN ! What is there that inappropriate . I have what he has , right . We both man ! But ..
All those words , kept on bugging me in my head . I don't know what to do and unconsciously , I've been standing in front of the room for almost 10 minutes . 
"I LOVE YOU JAEJOONG-AH !!!" , a shout was heard . 
I gasped . Park Yoochun !
Without thinking any further , I opened the door and saw my two friends , hugging ! With Jaejoong's back facing me . 
"What the hell is happening here ???" , I said , without knowing that my voice was quite loud .
Jaejoong's POV : 
"Yunho .." , Yoochun said , near my ear since we're still hugging .
I gasped . 
"What the hell is happening here ???" , Yunho said , behind me . 
Quickly , I pushed Yoochun away and pushed down my bangs to hide face . Wait ! The glasses !
Without turning to back to Yunho , I walked to the dressing table and took my glasses . I wore it , then I turned to Yunho . 
"What the hell is happening here ?" , he repeated his question . 
"Uhhhh.." , I didn't know what to answer until Yoochun answered it for both of us . 
"Nothing ." 
I widen my covered eyes to Yoochun . Geez , he's not helping at all . 
"What do you mean by nothing ?" , Yunho asked . "You were hugging my future husband , Park Yoochun ! And your love confession is not helping at all !" , he said . 
Did he just say that I'm his future husband ? Again ? Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! , I screamed in my thoughts with my head hang low - trying to cover my blush . 
"Whoa ! Yunho ! Firstly , you know nothing man ! Second , confessed my love ? To Jaejoong ? I thought you knew who the hell I love ! Third , HE's NOT YOUR FREAKING FUTURE HUSBAND !! Stop calling him that ! Do you want to marry him that much ?" , Yoochun spat on him . 
I blushed harder . Aish ! Yoochun-ah , do you have to ask him that ?
"T-that's not what I mean ! A-aish ! What took you so long ? It has been an hour !" , he changed the topic . 
Before Yoochun could answer him , I said , "Yoochun-ah , it's late already . You should go to sleep . We got school tomorrow ." 
"You want me to sleep with you ? You know , we can continue .." , Yoochun asked me but his sentence was cut off by Yunho . 
"Continue what ? Yah ! Park Yoochun , you sleep with me like usual and that's final . Hurry ! Jaejoong wants to sleep already ."
Yoochun sighed . "I leave then . Good night Jaejoong-ah ." , he said as he walked towards me and whispered , "Just stay still , I want to see his reaction ."
"What do you-" 
Chup !
It took me seconds to realize that Yoochun just kissed me on my cheek . 
"YAH !" , Yunho shouted and dragged Yoochun out of the room . 
Just before the door closed , Yoochun shouted to me , "Good night Jaejoong-ah . Sweet dream !" 
BAM ! The door was slam closed . 
Click ! It was opened again . Yunho took a peak inside the room and smiled at me , "Good night ." 
I smiled back and wished him good night too . 
After the door was closed , I walked to the bed and lay down . 
Was that jealousy ? Was he jealous of Yoochun ? Is he like me ?
I fell into a deep slumber with those unanswered questions . 
Yunho's POV : 
What the hell is wrong with me ? Was I jealous seeing Jaejoong in Yoochun's arms ? Was I jealous seeing Yoochun kissed Jaejoong's cheek ? Why did I call Jaejoong my future husband ? Do I want to marry him that much ? Am I starting to like him ?
Pssshh what the hell am I thinking ? Of course not . I don't even know his face . Maybe he's just an ugly dude who came from nowhere . But no matter what , he is still my friend .
"Yah ! Jung Yunho ! Are you going to stand there forever ?" , Yoochun's voice snapped me out of my thoughts . 
I sighed and walked to the bed .
"Yunho-ah , do you like him ?" 
"No ! Of course not ! So not ! Trust me ! NO !" , I said , raising my voice to him . 
"In your case , I can accept that . Since you see his appearance like that , I can understand why you don't like him . In fact , a half-blind man also won't fall for him . But let me tell you something - If I were you , you as in Jung Yunho , who currently single and have no love interest , I'll date Jaejoong . Since I know him more than you do . He's an angel in disguise , inside and outside ."
What the hell is wrong with Park Yoochun ? A guy like that he called an angel ? And I thought he likes Junsu ?
"Psssh angel ? Inside and outside ? I can accept the inside one , but outside ? Puahahahah yah ! Park Yoochun ! Didn't you see his appearance ? Man , there's no way an angel will look like that . No way ! He looked so... unattractive ! With the big glasses and long bangs . Yuck ! Oh wait , I thought you like Junsu ?" , I rolled my eyes . 
"Yah ! Jung Yunho , he's our friend , okay ! OUR FRIEND ! Don't say stuff like that about him !That's why Yunho , that's why I said I know him more than you do . And about Junsu - Nope . I don't like him . I love him . I love him so much even though he didn't ."
"Then , what's up with the love confession ?" , I asked , not bringing up about Jaejoong's looks anymore . 
"What love confession ? I didn't confess my love to Junsu yet ."
"No , what I mean is , your love confession towards Jaejoong ."
"Whoa ! Man , I love Junsu okay . Even though I said Jaejoong is an angel , I still love Junsu . Just Junsu . I didn't confess my love to Jaejoong . I didn't and I'm not planning to ."
"I heard you .." , I said , almost whispering since I was doubting whether I'm the one who's wrong or Yoochun already forget about it . 
Even though I was whispering , Yoochun could still catch my words , "Heard me ? What did you hear ?" 
"I heard you shouting 'I love you' to Jaejoong before I barged into the room ." 
Yoochun looked like he was recalling something before he snapped out , "Ah ! That one . Pffttt hahaha Yunho-ah . It's nothing . Really . Don't worry , okay ? I won't snatch your future husband ." , he said , laughing .
"Aish ! He's not my future husband .." , I groaned . 
"Remind me who was the one who claimed Jaejoong as his future husband just now ?" , he stuck out his tongue . 
"It slipped out unconsciously . I didn't mean to ." 
"Yeah yeah , whatever ." , he said mockingly before switched off the light and lay down to sleep . 
I lay down next to him . My mind couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the room between Yoochun and Jaejoong . Somehoow , I feel uneasy . 
Yes , I'm positive that I don't like Jaejoong . How can I ? He looks so ugly . There's no way I will fall for him . Not in a million year . He's nice . Jaejoong is very nice . But , his looks .. his appearance .. *sigh* I want someone who is beautiful . Yes , beautiful . And when I say beautiful , it means a woman . A woman who could give me children . But Jaejoong is a guy , he can't get pregnant . Plus , his appearance .. *sigh* I guess I couldn't stop imagining Jaejoong's feature . 
Jaejoong-ah , too bad that your looks didn't match with your personality .. Let's stay as friends forever , okay ?
With that , I fall asleep . Without knowing that something not good will happen tomorrow . 

I'm back ! 

Readers , I am so sorry ... I really am . 

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(