Chapter Twenty-Seven !

Two-Timer ! O.o

Jaejoong’s POV :


It had been four days since the accident and Yunho didn’t show any signs of waking up. Apart from my very first visit at the ICU, I had never been into his room again. I just stood there waiting in the hallway and never thought of leaving. Looked at the door for a doctor to come out and tell me that he was awake.  


I could never bring myself to leave the building, even the floor. I could never bring myself to stop thinking that I caused this.


Yunho was dying because of me..


Mrs Jung called the school and told them about the accident and Mr Jung called in everyday to make excuses for me. Both of them knew there was nothing they could do to make me leave.


The doctor told Mr Jung that he should consider pulling off the plug. If it was not for Mr Jung, I would have been escorted out of the ground for punching the hell out of the doctor.


Today was just another day. I sat on the plastic chair and waiting for something that seemed to be impossible. But no, I knew deep down he would survive this. I knew it.


After contemplated for a million and three times this hour, I stood up and made my way to his room for the second time since the tragedy.


Yunho’s POV :


I didn’t know how long had it been. However, as time passes, I could almost aware of everything that happened around me.


But why couldn’t I wake up?


And where was he? Everyone came. My parents, Yoochun and even Junsu came to visit me. Other than the time right after the surgery, I’ve never felt him anymore. Why didn’t he come to see me? Did he leave? Was he okay?


I heard the door opened and tried to force myself wake up to consciousness and I couldn’t. I didn’t know what was wrong but I just couldn’t wake up. It felt like I was trapped in this dark place and couldn’t find my way out.


Am I never going to be awake?


And there he was. I could feel someone leaned down close to my face and his scent penetrate my mind. It was that unique scent of Vanilla.


“Hey.” He whispered. His lips were just above mine.


Jae? Was that you?


“Why aren’t you waking up?” I want to. I really do. Wake me up.


“Is this some kind of sick revenge to punish me?” What are you talking about?


“Are you blaming me for making you endure this horrible pain?” What? No. Jae-


“I promised Appa that I will be here for you but I only got the guts to come in after four days. Yes, four days Yunho-ah. How long are you going to keep this drama princess act? It’s getting really old.” Stop. I want to wake up but I can’t.


“I’ve been waiting for you all this while Yun, I didn’t even leave the hospital ground. I was getting nightmares when I fell asleep at the hallway and you weren’t there to hold me. I need you to keep me sane Yunho-ah. I need you to keep all the evils in this world away from me.” I-I’m sorry. I gave you my word to be there for you when you need me but I can’t right now.


“Fine. We’ll do this the typical way. You want a ing love confession at your death bed just like in those dramas we watch every Saturday nights?” Are you giving up on me?


“And all those dramas have clichés where the person wakes up after the confession. So you better open your gorgeous green eyes and look at me in the eye. If you don’t like me and hate me for having these feelings for you, then wake up and tell me right to my face.” Jae-


“Jung Yunho, I had a crush on you since forever and I never ever – not once thought the day would come where I am sitting here as your husband. Who wouldn’t like you? You’re hot, rich, incredibly handsome and practically everyone’s wet dream. But I know there’s something more about you in the inside Yunho. Even though I’m ugly, you still protect me at school, you still want to be my friend and I know you feel bad for not being a perfect husband for me. And I know because of my horrible look, you can’t bring yourself to love me. I understand. You are disgusted by me and even so, you hold me at night away from my demons without questions and protests. And I love you for that Jung Yunho. You’re an with a big heart” I could practically see him smiling.


I didn’t know what to think. It felt like all emotions were swimming around and my heart ache from the over-bearing feelings.


He was right, I was disgusted by him, I didn’t love him, so what were these feelings then?


“Excuse me sir? Your time is up.” A distance voice could be heard – perhaps it was the nurse.


“Can you give me another five minutes please? Just five minutes. I’m not done yet. Please?”


“Just five.”


“Thank you.”


I could hear his movements as he sat on the chair next to my bed and took my hand in his. He brought it to his face and my palm brushed against his soft cheek. The familiar face structure could be felt against my dry skin.


I was loving the feelings of his face when I could hardly imagine how he looked like.


Then why did his appearance was an issue?


And my heart started to beat faster than it was for the last few days. I could feel that my body was regaining its consciousness. I was waking up!


Jaejoong’s POV :


With my his hand touching my cheek, I begged him to wake up.


“Wake up now please. You’re scaring everyone. Umma, Appa, Yoochun and yes, Junsu too. Not to mention me. I’m terrified Yunho-ah. I’m freaking terrified to death. Open your eyes and put me at ease will you? If- if you do, I’ll grant you your wish. I’ll show you my real ..”


And that was the moment where I could feel his hand grip my softly. I could feel his movement I swear! I started to hyperventilate when the machine connected to his heart beeping furiously. Not a moment too soon, a doctor and a couple of nurses barged into the room and I was pushed aside.


“What’s wrong? Is- is he okay?” I couldn’t help but to ask even though I was pretty sure no one would answer me. One of the nurses pushed me out of the room gently and told me to wait at the hallway.


I was just about to sit when Mr and Mrs Jung, Yoochun and Junsu came running, looking frantically at me.


“What happened? We saw the doctor rushing in.”


I just shook my head and not say anything.


After half an hour, the doctor came out and all of us were up on our feet within the second. None of us voiced out the obvious question, too afraid for the answer.


“He’s awake.” The doctor said and for the first time since Yunho was brought in, I felt like kissing the guy in the white long coat.


“I’ve done a few quick tests and send out some samples to the lab, we are still waiting for the results. So far, there is nothing wrong with him. He is an extremely lucky guy. If the tests results come out with no problems whatsoever, he is allowed to go home by in three days. However, since he banged up his head pretty hard, we don’t want to take any risks and expect him to come back in two weeks for further check up. I believe someone will tend him at home?”


I nodded eagerly. “Yeah, I’m his husband. I’ll take care of him.”


To my credit, the doctor didn’t even flinch at my statement and just nodded at me. “He will be transported to a regular room and I believe you want to put him a VIP room?” All of us nodded. “You can see him there. The nurse will come and take you. But the patient needs to rest so keep it low for a moment. Roger the nurse if you need me.”


“Thank you so much doctor.” I pulled Junsu into my embrace and cried the tears of joy. He shed a couple of teardrops too and everyone was at glee.


Not long after that, a nurse came to us and led us to the sixth floor where the VIP wards were located. I was feeling giddy and I thought I might burst with all the joy and excitement I was feeling. Mrs Jung was gripping my hand so tight and I could feel her happiness radiated all over the place.


She looked at me with soft eyes and said in low voice, preventing the others to hear, “I have a disturbing feeling that Yunho woke up because of you. You went to his room just before he regained conscious right? I knew you were the one for my son.” She smiled.


I took comfort in her words.


The nurse opened the door to his room and everyone was greeted with Yunho’s smile. Mr and Mrs Jung practically ran to his bed and started to smother him like mother hens. Yoochun squeezed my arm and left me and Junsu at the door to join the three Jungs. I kept my hand in Junsu’s and couldn’t stop smiling at the scene.


There was no word could describe my feelings at the moment.


“Jae?” I heard him called me.


I walked slowly to him and stood next to his bed, wasn’t sure what to do.


“Here, lean in closer.”


I leaned in until my face was centimeters apart from his. “Hey. How are you feeling?” My voice was so low as I was afraid I might hurt him even more.


“Better. But you look like Jae.” I chuckled. He brought up his hand to caress my face but I pulled away quickly. He was surprised by my action.


No, he couldn’t. This was not a dark place. He could see my real face clearly and I-I wasn’t ready. I looked around and realized that everyone in this room had seen my real look aside from Yunho. They were shifting uncomfortably.


“What? Why?” Yunho couldn’t understand why I was being like this.


I shook my head, “Get some rest Yunho-ah. You need it.”


“Yes honey, the doctor said that if everything goes well, you could be home In a few days. We cant wait to get you out of this place.” Mrs Jung.


“Mmhmm okay.”


“We should go home too. Especially you Jaejoong-ah. You haven’t been home for days. I will not take no for an answer. I’ll drag you screaming and crying if I have to.” Mr Jung said.


“You’ve been here all the time?” Yunho looked at me with half-lidded eyes.


I looked down, embarrassed, trying to cover my blush – if it could be seen.


“No wonder you look like .” He mumbled and surrendered to the heavy medicines he was on.


The others started to depart and I told Mrs Jung and Mr Jung that I needed a few minutes with Yunho. They agreed and made me swear that I would go down and went home with them . I swore without looking at them as I fixed my eyes on the only guy that mattered at the time being.


When I heard the door clicked shut, I looked at the sleeping body and whispered, “You have no idea how I feel right now. Thank you for waking up. I’ll be what you want me to be Yun. Almost losing you make me think that you are worth it. I’ll make you fall in love with me. Even if I have to be someone else.”


I caress his bruised cheek and placed a soft sweet kiss on his lips.


“I love you.”


I turned around and walked out the door with plans and determination set in my head.


Yunho’s POV :


I opened my eyes and took a deep breath .


I don’t think you need to do that Jae. You don’t have to be someone else.


I am not too sure, but almost losing my life make me think that maybe.. just maybe..


I already in love with you. The ugly nerd you.


Hey . This is the chapter that I should've posted yesterday but I didn't . I couldn't actually. I don't know why but it didnt work . I've tried to post the chapter many times but it wouldnt save . Am I the only one experiencing this ? Is this normal ? Am I being blocked or something ? Someone experienced this before ?

Well anyway,

Here's the chapter !! Again what do you think ? Yunho finally comes into his senses huh ? Aigoo , why so slow Yunho-ah ? xD

The real deal is coming up real soon maybe in two chapters . I've already finished the next chapter , but I am not going to post it now . Maybe tonight ? I'm going to let you take in this chapter and get all excited first . I just love doing this to my readers . Cliff- hangers , temporary excitemets etc etc .

Don't be mad . I love you all . 

And sorry for the delay . I really am . I just didn't know what happened .



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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(