Chapter Four !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
What the hell is happening ?
Can you believe it ? I'm a Millionaire ! A freaking millionaire ! 798.5 million won ! Holy crap !
And did you hear it ? It's the damn huge Jung Corp . None other than Jung Corp !
And the best part , I'm marrying my crush ??
I looked at the faces in front of me . Looked at Mr and Mrs Jung . And looked at my crush , Jung Yunho . 
"Kim Jae-" , Mr Jung called for me . 
But I cut him off , "So , I have to change Jung Corp to Kim Corp now , huh ?" 
Everyone in the room widen their eyes , shocked with my statement . 
"No , no , wait , I'm just kidding . I know the Jung family work very hard for the company . And there's no way I'm taking it from you . I may be a normal commoner who have to work my off for living , but I'm not taking what's not mine . Look , I don't really know you . And I don't want this wealth ! Okay , that's a lie . I do want it , but not like this ! I came from nowhere and suddenly all this things is mine ? All the money is mine ? JUNG CORP IS MINE ? That's insane ! I want to gain my success on my own ! And I'm not marrying Jung Yunho ! No offense , Yunho-ssi . You are drop-dead gorgeous with that small handsome face , y and romantic green eyes with a touch of hazel in them , square-jawed , stubborn chin , pinkish lips , tanned and muscular .."
Oops , that's too much huh ?
"... But I'm 18 ! I want a happy family . Marrying a lady and have kids ! So please , take back all this wealth , I don't need them !" 
I said and ended my long speech . 
Everyone looked at me with an unknown expression . I gave my best smile to them . As I was about to turn and leave the room , a voice called for me .
"Wait , first of all , thank you so much for the compliments ." , Yunho said . 
I looked down , tried to hide my blush . 
"Second , I don't want to marry you either . But could you please , calm down , and sit . Let's discuss about this together ." , he continued . 
"Kim Jaejoong , have a sit ." , Mrs Jung said . 
I nodded and sit down .
"Can I call you Jaejoong ?" , Mrs Jung asked me softly .
I nodded , still looked down . 
"Before we start , how is your parents ? Are they fine ? It's been a long time since we last met them ." , she asked . 
"My parents were dead 2 years ago ."
"I'm sorry for your loss ." , three of them said in unison . 
I smiled at them and said , "It's fine ."
"Then , where do live now ?" , Mr Jung asked . 
"I live with my cousin , Kim Junsu in .."
"Kim Junsu ? Duckbutt ?" , Yunho cut my words .
"Yunho-ssi , you know him ?" , I asked . 
Junsu-ah , the Kingka knows you . Whoa !
"Not really , my best buddy always talk about him ."
"Oooh .."
"Let's get to the point . Jaejoong-ah , I'm sure that you're wondering that why are you getting all this . Before that , I want to ask you dear , do you know what was your grandfather's occupation ?" , Mr Jung said .
"My father once told me that my grandfather was a policeman . He died on a mission when I was 5 ." , I answered . 
"That's right . Well , it's not really a mission actually . Your grandfather died because he saved Jung Yonghwa's life . If it's not because of your grandfather , Jung Corp won't be this big , because Jung Yonghwa might be dead at that spot ." 
I gasped . "That means , my grandfather died because he saved his bestfriend's life ?" , I asked , tearing up . 
"Yes , I'm sorry dear ."
"No , no it's okay . I guess , Jung Yonghwa must be really important to him ."
"That's why , we think that you do have right on the shares of Jung Corp ." , Mr Jung spoke out . 
"No , my grandfather was a policeman . It was his job to protect others . I don't have any right on Jung Corp . It's your family bussiness . Not mine . I have nothing to do with this ."
"Jaejoong-ah , please help us to fulfilled this will . Besides , if you don't marry Yunho , our family will lose the company . It'll become yours . Everything will become yours . You said you don't want to take it from us , right ?" , Mrs Jung pleaded . 
Yunho's POV : 
Wait , did my mom just asked him to marry me ?
"Mom !" , I raised my voice . 
"Yes , Yunho ?" , she turned to look at me . 
"You asked him to marry me ? No way ! No !" 
"I don't want to marry you either Yunho-ssi ." , the nerd said . "Mr Jung , Mrs Jung , can you please prepare some documents saying that I give all the shares of Jung Corp to Jung Yunho ? I don't need those shares ." 
"Better ." , I agreed . 
"I'm sorry dear , I'm afraid that it's impossible ." , my mother answered . 
"Oh come on mom !" , I whined . 
"Jaejoong-ah , why don't you go back home and have a rest . Think about it deeply , okay ? And we would like you to come and stay with us . Even if you decided not to marry Yunho , you're just like our son . Do consider it , okay ?" , my father said , ignored my whines . 
The nerd nodded and excuse himself . "Thank you for everything . Excuse me ."
"Of course ." , both my parents said . 
Then , the nerd left the room and I faced my two wonderful parents .
"There's no way I'm marrying that kid . And that's final ." , I said . 
"Up to you Yunho . But trust me honey , we only can survive three years with the assets that your grandfather left to us . You do realise that Jung Corp is our source of income , right ?" , my mom said . 
"But I'm 18 ! And he didn't want to marry me either ! Plus , look at him , he's ugly ! With that big glasses , ewwwwww . And his outfit , Yuck ! Not to mentioned his face , his long bangs , I hardly could see even half of his face ! And you want me to marry him ? Pffft No !"
"Mind your language Jung Yunho . I like that boy . You see , if anyone was in his place , I bet , they won't think twice about taking the offer and marry you . Everyone wants to be a part of Jung family . And that boy , he rejected it . Why ? Because he wants to stand on his own . I know that he's a nice boy . And I think that your grandfather made a right choice ."
"Pfftt please , I bet he was just acting . He just playing hard to get . But I know deep inside , he wants to conquer our wealth . Trust me . Besides , did you hear that ? He didn't want to marry me ! Why ? Because he wants all the shares of Jung Corp . 100% of it . If he marry me , he only get 30% . Can't you see how greedy he is ?"
"Enough Jung Yunho ! It's fine if you don't want to marry him . We won't force you . But don't talk like that when you know nothing about him ! His parents is the most wonderful persons we've ever met , and I know that they have teach him well . Stop insulting him !" , my mother raised her voice . Clearly showed that she's angry . 
"How did you know that they taught him well ? You haven't met them for a long time isn't it ? Their son becomes like that , I'm pretty sure that the parents also not that nice either . Being friend with rich people and took away their money . Pfft pathetic ." , I scoffed . 
"JUNG YUNHO !" , my father shouted .
Then , we heard a small thud . All of us looked at the door and saw a small figure on the floor , with his back leaned by the door and tears staining half of his face - since we can't see the upper part of his face due to his long bangs . 
We gasped . 
Nerd boy !

Sorry , if I was late . 

Gonna post the next chapter now .

Until then , enjoy ! :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(